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Seminar on de-radicalization and counter-terrorism

Seminar on de-radicalization and counter-terrorism in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs.

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Topic: Policy in developing competence of government apparatus.

Speaker: Drs. Teguh Setyabudi, M.Pd – Head of the Training-Center of the MoHA.

Topic: Political Extremism in Germany and Instruments of the State in the Fight against it.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Thomas Grumke, University of Applied Sciences for Public Andministration Nordrhein Westfalen (FHöV NRW).

Topic: Early detection efforts against the threat of terrorism in Indonesia.

Speaker: Faizal Thayeb S.I.K, Director of the Counter Terrorism Devision, State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

Topic: Identification of patterns at the internal or external environment that have the potential to become radical practices.

Speaker: Brigade General Police Ir. Hamli, ME, Director of the Prevention Devision at the National Agency for Combating Terrorism (BNPT).

Topic: Prevention against radicalism through the de-radicalism approach.

Speaker: Brigade General Police Drs. Djoko Mulyono, M.SI., Bureau of Intelligence and Security (Baintelkam).

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Jan Senkyr

Jan Senkyr bild

Advisor Foreign and Security Policy +49 30 26996-3936

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