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Against the current: Courageous people of Lebanon

Young Voices Mobile journalism workshop and competition

A two weeks’ intensive capacity building workshop aiming to develop Mobile journalism skills of young junior journalists and citizens. More than 130 applications were received and 13 participants were selected. Participants produced 9 short videos to shed the light on positive stories of young people who display a great deal of courage to make a difference for society, their communities and surrounding.

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With the pivot to online publishing, journalism have been adapting its traditional method of news gathering and publishing to suit the digital era. 
Mobile journalism is disrupting the media sector. It is a new workflow for digital storytelling. 
Reporters around the world are being trained and equipped to be fully mobile and autonomous. 
Today, most phones have the ability to shoot, edit and broadcast. 
Every day, new information and news reach us out. Citizen are not only on the receiving end but they are the content creator, they are an active participant to the media/ news scene. 
Mobile journalism facilitated citizen engagement by democratizing the process of creation, dissemination and consumption of information.

With the support of DW Akademie and Daraj Media, KAS Lebanon Office conducted a two weeks intensive training to develop mobile journalism skills of young junior journalists and citizens.
The workshop covered basic and advanced filming and editing using a mobile phone, how to build sequence, storytelling, script writing and audio. 
The teams benefited from 2 days one on one mentorship with the trainers and produced 9 videos. 3 teams won the competition and their respective videos were published on Daraj Media.  

Link of the video :

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kontaktní osoba

Nour Alwan


Projekt-Koordinatorin +961 (0)1 388 095/6


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o této sérii

Nadace Konrada Adenauera, její vzdělávací workshopy, vzdělávací centra a zahraniční kanceláře nabízejí ročně několik tisíc akcí na různá témata. O vybraných konferencích, akcích, sympóziích atd. informujeme aktuálně a exkluzivně pro vás na Zde naleznete kromě obsahového souhrnu i další materiály jako jsou obrázky, texty přednášek, video nebo audiosestřihy.

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