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Multicultural Political Challenges - Political Participation of IDPs and Ethnic Minorities in the Election Process in Iraq – Part 2

Konrad Adenauer Foundation Syria/Iraq Office and JSSOR Youth Organization establish practices guaranteeing the participation of minorities in political and civil life and especially in elections on an equal footing with others.

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Minorities in Iraq face significant obstacles to their full participation in social and political life, including entrenched socio-cultural barriers, legal discrimination, and economic marginalization. This exclusion and marginalisation affect their experience and political participation in the elections, which in turn leaves them vulnerable to the larger political blocs. Powerful political blocs exert pressure on minorities in return for their support of their programmes and this is exasperated by the lack of organized political parties through which minorities can have a voice in politics.

Iraq’s electoral law presently reserves nine seats in the 325-member Council of Representatives for minority candidates. These seats are allocated to specific governorates and only voters residing in the governorates in question can vote for them. This format specifically disadvantages minority communities as they are dispersed across many different areas, which dilute their votes.

Another weakness exhibited by the system of reserved seats is that any voter can vote for candidates campaigning for the minority seats, allowing non-minorities to influence the outcome by voting for candidates who sympathize with them. In the 2014 elections there were allegations that parties were being established by non-minorities in order to campaign for reserved seats. Meaningful participation of minorities in politics is therefore restricted by the dominance of the mainstream political parties.

The research identified key facts and barriers that restrict minorities’ political participation in Iraq, focusing on the election law and its impact on the representation of minority communities. This is vital to understand how to guarantee fair elections and fair representation through the current quota system, in a way that ensures the representation of minority interests. The research aimed to suggest evidence-based policies and examples of successful practices that can be shared and utilised by all.

The research successfully mapped the clearest routes for increased participation and the shortest routes for solving problems faced by minorities; found the best and most efficient examples of good practice; mapped the supportive measures and strategies that would enhance representation and participation and promote non-discrimination; and finally made recommendations for enhancing minorities’ political rights, and prompt decision-makers to adopt research informed policies.


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