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Der Morgen danach
Serbien hat gewählt
Das Europabüro der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung freut sich sehr, Sie zum nächsten Event unseres Veranstaltungsformates “Der Morgen danach” einladen zu dürfen. In diesem Online-Format begleiten wir die Parlaments- und/oder Präsidentschaftswahlen in europäischen Staaten und tauschen uns jeweils am Morgen nach der Wahl mit unseren KAS-Kolleginnen und Kollegen vor Ort über die wichtigsten Entwicklungen am Wahltag aus. Dieses Mal blicken wir auf Serbien, wo am 17. Dezember vorgezogene Parlamentswahlen stattfinden.
Event Review: KAS-BDI Single Market Workshop III
The Complexities of EU Corporate Taxation
Central and Eastern Europe vis-à-vis Russia and Ukraine after the War
How to Secure Europe's Eastern Flank?
Event Review: EU Stability and Growth Pact
EU budget and the municipal and local economic setting in Europe
Last Wednesday, 29th November, we were pleased to host the panel discussion “EU Stability and Growth Pact: EU budget and the municipal and local economic setting in Europe” in cooperation with Deutscher Städte- und Gemeindebund and Finanzgruppe Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband in the European Parliament. The Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) aims at promoting economic stability across the European Union by reducing budget deficits and debt-to-GDP ratios. In April of this year, the European Commission has set out a new fiscal governance proposal that is expected to be implemented in the coming year. This proposal entails various new approaches such as a country-by-country debt sustainability analysis. The above-mentioned developments served as an opportunity to analyze said proposal and to deliberate about possible refinements. Consequently, the fruitful discussion amongst the 10 distinguished speakers and the engaged audience underlined that the SGP must be more assertive and that a further increase in debt within the member states must be prevented. Nevertheless, it was agreed that reducing debt must not prevent the urgently needed investments into the future of the European market economies. It was a particular honour to have MEP Niclas Herbst with us who not only provided valuable insights from the Parliament’s perspective but also served as a moderator. Moreover, Tim Peter from our Berlin office presented his analysis of the Commission’s fiscal governance proposal and highlighted that it must be questioned whether said proposal will be efficient in tackling the issues at hand.
Event Review: The Rising Challenge of Disinformation
And its impact on the upcoming 2024 European Election
Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting an event on the rising challenge of disinformation and its impact on the upcoming 2024 European Election 🇪🇺, in collaboration with the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW). Our panelists: Matthias Diermeier (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft), Sabrina Spieleder (European External Action Service - EEAS), and Rasa Juknevičienė, MEP shared valuable insights from practical and as well as academic perspective. They engaged in a thought-provoking discussion led by moderator Julian Sommer (German Economic Institute), addressing the current status quo, challenges, and opportunities. 🗣️ Additionally, Madame Ambassador Daniela Morari from the Mission of the Republic of Moldova to the EU offered unique perspectives based on Moldova's experiences with Russian disinformation campaigns.
Counting Down to the 2024 U.S. Elections
A Year in different Perspectives
As the 2024 U.S. Elections approach, the European Union (EU) is keenly aware of the potential ramifications these elections might have on its future and the longstanding transatlantic relation-ship. The historic bond between the U.S. and the EU, founded on mutual values and collaborative endeavors, is at a juncture. The election results could either bolster the principles of multilateral-ism and international alliances, reminiscent of the Biden era, or lead to a shift in U.S. foreign poli-cy that might challenge the unity between the two.
Event Review: Counting down to the 2024 U.S. Elections
A Year in Different Perspectives
Today, we had the pleasure of discussing the upcoming 2024 U.S. elections 🇺🇸🗳️ with the director of our Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung USA office, Paul Linnarz, and transatlantic expert of the European Policy Centre, Ricardo Borges de Castro. During the event, we had the opportunity to clarify the current political landscape in the U.S. for everyone and discuss possible scenarios for the election's outcome. We put this into perspective when discussing the consequences of that outcome for the European Union 🇪🇺 and explored how the EU, if it has, prepared for any of these scenarios. We concluded that the EU needs to prepare well for what’s to come but, at the same time, accept any result and work with what’s there in a very unified manner. There is a lack of rationale for initiating an additional trade conflict, given the concurrent challenges being addressed by both the U.S. and the EU. The resilience of transatlantic relations is assured; it is imperative to approach these complexities with a strategic and collaborative perspective. 🌍🇺🇸🇪🇺 Thank you very much to our guests and moderator Katrin Pribyl for joining us live from D.C. and Brussels today. We are very happy to have welcomed 45 participants who contributed with their questions and comments! 🙌🎉
Der Morgen danach - Die Niederlande haben gewählt
Das Europabüro der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung freut sich sehr, Sie zum nächsten Event unseres Veranstaltungsformates “Der Morgen danach” einladen zu dürfen. In diesem Online-Format begleiten wir die Parlaments- und/oder Präsidentschaftswahlen in europäischen Staaten und tauschen uns jeweils am Morgen nach der Wahl mit unseren KAS-Kolleginnen und Kollegen vor Ort über die wichtigsten Entwicklungen am Wahltag aus. Dieses Mal blicken wir auf die Niederlande, wo am 22. November die vorgezogenen Parlamentswahlen 2023 stattfinden.
KAS Europe Talks
EU-Lateinamerika-Beziehungen zwischen engerer Partnerschaft und geopolitischen Rivalitäten
Das Europabüro der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung freut sich sehr, Sie zum nächsten Event unseres Veranstaltungsfor-mates ,,KAS Europe Talks” einladen zu dürfen. In regelmäßigen Abständen organisiert das Europabüro in diesem Format eine Diskussion mit der Leiterin/dem Leiter eines anderen KAS-Auslandsbüros, in der sowohl die jüngsten Entwicklungen in den jeweiligen Ländern bzw. Regionen als auch der Status Quo der Beziehungen zur Europäischen Union thematisiert werden. Diese Veranstaltung wirft einen Blick auf Lateinamerika und die Beziehungen zur Eu-ropäischen Union zwischen engerer Partnerschaft und geopolitischen Rivalitäten.