

Universal Human Rights

A concept transcending borders in a globalized world?

Vortrag mit anschließender Diskussion



We would like to highlight the complicated relation of the notion of human rights and its ties to the idea of the self-fashioned human subject to the conception of diverse societies. In the last couple of months there is a growing sentiment in Germany, that welcoming refugees from e.g. Syria should be opposed on the grounds of a human rights policy. In that argument human rights are used as a tool to create the idea of a “European supremacy” which should not be surrendered to supposedly more backward countries.

Together with Associate Prof. Joseph A. Slaughter we would like to dissect and discuss the extent as to which human rights serve an ideological tool of the liberal western world. A contemporary and honest assessment of their normative power would be an excellent and necessary addition in the German discourse on the complex refugee situation. We will discuss the topic in a public lecture for a larger audience.

Joseph Slaughter specializes in literature, law, and socio-cultural history of the Global South (particularly Latin America and Africa). He’s especially interested in the social work of literature—the myriad ways in which literature intersects (formally, historically, ideologically, materially) with problems of social justice, human rights, intellectual property, and international law. His honors include a Guggenheim Fellowship, Public Voices Fellowship, Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award. His book Human Rights, Inc.: The World Novel, Narrative Form, and International Law (Fordham UP, 2007), which explores the cooperative narrative logics of international human rights law and the Bildungsroman, was awarded the 2008 René Wellek prize for comparative literature and cultural theory. His essay, “Enabling Fictions and Novel Subjects: The Bildungsroman and International Human Rights Law,” was honored as one of the two best articles published in PMLA in 2006-7. He was elected to serve as President of the American Comparative Literature Association in 2016.

Welcome and Introduction

Manfred Strack, Director Amerikazentrum Hamburg, and Annika Meinking, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Hamburg

Lecture on "Universal Human Rights"

Professor Joseph Slaughter

Discussion and Summary

Manfred Strack

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Die Veranstaltung wird gefördert durch Zuwendungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg.


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Amerikazentrum Hamburg e. V.
Am Sandtorkai 48,
20457 Hamburg
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  • Prof. Joseph Slaughter
    • amerikanischer Gastwissenschaftler
  • Manfred Strack
    • Direktor des Amerikazentrums Hamburg
  • Annika Meinking
    • Tagungsleiterin der KAS Hamburg

Dr. Karolina Vöge

Dr. Karolina Vöge

Referentin Bewerbung und Auswahl +49 30 26996-3341

Grit Mäder

Grit Mäder bild

Sekretärin/Sachbearbeiterin Politisches Bildungsforum Hamburg +49 40 2198508-0 +49 40 2198508-9
Amerikazentrum Hamburg Amerikazentrum Hamburg

