



Derzeit sind keine Veranstaltungen geplant.



National Security and Democracy Conference

in partnership with the Israel Democracy Institute


Contending with Relics of an Offensive Past: Between Presentism and Preservation

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel and The Israel Council on Foreign Relations, cordially invite you to attend a Zoom conversation


Tech2Peace Alumni Social Media Workshop

with Ben Horin and Alexandrovitz, and New Media Team Leader: Sivan Katz


Public Opinion Research Briefing: ISRAEL – UAE – BAHRAIN REGIONAL PEACE POLL

Measuring the Attitudes of Citizens in Israel, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, PA, Qatar, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Germany, and USA Towards the Israel - UAE - Bahrain Peace Agreement


Gas Wars or Peace Pipelines? Energy and Conflict in the East-Mediterranean Sea

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel and the Maritime Policy & Strategy Research Center, University of Haifa cordially invite you to attend a Zoom panel

From what was once prophesized to be a strong incentive for peace and stability in the region, natural gas discoveries have since become a major flashpoint between the countries of the East Mediterranean Sea. Disagreements over energy exploration rights and maritime borders had escalated in the past two years to involve mutual threats, deployment of warships, new strategic pacts, and increased involvement by foreign powers with contrasting interests. Is it too late to stop the gas wars, and is it really just about the gas? In this panel we will bring experts from Israel, Cyprus, Turkey, Germany and the US to discuss energy and conflict in the East Mediterranean and where it might lead to in the upcoming months and years. The event is co-organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel and Maritime Policy & Strategy Research Center at the University of Haifa.

Studien- und Informationsprogramm


New Approaches to Conflict Management in Israeli Society

Bar Ilan University Graduate Program

Now in its 20th annual cycle this special graduate level training course combines theoretical and practical aspects of cultural approaches to conflict management challenges within Israeli society.


Reimagining Democracy

The Yaron Ezrahi Conference on Democracy


Syria after the Arab Spring: War, Identity, and Generational Change

You are cordially invite you to attend the third virtual meeting of the KAS/MDC Hiwar Forum for Intra-Regional Dialogue

Syria was often described as the “last bastion of Arab nationalism.” It took an active part in all military confrontations against Israel since 1948 and continues to play a vital rule in the “axis of resistance” that serves as the main link between Iran and Hizballah. How-ever, the Syrian war, which has devastated Syria, has changed Syria’s political dynamics. In our dialogue we will speak with two Syrians who have experienced the Syrian war, the Syrian transition and have found themselves doing their part to create a new dis-course in the region. *This event is being held under the Chatham House Rule.


Online Conference- Climate Change and National Security: Implications for Israel and the Middle East

The INSS and KAS Israel are pleased to invite you to an online conference on the impact of climate change on the Middle East and the challenges to national security.

The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Israel (KAS Israel) are pleased to invite you to an online conference on the impact of climate change on the Middle East and the challenges to national security.


Debating Matters to us 2020 Online Tournament

This year, KAS Israel partnered with EcoPeace Middle East, DM2US and the Swedish International Development Agency to build and implement a three-day tournament final focusing on some of the most pressing environmental issues affecting Israel and the region.


Der dritte Kohort des Arkan Program absolviert Training Sessions

Wir sind sehr stolz auf die Teilnehmer*innen des dritten Kohort des Arkan Program für junge politische Führungskräfte aus Israels arabischer Gesellschaft. Die Arkan-Veranstaltungen ermutigen eine neue Generation von Führungskräften, sich mit den zentralen Fragen zur israelischen Gesellschaft auseinander zu setzen und die internen Themen der arabischen Gemeinschaft anzugehen. Die Gruppe hat sich mit verschiedenen Personen aus der Politik getroffen und lernte, verschiedenen Stimmen und Ansichten in der Gesellschaft Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken. Wir danken unserem Partner Shaharit für die sehr professionelle Durchführung dieser Veranstaltung, die auch die israelische Demokratie stärkt.

Cybertrialogue - Encountering the Future in Cyberspace

The Vulnerability of Democracies - Critical Infrastructure Under Attack

Im Juni 2023 hielt die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Berlin den Cybertrialogue, wo Teilnehmer*innen an drei Tagen voller Diskussionen, Austausch und Vorträgen zu verschiedenen Thematiken aus diesem Bereich teilnahmen. Der Hauptfokus unserer Experten aus den USA, Israel und Deutschland lag dabei auf dem Schutz kritischer Infrastruktur und verschiedenen Herangehensweisen zur Optimierung dessen. Während nachdenklich machender Roundtable-Diskussionen sprachen wurden Regulierung, Kooperation und Public-Private-Partnerships besprochen. Darüber hinaus waren auch Spieler im Cyberspace wie Taiwan, Iran und Israel ein Thema während einer Nachmittagsveranstaltung mit Geopolitik als Fokus. An einer Morgenveranstaltung des Cybertrialogue nahmen zudem Experten aus Lateinamerika teil, die für einen Austausch über die aktuellen Herausforderungen ihrer Region zur Verfügung standen. Wir freuen uns auf die kommenden Projekte und Diskussionen in diesem Rahmen.

Die Sicht auf Israel in der Region — people-to-people Kontakte zwei Jahre nach den Abraham Abkommen

Eine Umfrage des KEEVOON Institute und KAS Israel zu Sichtweisen auf die Region und die Abraham Abkommen

Die Zukunft der bilateralen Beziehungen zwischen Israel und Deutschland

Diskussionsrunde zum Anlass des Tags der Deutschen Einheit

40 Jahre vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit und starke Partnerschaft

Das Auslandsbüro Israel der KAS feiert Geburtstag

Am 27. Juni beging die KAS Israel in Anwesenheit von Persönlichkeiten aus Politik, Diplomatie und Zivilgesellschaft und all ihrer Partner einen Festakt anlässlich des 40-jährigen Jubiläums ihrer Auslandsarbeit in Israel.

Democracy, Trust and Mistrust'

On October 27-28, 2021 KAS Israel held in cooperation with the IDI - Israel Democracy Institute  and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem it’s second online Yaron Ezrahi Conference on the topic: 'Democracy, Trust and Mistrust'

COVID19-KAS Public Opinion Research Results

under a similar threat of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each country is responding differently and the rate of infection and mortality rates differ from country to country. We know what the Governments are doing and this survey helps us understand what people in each country think about it.

Populism in times of pandemics – a chance or danger for democracies?

On April 7th, 2020 the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s (KAS) office Israel organized an online panel discussion on “Populism in times of pandemics – a chance or danger for democracies?” bringing together experts from Germany, Israel, Hungary, and Poland. The debate focused on perspectives from different countries as to the impact of the current crisis on democracies.

Russia in the Middle East: Ever-Changing Policy in an Ever-Changing Region

The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Israel (KAS) held an international conference that took place on December 3 , 2019, at INSS in Tel Aviv, Israel. Middle Eastern politics changed profoundly in October 2015, when Russia decided to step into the Syrian civil war on the side of President Assad. This added an international dimension to an already complex conflict and created a new strategic situation with international consequences. In this context, the event brought together participants from Russia, Europe and Israel for an in-depth dialogue. The event focused on further understanding on the most pertinent issues and strengthening cooperation in the future.

"Responding to hybrid threats: from disinformation to boots on the ground"

KAS Israel richtet Cyber Security Expertenrundtisch aus

Vom 12.-14.11. richtete die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel einen zweitägigen Cyber Security Experten-Rundtisch in Herzliya aus, der sich mit dem Thema „Responding to hybrid threats: from disinformation to boots on the ground“ beschäftigte. Der Rundtisch fügte sich als vierte seiner Art in eine Veranstaltungsreihe ein und brachte deutsche, israelische und US-amerikanische Experten aus dem Bereich der Cybersicherheit zusammen.