

Banking on the Common Good, Finance for the Common Good

Eine Konferenz in Zusammenarbeit mit Uniapac, dem World Insitute of Saving Banks und dem Päpstlichen Rat Justitia et Pax

Representatives of the Church as well as economist will discuss the future financial market regulation, the purpose of banks and other financial actors, how to guarantee stability of the financial markets and how to prevent another financial crisis.



Sunday, 12th May

16.00-18.00 hrs


19.00 hrs

Informal Dinner

Monday, 13th May

8.45 hrs

Opening Prayer

9.00 hrs

Opening Session

Chair:Anna Maria Tarantola (tbc)

President of RAI, former deputy director general of the Bank of Italy

Welcome Addresses

Pierre Lecocq

President of UNIAPAC International

Otto Bernhardt

Member of the Executive Board of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, former member of parliament and spokesman on financial policies of the Christian democratic party (CDU)

Chris De Noose

Managing Director World Savings Banks Institute

Greeting of Holy Father/Secretary of State

Keynote Address

“Banking on the Commmon Good, Finance for the Common Good"

H.E. Cardinal Peter K. A. Turkson

President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace

10.30 hrs

Coffee break

11.00 hrs

Panel A: “Financial markets serving the Common Good”

Chair:Pierre de Lauzun

Deputy Director General, Federation Bancaire Francaise, Chairman of the financial ethics committee Les EDC


Michel Prada

Chairman of International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation

Raghuram Rajan (tbc)

University of Chicago, former chief economist of the IMF

Dr. Jörg von Fürstenwerth

Managing Director of the German Insurance Association (GDV)

Dr. Guillermo Arthur Errazuriz

President of International Federation of Pension Fund Administrators FIAP

12.15 hrs

Panel B: “Financial institutions serving the Common Good”

Chair:Prof. Leonardo Becchetti

University of Rome "Tor Vergata", advisor to the Pontifical Council


Steven Ingves (tbc)

Governor of the Bank of Sweden

Prof. Peru Sasia

President of Fiare Banca Etica, Bilbao

Gilles Denoyel

Deputy Chief Executive Officer of HSBC France

Floris Mreijen

Secretary to the board of the Dutch Banking Association

13.30 hrs

Lunch Break

14.15 hrs

Panel C: “Global financial governance – serving the Common Good”

Chair:Dr. Hans Reckers

Managing Director of the Association of German Public Banks, former member of the Executive Board of Deutsche Bundesbank


Bishop Mario Toso

Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace

Erkki Likaanen (tbc)

President of the Central Bank of Finland

Steven Vanackere

Member of Parliament, former Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium, former Minister of Finance, former Minister of Foreign Affairs

Prof. Eduardo Aninat

Director UNIAPAC Foundation, former Minister of Finance/Chile and former Deputy Managing director of the IMF

15.30 hrs

Coffee break

16.00 hrs

Panels continue in prallel working sessions:

Panel A: “Financial markets serving the Common Good”

Panel B: “Financial institutions serving the Common Good”

Panel C: “Global financial governance – serving the Common Good”

17.30 hrs

Brief reports from the working groups

18.00 hrs


Burkhard Leffers

President UNIAPAC Europe

19.00 hrs

Holy Mass in the Vatican

20.30 hrs

Festive Dinner in the Pontifical Academy of Social Science

Dinner Speaker:

Dr. Heinrich Haasis

President of the World Savings Banks Institute

Tuesday, 14th May



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Päpstlicher Rat Justizia et Pax
Piazza San Calisto,16Palazzo San Calisto,
00153 Rom
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Erneuerung der Finanzmarktordnung vorantreiben: Transparenz, Verantwortlichkeit und Gemeinwohlorientierung als neue Maxime
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David Gregosz

David Gregosz bild

Leiter des Auslandsbüros in Polen +48 22 845-9330

Katja Christina Plate

Katja Christina Plate

Leiterin des Auslandsbüros Rumänien + 40 21 302 02 61



Päpstlicher Rat für Gerechtigkeit und Frieden
Uniapac v_1
World Savings Banks Institute

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Auslandsbüro Italien