


Digitalisation, Trade, and Geopolitics in Asia

The papers in this volume “Digitalisation, Trade, and Geopolitics in Asia”, published by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s (KAS) regional program on “Social and Economic Governance in Asia (SOPAS)” investigates how digitalisation is changing our understanding of trade and the international economy. It assesses the impact of digitalization to production, consumption, and trading patterns as well as national and multilateral regulatory frameworks (including those agreed in regional free trade agreements). It also looks at the evolving roles and configurations of economic actors (e.g. WTO, multinational corporations, digital platforms) and provides a discussion on the issues involving e-commerce and new technologies (i.e., block chain).

What's the real deal?

A look inside RCEP

Now that the Electoral College has formalized Biden's win, the U.S. President-elect needs to rebuild trade deals with the Asia-Pacific to counter China's dominance. Below is an analysis of the RCEP and what the U.S. and its value partners can expect from the world's largest trade bloc.

The Path to Success: How Women-owned Businesses Transform in the Era of Digitalization

Case Studies from Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Myanmar

Jointly conducted with Woomentum, the research looks at the effects of digitalization on WSMEs’ (1) access to financing, (2) access to mentoring, networking, and skills, (3) business process and management, as well as (4) COVID-19 crisis management. The common WSME challenges across four countries are highlighted in the introductory chapter. The chapter also discusses a general framework, comprising both policy and practical recommendations that governments and private organizations can take on to encourage women entrepreneurs to take advantage of the opportunities that digitalization offers. The succeeding chapters include country studies on Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Myanmar. The country case studies provide a more in-depth analysis of the general findings introduced in the first chapter.

COVID-19 and the Future of Doing Business in Asia

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s regional program on “Socio-Economic Governance in Asia” (SOPAS) has conducted this research, “COVID-19 and the Future of Doing Business in Asia” jointly with the Asian Institute of Management Rizalino S. Navarro Policy Center for Competitiveness (AIM RSN PCC) to outline how the “new normal” will look like. Asia’s resilience to the shocks brought about by COVID-19 provides a first sketch of how the structural changes accelerated by the pandemic have reimagined and reformed the roles of the State and businesses. As businesses in the region resume economic activity, Asian governments and enterprises are in a unique position to define and structure the “new normal”, providing Germany, Europe and the rest of the world a tentative template of how to respond to these unprecedented challenges.

The Future of Work for the Asian Youth

Country Profile: Taiwan

This paper discusses the rising global issues of the future of work and its impact on youth employment in Taiwan. It begins by giving a brief background of Taiwan’s demography, economics, and labor profile. The next session describes the three main challenges of the future of work in Taiwan: (1) the structural change of the nature of work, (2) the gap between education and youth employment, and (3) issues of workforce and social protection. The paper concludes by highlighting the advantages that Taiwan holds in preparing for the future of work and a brief set of policy recommendations that will enable it to harness these advantages.

Japan-EU relationship:

Recommendations on SPA

The implementation of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) from February 2019 provided the basis for the conference discussion concerning trade and economic issues. The EPA, being the largest free trade agreement ever concluded, is of course very important, especially at present when some other countries instead have turned more towards protectionism. Moreover, the EPA provides predictability, transparency, and a roadmap for the development of EU-Japan trade and investment ties in the years to come. Regarding the EU-Japan Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA), which was concluded in tandem with the EPA, and is now under provisional Japan-EU relationship: Recommendations on SPA implementation, the picture is much more vague. While the EU and Japan have defined the priorities areas, i.e. the areas Brussels and Tokyo have chosen from a list of more than 40 areas formulated in the SPA – discussions on how and when to do this have only just begun. The purpose of this publication is to take a few of the most innovative ideas presented at the conference and add some new thoughts and initiatives that have developed since then. In this way we aim to make several policy recommendations that we believe can assist in moving forward mutually and globally beneficial EU-Japan cooperation in several diverse fields.

Reuters/Eugene Hoshiko

Japan ohne Abe: Was erwartet den Nachfolger?

Eine Analyse der Amtszeit Shinzo Abes und der anstehenden Herausforderungen für Yoshihide Suga

Eine Woche nach Shinzo Abes Entscheidung, das Amt des Premierministers sowie das Amt des Präsidenten der regierenden Liberalen Demokratischen Partei niederzulegen, schlagen die Wellen nur noch für die potenziellen Nachfolger hoch. Der unliebsame Postenkampf hat jedoch weit vor dem Rücktritt begonnen. Für einen seiner Kronprinzen hat sich Abe jetzt entschieden.

The multilateral trade system under stress

Charting Asia's path forward

The volume aims to examine questions surrounding the shifts occurring to the current multilateral framework and propose answers that can enrich current policy dialogues on free trade and the limits to multilateralism. Current developments and supranational responses to the challenges faced by the dominant multilateral trading system are discussed with special focus on the proposals for reforming the World Trade Organization (WTO). Asia’s role and country responses from leading economies in the region are also presented and discussed. It brings with it the need to revitalize multilateralism, upholding a cooperative international system that facilitates the achievement of common goals.

Eine neue Ära der japanisch-europäischen Zusammenarbeit in einer sich verändernden Welt

Der japanische Blick

Noch nie wurden globale Systeme so in Frage gestellt wie heute. Die Regierungen müssen erkennen, dass eine vertrauensvolle und transparente Zusammenarbeit entscheidend ist, um globale Pandemien und Wirtschaftskrisen überwinden zu können. Die aktuellen Krisenerscheinungen im internationalen System bilden daher den richtigen Rahmen, um sich mit den Beziehungen Japans zur EU auseinanderzusetzen und der Frage, ob und wie das Partnerschaftsabkommen dazu beitragen kann, die gegenseitigen Beziehungen zu vertiefen. Dr. Ueta Takako analysiert dabei nicht nur den aktuellen Stand der Umsetzung des Abkommens über die strategische Partnerschaft und verteidigungskooperative Zusammenarbeit, sondern befasst sich auch mit der Frage, wie Japan und die EU von den Lehren und Erkenntnissen aus den Maßnahmen zur Krankheitsbekämpfung des jeweils anderen Partners lernen können.

R2d2ki / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

Alter Name, junges Gesicht: Abe holt Koizumi jr. ins Kabinett

Kabinettsumbildung in Japan bringt viele neue Minister und lässt auf Nachfolge schließen

Premier Shinzo Abe hat sein neues Kabinett vorgestellt und diese Umstellung wurde in Tokio mit Spannung erwartet. Komplex sind die innenpolitischen Aufgaben, vor denen die Regierung steht, und weitreichend die nötigen Reformen. Groß sind auch die außenpolitischen Herausforderungen, die Abe auf seinen letzten Amtsmetern zu lösen hat. Der Handelsstreit mit Korea ist nicht nur ein historisches und sicherheitspolitisches Problem, sondern hat das Potential, die japanische Wirtschaft langfristig zu schwächen, finden sich keine neuen adäquaten Handelspartner. Es braucht also nicht nur frische Gesichter, sondern auch Charaktere, die in der Bevölkerung überzeugen. Das volatile Verhältnis zu Trump und den USA benötigt Fingerspitzengefühl und Augenhöhe – beides ist Abe mit dem neuen Kabinett gelungen. Es ist vermutlich das letzte Kabinett, welches Abe bestellt. Mit diesem muss er seine Reformen und Vorhaben abschließen und dafür sorgen, dass die LDP weiterhin Wahlen gewinnt und die Regierung stellen kann.