



Derzeit sind keine Veranstaltungen geplant.



Enabling an Equiverse: 4W's—Equal Access to Work, Wealth, Wellbeing and Welfare

International Leadership Conference

The conference with TalentNomics India will take place on the 10th and 11th of November and endeavours to provide a platform for leaders across sectors and regions, engaged in empowering women to come and share their insights.


A Better (Re)Start: The Future of Work for Young People


The Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS) of KAS Japan and the Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF) are organising the conference, “A Better (Re)Start: The Future of Work for Young People”, which will discuss in-depth the trends and patterns within the Asian youth education and labour environment.


Women in Japan

Breakthroughs in Female Business Leadership

With the movement for gender equality gaining momentum around the world, the gender situation in Japan is drawing attention both domestically and internationally. KAS Japan will hold a series of events titled, 'Women in Japan', to explore current developments in Japan's gender environment. Our third webinar, 'Women in Japan: Breakthroughs in Women Business Leadership' will focus on the business aspect out of the three pillars of politics, business, and society. We will focus on Germany, a country which has historically similar views on gender roles to Japan but is more advanced in gender equality. Through Germany’s evolving policies, we can learn pragmatic and realistic next steps for Japan. During the webinar, we intend to discuss possible policy recommendations, which – once formulated – help to foster change to improve the current situation in Japan for future women business leaders. 


Women in Japan

Updating Gender Roles in Society

With the movement for gender equality gaining momentum around the world, the gender situation in Japan is drawing attention both domestically and internationally. KAS Japan will hold a series of events titled, 'Women in Japan', to explore current developments in Japan's gender environment. Our second webinar, 'Women in Japan: Updating Gender Roles in Society' will focus on the societal aspect out of the three pillars of politics, business, and society. We will look at Scandinavian countries (mainly Norway) that had been successful in their gender policy on the societal front and learn how they have achieved their current gender situation by comparing it with the present state in Japan. Through the webinar, we aim to make policy recommendations to foster change in the gender situation in Japanese society.


Deutsch-Japanischer Wirtschaftspolitischer Austausch der KAS

Wirtschaftspolitik angesichts einer anhaltenden COVID-19-Pandemie: Japanische und deutsche/EU-Strategien im Vergleich

Da die COVID-19-Pandemie scheinbar noch lange nicht zu Ende ist, besteht die Notwendigkeit, unseren Fokus von der Frage der Erholung nach der Pandemie zu den möglichen politischen Reaktionen im Rahmen einer anhaltenden Pandemie zu verlagern. Die erste Online-Veranstaltung der Reihe des Deutsch-Japanischen Wirtschaftspolitischen Austausches der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, „Wirtschaftspolitik angesichts einer anhaltenden COVID-19-Pandemie: Japanische und deutsche/EU-Strategien im Vergleich“, wird sich genau mit dieser „neuen Normalität“ befassen.


Path to Digitalisation for WSMEs- Policy Breakthroughs from Vietnam, South Korea and Singapore



Universe to Equiverse- Start the Ripple

International Leadership Conference

The conference, 'Universe to Equiverse: Start the Ripple', organised with TalentNomics endeavours to provide a platform for leaders across sectors and regions, engaged in empowering women to come and share their journeys and insights. We hope to build bridges between such leaders to increase the momentum of change. At the conference, we will also recognize some of those leaders who have created significant ripples in the area of gender equity.


Women in Japan: Current Roles and Expectations

Online Conference

With the movement for gender equality gaining momentum around the world, the gender situation in Japan is drawing attention both domestically and internationally. KAS Japan will hold a series of events titled, “Women in Japan,” to explore current developments in Japan's gender environment. In the first of our series, the “Women in Japan: Current Roles and Expectations” webinar will focus on providing an overview of the current gender environment in the three sections of politics, economy, and society.


Labour Mobility and Global Health Governance in Asia

Online Conference

KAS Japan organises an online conference in partnership with Leiden Asia Centre (LAC) and the IAFOR Research Centre (IRC). The conference aims to answer the main question: How has transnational migrant labour and global health governance in Asia developed amidst pandemics?


Managing Time, Cost and People to Embrace Technology in your Business


KAS Japan is co-organising an online webinar in partnership with Woomentum. The webinar will cover valuable insights and lessons learnt from 140 women-led small and mid-sized enterprises (WSMEs) across 7 Asian countries and features a panel of successful entrepreneurs and digitalisation experts.


KAS Japan Weekly COVID-19 Updates

8 April 2020

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared a state of emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on 7 April 2020. An economic package of amounting to JPY 108 trillion was prepared to cushion the economic fallout. Watch the video to learn more!

KAS Japan Weekly Updates

Economic uncertainty amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

Economic uncertainty surged to a record high in the first quarter of 2020. The level of uncertainty associated with the COVID-19 pandemic is remarkably high compared to other outbreaks such as SARS and Ebola. Japan and India registered the highest levels of economic uncertainty in Asia. Addressing economic uncertainty requires coordinated action to restore confidence in and provide stability to the global economy.

KAS Japan Weekly COVID-19 Updates

Economic consequences of COVID-19 on the Japanese and Asian economies

Introducing the weekly updates on the economic consequences of COVID-19 in Japan and Asia. Stay tuned!

SOPAS Inception Workshop and Program Launch

The Social Economic Policies Asia (SOPAS) is a regional forum that contributes to the debate and reform of economic and governance models in Asia. It brings together a network of policy makers, economists, political analysts and thought leaders across Asia-Pacific to discuss emerging issues, propose policy alternatives and share best practices. For the 2020-2022 cycle, SOPAS will focus on three strategic areas: (1) advancing female leadership, (2) free trade consolidation, and (3) the future of work. The programme will primarily work with the following countries: (1) India, (2) Japan, (3) Singapore, (4) South Korea, (5) Taiwan, and (6) Viet Nam. The series of workshops conducted over a day, aim to establish partnerships with key regional stakeholders and jointly identify and define the themes covered and possible areas for cooperation under SOPAS’ three strategic areas. At the end of the workshops, a working framework for the program’s 2020-2022 implementation will have been created and agreed upon.

Japan und Südostasien

Aktuelle Fragen der japanischen Außenpolitik in der Ära globaler Herausforderungen und Veränderungen

In Kooperation mit dem Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) der Universität Kyoto hat die KAS einen internationalen Workshop zu Fragen außenpolitischer Maßnahmen Japans in Südostasien ausgerichtet. Insbesondere Fragen und Probleme der Migration werden künftig auch in Ostasien eine größere Rolle spielen. Vor dem Hintergrund der transformatorischen Dynamiken in der Region, der geopolitischen Umbrüche und Trends zu mehr Protektion und Handelshemmnissen konnten die Wichtigkeit regionaler Integrationsprozesse und -mechanismen vor Augen geführt werden.

Zu den Entwicklungen auf der koreanischen Halbinsel

Wie ist der jüngste Sinneswandel Nordkoreas zu bewerten? Diese Frage diskutierte die KAS mit regionalen Experten in einem Closed-Workshop.

Japan-Germany Security Dialogue

Im Rahmen des diesjährigen Japanisch-Deutschen Sicherheitsdialoges verständigten sich Experten beider Länder über die momentane sicherheitspolitische Konstellation im Asien-Pazifik-Raum. Im Schatten der Nordkoreakrise wurden die wichtigsten politischen Konflikte in Asien aufgezeigt und mögliche Zukunftsprognosen sowie Handlungsoptionen diskutiert. Japanische und deutsche Experten aus Politik und Wissenschaft debattierten und analysierten die wichtigsten Entwicklungen in der EU-Außenpolitik, der Asien-Pazifik-Region und der maritimen Sicherheit.

EU-Japan Partnership and the Crisis of Liberalism

Die Frage, wie sich die EU-japanischen Beziehungen in Zukunft gestalten müssen um die internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in wirtschaftspolitischer-, sicherheitspolitischer- und klimapolitischer Hinsicht gewährleisten zu können, beschäftigte Vertreter aus Politik und Wissenschaft während einer ganztägigen Konferenz der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung und des „European Japan Advanced Research Network“.

Ehrendoktortitel und politisches Briefing für Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering

Während seiner Japanreise erhielt der KAS-Vorsitzende Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering einen Ehrendoktortitel der Universität Kōbe. Gleichzeitig nahm er die Gelegenheit wahr, sich ausführlich über aktuelle politische Entwicklungen im Asien-Pazifik-Raum zu informieren.

Besucher der japanischen Universität Kobe in Berlin

Zehn junge Wissenschaftler - alle von der Universität Kobe, in Begleitung eines deutschen sowie zweier japanischer Professoren und eingeschrieben im englischsprachigen, interkulturellen Lehrfach "European Studies" - hielten sich im Rahmen des einwöchigen Besuchsprogramm in Berlin auf, um sich über die KAS, Deutschland und die EU zu informieren, gleichzeitig aber auch Fragen zu ihrem eigenen Land zu beantworten.