



Derzeit sind keine Veranstaltungen geplant.



Reformist Thinking in the Muslim World

Roundtable with innovative Muslim Intellectuals

Fundamental texts of religions do not speak for themselves. They are translated according to present time by theologians and intellectuals in any generations. The seminar will start a collection of reformist ideas and invite for dialogue.


Book Presentation: Jordan in Transition 1990-2000

The Near East between the Gulf War and September 11

As a buffer state situated between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the situation in Iraq, regional developments have had important impacts on Jordan. The publication tries to assess the evolution through the last decade.


The Impact of the Euro on the Mediterranean

Second Workshop of the Mediterranean Dialogue Program

The introduction of the Euro comes at a time when countries in the Mediterranean are concluding association agreements with the European Union. The seminar will assess the impact of the Euro on trade with those countries.


The Chances of Globalization in the Near East

The Publishing Industry in Lebanon

The cultural industries concentrated in Beirut are an asset that allows Lebanon to actively take part in the regionalization of economies. The workshop will assess the challenges and opportunities in this sector.


Electoral Geography in Eastern Lebanon

Conditions of Democratic Representation

The setup of constituencies is crucial for every democratic representation. The last elections in Lebanon in 2000 showed that the establishment of multi-confessional constituencies has resulted in democratic deficits. The workshop will assess the sit


Globalization and Migration in the Near East

The Phenomenon of Migration Networks

Migration is based on push as well as on pull-factors. Past decades have witnessed the establishment of networks allowing migrants to move more easily by relying on national, cultural, and religious ties.


Globalization and Migration in the Near East

The Impact of Migration on Cities

Migration from the Middle East has lead to changes in urban structures, in particular in Europe. The workshop will assess the situation and give recommendation on how to improve integration of migrants.


Globalization and Migration in the Near East

Economic Aspects

The workshop will assess the economic aspects of migrational process in the Middle East.


The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and Jordan

Presentation of the Publication "Rules of Origin and Preferences in the Foreign Trade of Jordan with the EU"

The ratification process being terminated, the Association Agreement between the European Union Jordan has entered into force. This offers new opportunities for Jordan's trade with the EU, on which KAS has prepared a manual.


Globalization and Societal Change in the Mediterranean

1st Workshop of the Mediterranean Dialogue Forum

Globalization is not only an economic process. It affects society at large. This workshop, organized with the Center for European Integration Studies (Bonn) and the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (Beirut) will assess the situation in the Near Eas


NATO Academic Competition

Von: Celine Schaller

Im Zuge des Wandels der unipolaren Welt hin zu einer multipolaren Weltordnung kommen erneut Konflikte auf, in denen das Verteidigungsbündnis agieren wird. Doch was für eine Rolle spielt das Verteidigungsbündnis in anderen Regionen außerhalb Europas und Nordamerika, dem sogenannten Westen? Welche Strategien verfolgt das Verteidigungsbündnis dort? Diese und ähnliche Fragen wur-den während der NATO Academic Competition am 07. November 2023 in Amman von den jungen Teilnehmern thematisiert und diskutiert.

Deutsche Außenpolitik - nach der Zeitenwende

A Conversation with Prof. Dr. Bernhard Stahl - By: Daria Korastyleva

On the 4th of October 2023, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) Jordan Office, organized a dialogue seminar with Prof. Dr. Bernhard Stahl, a professor at the Chair for International Politics at the University of Passau. The seminar aimed to delve deeper into the evolving landscape of Germany’s foreign policy, exploring its interests, strategic tools, and far-reaching implications for the Middle East. Jordanian analysts and young professionals joined the discussion, adding valuable perspectives to the discussion.

Foreign Relations Survey Launch (Wave IV)

Event Report

Getting Ready for a New Era of Political Life in Jordan

A Dialogue Session with Political Parties

In lieu of Jordanian political parties formalizing their situation to align with the new political parties' law, and witnessing new political parties being created, the Jordan Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), Al-Quds Center for Political Studies and the Independent Election Commission have launched a dialogue session for political parties. Featuring party members from Morocco and Lebanon, the dialogue session aims to allow party members across the region to exchange their experiences in political parties' participation in parliamentary elections.

Konferenz zum Thema „Politische Beteilung aus einer religiösen Perspektive“ in Jordanien

Am 24.06.2023 organisierte das Auslandsbüro in Jordanien der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) zusammen mit dem Catholic Center for Studies and Media (CCSM) die Veranstaltung “Politische Partizipation in Jordanien aus einer religiösen Perspektive“ in Amman, Jordanien. Die Konferenz stand unter der Schirmherrschaft Seiner Exzellenz Abdul-Raouf Rawabdeh, Jordaniens ehemaliger Premierminister. Der Apostolische Nuntius in Jordanien, Erzbischof Giovanni Pietro Dal Toso, und etwa 100 weitere Personen wie zum Beispiel muslimische und christliche Geistliche, Journalisten und Repräsentanten der Zivilgesellschaft nahmen an der Konferenz teil.

Jordan – Still an Anchor of Stability and a Partner to Shape the New Middle East?

Policy Roundtable in Berlin

On March 27th 2023, the Jordan Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in cooperation with the German Institute for Area Studies (GIGA), have organized a policy roundtable on Jordan at the KAS Headquarters in Berlin. KAS and GIGA have taken the pulse of the Hashemite Kingdom and have engaged with around 40 Jordanian and German analysts and the Berlin foreign policy community in order to discuss the domestic and foreign policy of Jordan, German-Jordanian relations and German and European policies towards Jordan.

Von Träumen zur Realität

By: Alinde Gnatzy

KAS Art & Politics-Programm schließt mit einer Ausstellung in Amman ab

Abschlussveranstaltung der Programme für politische Bildung 2022

Teilnehmer der KAS-JCCE-Programme treffen sich in Amman

Das Jordanien-Büro der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung feierte den diesjährigen Abschluss der Programme "Youth Academy" und "Women's Voices", die in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Jordanian Centre for Civic Education (JCCE) durchgeführt wurden.

Humanitäre Krise im Jemen und Hoffnung auf Frieden

Experten-Paneldiskussion in Amman

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) organisierte am 25. Oktober 2022 in Amman eine Podiumsdiskussion über die Auswirkungen des Krieges in der Ukraine auf die humanitäre Krise im Jemen und die Aussichen auf Frieden.

Workshopreihe für jordanische Jungpolitiker

Bericht über die Abschlussveranstaltung der “Jordanischen Akademie für Politische Bildung”

Am 14.9.22 hat das Auslandsbüro Jordanien der Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung zusammen mit seinem Partner dem “Al-Quds Center for Political Studies” die Abschlusszeremonie der Workshopreihe “Jordanian Academy Political Education” im King Hussein Club in Amman veranstaltet.