



Derzeit sind keine Veranstaltungen geplant.



Progressive’s Victory in Thailand: Any Hopeful Implications on Thailand’s Role in the Region?

This panel discussion aims to explore the implications of Thailand’s foreign policy under the new MFP-led coalition government, if they are to be elected by the parliament.


The Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Driver or a Drag to ASEAN’s Economic Integration?

A series of public lecture by renowned experts in foreign affairs field to discuss about pressing issues in international politics that matter for Cambodia's development.


Indonesia's 2023 ASEAN Chairmanship:

A series of public lecture by renowned experts in foreign affairs field to discuss about pressing issues in international politics that matter for Cambodia's development.

The public lecture will shed more light on Indonesia's acumen over the prospect and challenges that lie ahead this year awaiting the regional bloc's swift actions and resolutions.


Journalism Talk

Media Education and Opportunities in Cambodia


KAS-CICP Public Lecture Series

A series of public lecture by renowned experts in foreign affairs field to discuss about pressing issues in international politics that matter for Cambodia's development.


KAS-CICP Public Lecture Series

A series of public lecture by renowned experts in foreign affairs field to discuss about pressing issues in international politics that matter for Cambodia's development.


KAS Open day 2023

A chance to learn about KAS Cambodia and our partners.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Cambodia Open Day is an informal networking event for the public to have full access to KAS Cambodia and its partners’ initiatives and missions. KAS will introduce you to 2023’s objectives such as Digitalization and Sustainability, Media and Journalism, Youth Empowerment, Rule of law, and International Affairs and many other scholarship opportunities to study in Europe. KAS Open Day has happened since 2022, this year, we aim to introduce more opportunities, information and fun activities. Each Program Manager and partner will receive a booth of their own to showcase their work and projects. Snacks and drinks will also be provided. The event will be open to the public.


Research Colloquium November Session


Research Colloquium is a public seminar, co-organized by KAS Cambodia and Paragon International University, that gathers researchers from the field of social science to engage in an interactive environment on ongoing research projects in Cambodia.

Studien- und Informationsprogramm

Adenauer Young Scholars for Excellence 2023: Call for Application!

Public Policy Focus Program for Young Cambodians


The 21st Law Talk

Regulating Cybersecurity in the age of digital economy: Law, Application, Challenges and Good Practices”

As digitalization and technological progress pick up speed in Cambodia, calls for a comprehensive and well-founded cybersecurity policy become louder. Nevertheless, in terms of protecting itself from cyber threats, the country is lagging behind. Hence, this year’s edition of Law Talk explores approaches taken by other countries, to promote research and constructive discussion around cybersecurity law and governance in Cambodia.


Envato Elements

How To Do Transitional Justice?

Lessons learned from Cambodia's ECCC

Die Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) und der gesamte Transitional Justice Prozess in Kambodscha stehen am Scheideweg. Nach langen Jahren voller Herausforderungen, von der Rolle der Medien im Prozess über das Thema der Reparationen hin zum hybriden System des Gerichts, stellt die Diskussionsveranstaltung die Frage nach der bleibenden Bedeutung des Prozesses für Kambodscha und die Welt.

Joint Statement of the KAS-ASEM Youth Summit (English Only)

Strengthening Multilateralism for Shared Growth

The KAS-ASEM Youth Summit, organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Cambodia in support of the 13th ASEM Summit and Cambodian ASEM Chairmanship, is a public academic seminar where young students from Cambodia and other ASEM countries can join in a shared platform, exchange their ideas and advocate for a better world through their collective voice.

Launching Report on "Path to Success: How Women-owned transform businesses in the Era of Digitalization"

KAS jointly conducted a research with Woomentum on the effects of digitalization on WSMEs’ (1) access to financing, (2) access to mentoring, networking, and skills, (3) business process and management, as well as (4) COVID-19 crisis management. Cambodia is one of the case studies among the four ASEAN countries. In order to launch this research publication, we are organizing a panel discussion on female entrepreneurs and digitalization in Cambodia having guest speakers from different walks of life.

Women in Journalism

Stories of Inspiring Female Journalists in Cambodia

Journalistinnen spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Hervorhebung von unterberichteten Geschichten in der Gesellschaft. Meistens präsentieren sie unkonventionelle Perspektiven und Blickwinkel in eine Reihe wichtiger Geschichten, die ihre männlichen Kollegen oft verpassen, und befähigen die Stimmen anderer Frauen, über ihre Bedenken zu sprechen.

Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development in Southeast Asia

Challenges, Cooperation and Development Models

Against the backdrop of urgent needs at the national, regional and global levels for sustainable development based on clean and renewable sources of energy, this book volume is a collection of policy-oriented research papers published with the intention to raise awareness and stimulate policy interests in renewable energy and approaches to sustainable development.

Kambodscha 2040

Die E-Launch-Veranstaltungen

Was bedeutet es, ein Kambodschaner zu sein? Diese Frage ist für das 16 Millionen Einwohner zählende Königreich von großer Bedeutung. Ist es die Identität, die Kultur und das Erbe, das in der Geschichte und der Pracht von Angkor verwurzelt ist? Oder ist sie stattdessen mit der Brutalität des Regimes der Roten Khmer verbunden? In den letzten 20 Jahren hat sich Kambodscha vom gescheiterten Staat des Völkermordes der 1970er Jahre zu einem wachsenden Land mit niedrigem mittleren Einkommen entwickelt. „Cambodia 2040“ ist eine Buchreihe in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Future Forum, die die kritische Voraussicht angesehener Experten zu allen Fragen Kambodschas darüber versammelt, wie das Königreich im Jahr 2040 aussehen wird. Die Reihe besteht aus drei separaten Bänden, die jeweils die Bereiche wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Kultur und Gesellschaft sowie internationale Beziehungen und Regierungsführung beinhalten.


5th German-Asian Business Dialogue

In Asien wird über die Zukunft der internationalen Ordnung entschieden

Dieser Bericht ist nur auf englisch verfügbar. Bitte wechseln Sie in die englische Sprache über das Menü oben.

Waste Summit 2019

Smart waste business models and innovations for a clean Cambodia!

If you’re buying a meal in Cambodia to takeaway you can expect to get a plastic box with food in it, a plastic set of cutleries all packed up in a plastic bag. Your drink is going to be in a plastic cup with a plastic straw which is wrapped in plastic. But that’s still not it, the plastic cup will be put in another small plastic bag for you to hold. So, it seems quite logical, that an average Cambodian household uses 12 plastic bags a day, doesn’t it? Almost half of them will be burnt later and the rest ends up in the sea. With one of the fastest growing economy and a growing consumer market, Cambodia is generating significant amounts of waste. Phnom Penh alone already produces 3000 tons of garbage per day and the issue of waste will be more important every day. The landfills are being filled up more and more and manmade waste mountains will be the norm. But as technologies are getting more and more advanced, many start-ups are coming up with new innovative ideas to counteract.

Deutsch-kambodschanisches Journalismus Training

Mobile Journalism Masterclass in Phnom Penh

Die KAS Kambodscha organisierte ein !0 Tage Mobile Journalism Trainingsprogramm für kambodschanische und deutsche Journalisten.

Die Zukunft der Abfallwirtschaft

Potentiale der Digitalisierung

Der Veranstaltungsbericht bietet einen Überblick über die Veranstaltung "The Future of Waste Management - Seizing the Potential of Digitalization"

— 10 Elemente pro Seite
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