



From the 4th February to the 6th February 2019, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Kenia had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Christoph Ploss, a Member of Parliament from the Bundestag in Germany. During the three days, the Member of Parliament paid courtesy calls to the different leaderships of the Kenyan National Assembly. They included: the National Assembly Deputy Speaker Moses Cheboi accompanied by Majority Leader Aden Duale, Third Chairperson at the Speaker’s Panel Hon. Chritopher Omulele, the Majority Whip Hon. Benjamin Washiali and the Minority Whip Hon. Nuh Junet Sheikh. The discussions revolved around economic and political developments in Kenya and Germany and how best to continue strengthening these ties through political cooperation.

Devolution in Kenya

Driving forces and future scenarios

Diese Publikation analysiert die Geschichte und Implementierung der Dezentralisierung ("Devolution"), identifiziert Driving Forces und beschreibt vier potentielle Szenarien für die zukünftige Entwicklung von Dezentralisierung in Kenia bis 2028. Sie ist ein Beitrag zur politischen und wissenschaftlichen Diskussion um das dezentralisierte Regierungssystem in Kenia und soll als Input for die Arbeit von politischen Entscheidungsträgern, der Zivilgesellschaft, Wissenschaftlern und internationalen Organisationen dienen.

Devolution in Kenya: Driving forces and future scenarios

This publication analyses the history and implementation of devolution to date, identifies driving forces and describes four potential scenarios for the future development of devolution in Kenya until 2028. It is a contribution to the political and academic debate on the devolved governance system in Kenya and should serve as useful input for the work of political decision-makers, civil society organisations, scholars as well as international organisations.

The Handshake - Where Does Kenya Stand in Opposition?

The March 9 handshake remains the principal highlight of Kenya’s post-election period. With the recent tour of President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto accompanied by Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga to Nyanza region - an opposition stronghold on the 13th December; the significant political developments still leave questions lingering among many Kenyans. As much as the handshake seeks to address nine mutual issues namely: ethnic antagonism, lack of a national ethos, inclusivity, devolution, divisive elections, security, corruption, shared prosperity and responsibility through the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI), there are still more underlying issues yet to be resolved.

Strengthening the concept of Early Warning & Early Action for Disaster Risk Reduction & Food Security

This publication is a summary of seven discussion papers generated from successful applicants who submitted their discussion papers in respond to a call for papers by KAS. The publication begins by setting the geographical and social cultural context of Baringo and West Pokot counties. The main aim of this call for papers was to help refine existing knowledge on early warning within the area of food security in Baringo and West Pokot Counties.

International Reports: Global Security

The “golden age of security”, as the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig characterised the time before the First World War, ended just over 100 years ago. After the atrocities of two world wars and the end of the so-called Cold War, many hoped that the cessation of the East-West conflict would herald the beginning of a new era of security – but those remaining hopes were shattered no later than the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

KAS Study on Use of Early Warning Systems & Integration of Data in Political Planning in West Pokot and Baringo Counties

This report is an account of a baseline study carried out in West Pokot and Baringo Counties on the utilization of EWS information in political planning by KAS. The study was informed by the fact that food emergency needs persist in the ASAL counties of Kenya despite availability of EWS data. The study thus, sought to investigate the notion that EWS information is not adequately incorporated in political planning.

PTD Policy Brief zu Dezentralisierung

Dieser Policy Brief von der KAS-Partnership for Transformational Devolution (PTD) gemeinsam mit anderen zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen erarbeitet. Damit wird ein Beitrag zur Debatte rund um das Thema nachhaltige, produktive, effektive und effiziente Governance von Counties geleistet. Das Dokument hebt vier Schlüsselbereiche hervor und identifiziert zentrale Fragen, die im Rahmen der politischen Debatte gestellt werden müssen. Zusätzlich umfasst der Brief konkrete Policy-Empfehlungen, um den Herausforderungen im Bereich der Dezentralisierung erfolgreich zu begegnen.

KAS PTD Newsletter Edition No 6 - Juni 2018

Die 6. Ausgabe des PTD Newsletter widmet sich der 5. Annual Devolution Conference in Kakamega. Es informiert über die Resultate der Konferenz und die Aktivitäten der KAS-geführten Partnership for Transformational Devolution (PTD) in Kakamega.

Kenia: Historischer Handschlag mit Folgen

Am 9. März kam es in Kenia zum überraschenden „Handshake“ zwischen Präsident Uhuru Kenyatta und Oppositionsführer Raila Odinga. Während einige Effekte bereits sichtbar und spürbar sind, bleiben die konkreten mittel- und langfristigen Folgen dieser politischen Übereinkunft unklar.