


Squaring the Circle of the Lebanese-Syrian Borders, a Utopia?

A report by Middle East Institute for Research and Strategic Studies - MEIRSS and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Lebanon Office.

Since the declaration of independence of Syria and Lebanon, and the first tracing of the borders between the two countries, many issues have arisen around the accuracy, the reality, and respect of this borderline. Smuggling, illegal transitions, violations of military and political delimitations, and an ever-growing list of violations are reported daily at the borders.

The Way Back from Hell - Documentary

A documentary about the economic and financial plans proposed by both established and emerging political parties

With a political arena inhabited by political parties and civil society groups, Lebanon faces the need for a clear economic strategy to tackle the current crisis

Addressing the Lebanese Banking Crisis

Is a Good Bank – Bad Bank Reconstructing the Solution?

The crisis of the Lebanese banks is a major factor of the economic recession that Lebanon has been faced with since late 2019. The restructuring of the Lebanese banking sector is a precondition for an economic recovery.

Braving the Storm: Safeguarding the Lebanese Innovation Economy

New Report by Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Arabnet Assesses the Impact of the Lebanese Crisis on the Startup Ecosystem

Since October 2019, Lebanon’s economy has entered a prolonged economic downturn, marked by a severe financial crisis, a collapse of infrastructure services, and a crippling political deadlock. In 2020 alone, Lebanon’s real GDP shrunk by 20.3%, while inflation averaged 84.3% in the same year.

Special Report: Gender Equity

A special report published by Executive Magazine in collaboration with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Lebanon Office

Keeping the Lights on: A Short-Term Action Plan for Lebanon's Electricity Sector

Lebanon is currently suffering from a confluence of deep crises combining economic, banking, financial, social, health crises which have resulted in a complete erosion of public confidence and trust and a meltdown of basic public services. However, the country is presented with an opportunity to build back better. A return to “business as usual” is no longer tolerated.

The Dollarization Curse

Hard Peg Choices to Cure the Currency

A report incorporating and building upon economic-empirical research that economists, including scientist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has undertaken on exchange rate regimes, forms and effect of each regime currency type. However, this report is not only theoretical-academic as it takes into account the globally unique, institutional and political specificities of Lebanon in the past 50 years.

Perceptions and Attitudes of Lebanese Citizens Towards the Economic, Social and Political Situation in Lebanon

A Public Survey with Statistics Lebanon

A national public survey was conducted to study the perceptions and attitudes of Lebanese citizens towards the economic, social and political situation in Lebanon.

After the Crony

A New Economic Model for Lebanon, By Jean Tawile

A paper aiming to investigate the root cause of the Lebanese crisis and put an outline for a new economic model for Lebanon

dpa picture alliance / Hans Lucas, Victoria C. Werling

Zwei Jahre Revolution: viel Krise, wenig Hoffnung

Trotz einer neuen Regierung kämpft der Libanon mit alten Problemen und die Sorge vor Gewalt wächst. Wie steht es um die Aussicht auf politischen Wandel?

Am 17. Oktober 2021 jährte sich die libanesische „Thawra“, der Ausbruch von Massenprotesten, zum zweiten Mal. Wenig hat sich seitdem zum Besseren gewendet. Die Hoffnung auf einen grundsätzlichen politischen Systemwechsel hat sich weitgehend zerschlagen. Das Land befindet sich in einer dramatischen wirtschaftlichen Krise. Die Eliten, die durch Jahrzehnte politischen Missmanagements und Korruption für die Probleme verantwortlich zeichnen, scheinen nach wie vor fest im Sattel zu sitzen. Bewaffnete Auseinandersetzungen am Rande von Protesten in Beirut haben jüngst in Erinnerung gerufen, wie fragil auch die Sicherheitslage ist. Nur wenn es der zersplitterten Protestbewegung gelingt, sich entlang politischer Programmatik zu organisieren, hat sie vor dem Hintergrund der angespannten Lage eine Chance, im politischen System zu bestehen.