


Renaisans Dan Humanisme

Renaisans, atau Renaissance, dari segi bahasa bermaksud "kelahiran semula", suatu tempoh tamadun Eropah sejurus selepas Zaman Pertengahan, dicirikan oleh peningkatan minat dalam nilai dan pengajian klasik, menyaksikan penumuan dan penerokaan benua-benua baru.Humanisme mempunyai beberapa ciri signifikan. Ia mengambil sifat tabie manusia sebagai subjek utama dalam pelbagai manifestasi dan pencapaiannya. Humanisme berusaha mengembalikan semangat dan kearifan insan yang telah hilang.

Sustainable Development and the Fight Against Terrorism

MSRC-KAF Inter-Cultural Discourse Series II

Borneo Review Volume XIII Number 1, June 2002

Bi-Annual Journal

The Borneo Review is a Journal published bi-annually in the months of June and December. It contains articles on subject within the field of development, economics, politics and regional and international affairs of relevance to the East ASEAN and Southeast Asian region.

Declaration Toward a Global Ethic

Chinese Language Version

The Declaration Toward A Global Ethic was adopted by the Parliament of the World's Religions on 4 September 1993. Thereby, for the first time in human history, representatives of the different religions agreed on a set of common moral values and ethical standards which are shared by all faiths. Never before in the history of religions had this happened! Herein lies the tremendous significance of the Declaration Toward A Global Ethic for the future of humankind.

Perisytiharan Ke Arah Etika Dunia

Bahasa Malaysia

The Declaration Toward A Global Ethic was adopted by the Parliament of the World's Religions on 4 September 1993. Thereby, for the first time in human history, representatives of the different religions agreed on a set of common moral values and ethical standards which are shared by all faiths. Never before in the history of religions had this happened! Herein lies the tremendous significance of the Declaration Toward A Global Ethic for the future of humankind.

Declaration Toward a Global Ethic

English Language Version

The Declaration Toward A Global Ethic was adopted by the Parliament of the World's Religions on 4 September 1993. Thereby, for the first time in human history, representatives of the different religions agreed on a set of common moral values and ethical standards which are shared by all faiths. Never before in the history of religions had this happened! Herein lies the tremendous significance of the Declaration Toward A Global Ethic for the future of humankind.

Is Malaysia an Islamic State? Secularism and Theocracy - A Study of the Malaysian Constitution

MSRC-KAF Inter-Cultural Discourse Series I

Towards A Civil Society

The Role of Individuals and Communities

Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri: Dari Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia

Internal Security Act: A Human Rights Perspective

This is a Bahasa Malaysia publication and contains the transcript of presentation "ISA Forum: A Human Rights Perspective" which was held on 5 May 2001 at the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Borneo Review, Volume X11, Number 1, June 2001

Bi-annual Journal

The Borneo Review is the Journal published by annually in the months of June and December on subjects within the field of development, economics, politics and regional and international affairs of relevance to the East ASEAN and Southeast Asian region