


Public Health in Asia during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Global Health Governance, Migrant Labour, and International Health Crises

Every nation in Asia has dealt with COVID-19 differently and with varying levels of success in the absence of clear and effective leadership from the World Health Organization (WHO). As a result, WHO’s role in Asia as a global health organization is coming under increasing pressure. As its credibility is slowly being eroded by public displays of incompetence and negligence, it has also become an arena of contestation. Moreover, while the pandemic continues to undermine the future of global health governance as a whole, the highly interdependent economies in Asia have exposed the speed with which pandemics can spread, as intensive regional travel and business connections have caused every area in the region to be hit hard. The migrant labour necessary to sustain globalized economies has been strained and the security of international workers is now more precarious than ever, as millions have been left stranded, seen their entry blocked, or have limited access to health services. This volume by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung's (KAS) Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS), Leiden Asia Centre, and the International Academic Forum provides an accessible framework for understanding the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia, with a specific emphasis on global governance in health and labour.

TVET and Higher Education Reforms for Malaysia – Lessons from the Social Market Economy Model

Webinar report (English only)

A report by Dr. Mohamed Aslam Haneef on Malaysia's higher education system from the perspective of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and the social market economy. It was discussed in the webinar "Are Universities Worth It?" on 5 September 2021 and this report covers the points raised and further elaborates on how to move forward towards better education of all.

Reforming Malaysia's GLC Framework

Webinar report

A report by Dr. Edmund Terence Gomez on Malaysia's government-linked companies (GLCs) from the perspective of the social market economy and comparisons with other countries. It was discussed in the webinar "Battling the Crisis: The Role of the Government-Linked Companies (GLCs)" on 14 June 2021 and this report covers the points raised and further elaborates on how GLCs could be reformed for a better Malaysia.

Malaysia’s Health System: Public or Private?

Webinar report (English only)

A report by Dr. Geoffrey Williams on Malaysia's healthcare system from the perspective of the social market economy. It was discussed in the webinar "Public or Private? Equity, Efficiency and Quality in Malaysia's Healthcare" on 5 May 2021 and this report covers the points raised and further elaborates on how to move forward towards better healthcare of all.

The Future of Work for the Asian Youth (Malaysia)

This country report serves to shed light on the realities of the future of work in Malaysia. The first part will examine the current state of youths in Malaysia from the demographical lenses, education and workforce participation of youths. The second part will discuss the realities faced by Malaysian youths from both the opportunities and challenges for the youths. And the final part will be the policy recommendations to further alleviate some of the challenges faced by youths in transitioning to the work.

Making SDGs Matter

Leaving No One Behind

The book presents a unique collection of policy recommendations to address the issues and challenges identified. The authors propose solutions that can transcend local, national and international levels, and with that they demonstrate how the SDGs can be utilised to address the issues across the four policy areas.

The Path to Success

How Women-owned Businesses Transform in the Era of Digitalization - Lessons from Malaysia

Jointly conducted with Woomentum and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Japan/SOPAS, the research looks at the effects of digitalization on Women-owned Small and Medium Enterprises' (1) access to financing, (2) access to mentoring, networking, and skills, (3) business process and management, as well as (4) COVID-19 crisis management. This chapter focuses on the lesson learned by WSMEs in Malaysia.

Premierminister Tun Dr. Mahathir warnt vor Folgen eines Handelskriegs zwischen den Supermächten

Der malaysische Premierminister Tun Dr. Mahathir warnt vor den Folgen eines Handelskriegs zwischen den USA und China für die Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Südostasien. Sollte es zu weiteren Sanktionen kommen, besteht die Gefahr eines neuen kalten Krieges zwischen den beiden Supermächten. Malaysia sei sowohl von den amerikanischen und als auch chinesischen Märkten abhängig und aus geopolitischen Gründen an beide Länder gebunden. Ein Weg, um diese Hindernisse zu überwinden, sei die der Aufbau von Kapazitäten und die Stärkung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, insbesondere in den ASEAN-Nachbarländern. Tun Dr. Mahathir sprach als Hauptredner der Vortragsveranstaltung Thema „Malaysia Beyond 2020“, organisiert vom Institute for Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) am 21. Oktober 2019 in Kuala Lumpur. Die KAS arbeitet seit mehreren Jahren mit ISIS Malaysia zusammen, zuletzt im Rahmen des „Malaysisch-Deutschen Sicherheitsdialogs“, und fördert derzeit die Vortragsreihe „ISIS Praxis Conference“.

Angela Merkel

Pemimpin Eropah Yang Paling Berpengaruh

This is a Malay language translation of Matthew Qvortrup's book "Angela Merkel: Europe's Most Influential Leader." It tells the story of Mrs. Merkel's upbringing, her influences and her eventual path to power in Germany.

Malaysia nach den Wahlen 2018 - Die ersten einhundert Tage im neuen Malaysia

Aufbruch in eine demokratische Zukunft

Die Parlamentswahlen am 9. Mai 2018 bescherten der Opposition unter Führung des nun 93jährigen Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad einen historischen Wahlerfolg. Dieser unerwartete Sieg beendete die 61jährige Dominanz der Barisan Nasional und der Regierungspartei UMNO und öffnete den Weg für eine neue Politik in Malaysia. Diese Neuausrichtung unterstrich Dr. Mahathir mit einigen wichtigen Entscheidungen: Einer schnellen Kabinettsbildung, der vorzeitigen Entlassung des ehemaligen Vize-Ministerpräsidenten Dr. Anwar Ibrahim aus der Haft und einer raschen Anklageerhebung gegen den durch vergangene Korruptionsskandale angeschlagenen und abgewählten Ex-Premier Dato‘ Seri Najib Razak. Und, im Oktober, mit dem Kabinettsbeschluss zur Abschaffung der Todesstrafe.