


Declaration on Criteria for Free and Fair Elections

Erklärung des Rates der Interparlamentarischen Union über freie und faire Wahlen

Die "Declaration on Criteria for Free and Fair Election" (Erklärung des Rates der Interparlamentarischen Union über freie und faire Wahlen) wurde im Vorfeld der Parlamentswahlen am 08. März 2008 in einem handlichen und übersichtlichen Format veröffentlicht. Diese Publikation wird vorwiegend bei Seminaren zur Wähleraufklärung eingesetzt.

The Initiative for the Formation of a Malaysian Interfaith Commission - A Documentation

Malaysian Interfaith Commision

Dealing with Terrorism Today: Lessons from the Malaysian Experience

MSRC-KAF Inter-Cultural Discourse Series IV

Terrorism, a violent affliction plaguing states and societies globally, is gaining prominence. A huge effort and millions of dollars are being poured daily into a multitude of initiatives to combat this security threat to lies around the world, in the hope that human security everywhere could be protected and further enhanced. While some counter-terrorism efforts have met with a measure of success in some areas, the threat still looms. Hence, local and global linkages and collaboration in this sphere are essential. This publication, limited as it is, hopes to bring additional perspectives to this continuing endeavour of global significance.

Hanya Tuhan Mengenal Tenteranya

Persoalan Wibawa dalam Wacana Islam

Buku ini merupakan terjemahan dari Khaled M. Abou El Fadl, "And God Knows the Soldiers, University Press of America."

Muhammad Abduh: Riwayat Hidup dan Pemikiran

Muhammad Abduh: Life and Thoughts

The Prohibition of Usury in Islam

Current Issues in the Islamic World

Freedom and Islam

Current Issues in the Islamic World

I Am Muslim

by Dina Zaman

"Dina Zaman's articles about being a Muslim in Malaysia today capture the multifaceted aspects of difference and alterity in normative religious life better than many academic studies on the subject." (Dr. Farish A. Noor, Berlin)

Islam and Interfaith Marriage

Current Issues in the Islamic World

Islam and Terrorism

Current Issues in the Islamic World