Localising SDGs Post Covid-19 and Leaving No One Behind Book Launch
Roundtable on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
The effectiveness and influence of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are dependent on their feasibility to be translated into and implemented at the local context. The roundtable aims to contribute to addressing the challenges by providing recommendations for addressing the local impacts of COVID-19 to the local economy.
The Future of Work for the Asian Youth (Malaysia)
The Future of Work for the Asian Youth Webinar Series
A webinar on the impact of technology, climate change, the global health and economic crisis, on the changing nature of work for the Malaysian youth.
MiDAS-KAS Conference 2020
Pandemic Response and Beyond
This conference will be a platform in which policy makers, researchers, non-profit organisations and international organisations are able to share and exchange lessons learned, as well as ideas on the best practices on pandemic containment and subsequent, eradication. The topics to be discussed shall range from pandemic management to the impact it has beyond health. Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, most of the panel will be holding the discussion via online video-conferencing.
Crucial Conversation-Corporate Liability 2020
Towards Greater Governance and Accountability
The new legislation, Section 17A of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (Amendment) Act 2018 which comes into effect in June 2020 will have serious impact on companies business entities and individual players and carries serious repercussion if breached . The act will hold the commercial organization accountable if any persons associated with the organization commits a corrupt act to retain business or gain advantage for the commercial organization.
Youth Leadership Development Programme-Race towards Future Readiness
This event consists of life skills modules which equip the participant with methodologies and techniques in problem solving, team building, discovering leadership talent and readiness to enter the workforce.
The Future of Work: Challenges and Opportunities for Policy Making in Middle Income Countries
The implications for work and welfare in middle-income countries and the policy implications for a range of policy areas such as education, labour issues and social policy.
Towards Sustainable Palm Oil Navigating the Political and Scientific Discourses
Roundtable on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
As one of the largest world leader in palm oil trade, Malaysia must respond to the criticisms associating to oil palm. The negative image of palm oil particularly in the European market, can potentially hurt both the conventional and sustainably sourced production of palm oil. Since the EU is the second largest importer behind India that constitutes over 12 percent of Malaysia’s palm oil total export, a mechanism separating the two types of production must be urgently introduced.