


Kadmy/Adobe Stock (cover image) & ArtistMef/Creative Market (plastic textures)

Catalyst or Destabiliser?

Die Coronapandemie und ihre Folgen für die Medienlandschaft weltweit

Wie in vielen anderen Lebensbereichen hat die Coronapandemie auch in der weltweiten Medienlandschaft Spuren hinterlassen. Aber kann man tatsächlich von einer Zäsur sprechen oder hat die Pandemie nur bestehende Trends verstärkt? Hat sie nur Verwüstung angerichtet oder hat sie auch neue Chancen geschaffen und die Spreu vom Weizen getrennt? Elf Autorinnen und Autoren aus neun Regionen haben sich dieser Fragen angenommen.

Apply now for a scholarship place in a Wits Media Management short course!

KAS Media Africa and Wits Journalism invite African journalists and editors with management ambitions to apply for a Media Management short course accredited by the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Hounded: African Journalists in Exile

In Hounded: African Journalists in Exile, 16 African journalists share accounts of how their unrelenting conviction to tell the truth forced them to flee their homelands.

Media Law Handbook for Southern Africa: Second Edition

The handbook is a practical resource for journalists and media lawyers offering a comprehensive overview of media laws for 13 countries in Southern Africa; it also looks at the key principles of media, broadcasting and internet regulation and what key challenges remain for media freedom.

It is about their story

How China, Turkey and Russia influence the media in Africa

KAS Media Africa has asked experts on Chinese, Turkish and Russian media policies to outline the strategies that the state and media institutions are applying when dealing with media houses and media practitioners in Africa. As media experts in South Africa, the DRC or Nigeria are witnessing a growing pressure on their ways of investigating and positioning media in their countries as the Fourth Estate, this publication tries to give an overview, a handbook for orientation.

L’éditeur nigérian Dapo Olorunyomi reçoit le Prix international de la liberté de la presse

Le Comité pour la protection des journalistes (CPJ) récompense Dapo Olorunyomi pour son travail courageux

Framing Democracy : Tanzania

Media Coverage of Tanzania’s 2020 Presidential Elections: A Focus on Opposition Presidential Candidate Tundu Lissu

With an unprecedented decline in press freedom since President John Pombe Magufuli took over in 2015, Tanzania has become a tragic case study. Shutdowns of newspapers and other media outlets and censorship are rampant. Some journalists have been purged or harassed for not toeing the line while many others simply left the profession.

La sixième édition de la conférence annuelle de #AfricaBlogging s’est tenue en ligne

Les blogueurs africains se sont rencontrés virtuellement pour la sixième édition de leur conférence annuelle.

Les participants venus des 12 pays francophones et anglophones ont discuté entre autres de la situation politique au Cameroun et de l’importance du blogging alors que les espaces démocratiques rétrécissent.

Building Media Credibility and Trust in Africa

The media's credibility crisis in Africa

KAS Media Africa Director Christoph Plate moderated a conversation with Simon Allison, Africa Editor of Mail&Guardian and Editor of The Continent and Amanyehun R. Sisay, publisher of the Ethiopian Business Review about building media credibility and trust in Africa.

Health Journalism in times of Covid-19

Assessing the quality of Health Journalism in Africa.