


LAC of multilateral leadership?

How the Latin American and Caribbean region engages in the multilateral system, its current challenges and its untapped opportunities

The Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region stands at a critical moment for global governance. It has a rare opportunity to shape agendas of the G-20, the UN Summit of the Future, the Conference of the Parties (COPs) on climate and biodiversity, as well as the Fourth Conference on Financing for Development and the ECOSOC agenda. However, while the region stands at the epicenter of global debates, it does not live up to its full potential for exerting multilateral leadership. How can the region overcome this lack of multilateral leadership?


Key Priorities of the Foreign Policy of Greece in View of the Candidature to the UN Security Council 2025-2026

A Conversation with H.E. George Gerapetritis, Foreign Minister of the Hellenic Republic

Amid unprecedented global challenges and multiplying conflicts, the United Nations Security Council—as the primary organ tasked with maintaining peace and security worldwide—remains more critical than ever. However, widening geopolitical rifts, intensifying political polarization, and the misuse of veto power by its permanent members have paralyzed the Council, constricting its action on pressing issues. Non-permanent, or elected, members have a unique opportunity to positively impact and influence the Council’s work and dynamics.

UN Photo/Pasqual Gorriz

Multilateralism in Action: Marking the 76th International Day of UN Peacekeepers

International Day of UN Peacekeepers

Over 70,000 UN peacekeepers serve in 11 missions around the globe today. They provide life-saving services such as upholding ceasefires, clearing land mines, and protecting civilians from violence in conflict-affected areas. The International Day of UN Peacekeepers, on 29 May, pays tribute to the honourable service and sacrifice of peacekeepers and the communities they serve. To mark the 76th International Day of UN Peacekeepers, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, shares his perspectives on peacekeeping today and tomorrow in our latest UN Agora Blog post.  

Workshop: Beyond the SIDS4 Conference

Partnerships for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure in the Pacific

During the 4th International Conference on SIDS (SIDS4) from 27-30 May 2024, SIDS adopted a 10-year agenda calling for action-oriented efforts to create a resilient and prosperous future. Leading up to the SIDS4, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Fiji to the United Nations and the EU Delegation to the United Nations convened a workshop on 21 May 2024 to explore partnership opportunities and innovative solutions to enhance and maintain climate-resilient infrastructure in Pacific Island Countries. The event provided a platform for Member States, representatives of the UN system, think tanks and academia to share their experiences in climate-resilient infrastructure while addressing how the international community can facilitate multi-stakeholder partnerships on the path towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Recent Developments, Pending Challenges & Outlook

A Conversation with High Representative Christian Schmidt

Nearly 30 years after the landmark Dayton Agreement, Bosnia and Herzegovina continues to face ongoing political instability, ethnic tensions, separatist rhetoric and actions, and systemic corruption, among other challenges. As the country approaches its third decade under the peace agreement, unity remains an elusive prospect, prompting much reflection and re-evaluation from the international community as to Dayton’s complex legacy.

IMAGO / Xinhua


Ernüchterung statt Aufbruchsstimmung

Das multilaterale System mit den Vereinten Nationen im Zentrum befindet sich in einer Vertrauenskrise. Eine tiefgreifende Reform ist notwendig, jedoch stehen die Chancen in einer zunehmend polarisierten Weltordnung schlecht. Deutschland kommt in der Vorbereitung des UN-Zukunftsgipfels eine besondere Rolle zu.

Transitional Justice in the 21st Century:

Rethinking Justice through Colombia’s Special Jurisdiction for Peace

The Special Jurisdiction for Peace (Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz; JEP, by its Spanish acronym) emerged from the Final Peace Agreement signed between Colombia’s Government and the foreign guerrilla FARC-EP on November 24, 2016. JEP is the judicial component of the Comprehensive System for Peace responsible for administering restorative transi¬tional justice, fostering transformation towards peace and repairing social structures, and ensuring the victim’s rights and legal security of those appearing before this tribunal. Its operation focuses on territorial, differential, and gender perspectives.

iStock/Panorama Images

Regulating the Role and Involvement of Offensive Proxy Actors in Cyberconflict

In a rapidly evolving and expanding cyber threat landscape, the proliferation of offensive cyber proxies is raising the stakes and carries significant security implications for nation states, businesses, and individuals. Regulating their role and involvement in cyberconflict presents a set of pressing and unprecedented challenges for the international community.

The Road to Koblenz:

Pathways for international justice through the exercise of universal jurisdiction in Germany

In February 2021, for example, the Koblenz Higher Regional Court sentenced Eyad A to four and a half years in prison, followed by Anwar R’s conviction two years later in January 2022. These rulings represented an unprecedented state action against impunity for brutalities committed under the Bashar al-Assad regime. What accounts for such prosecutorial and judicial assertiveness in Germany? Under what conditions is this litigation and prosecution possible before German courts?

UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

In conversation with Dr. Randy Rydell

International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness

The International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness seeks to promote better awareness and understanding of disarmament issues among the public, especially young people. As the United Nations notes, the goals of multilateral disarmament and arms limitation have been central to the UN’s efforts to maintain international peace and security.



Politische Kurzberichte der KAS-Auslandsbüros

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ist in rund 110 Ländern auf fünf Kontinenten mit einem eigenen Büro vertreten. Die Auslandsmitarbeiter vor Ort können aus erster Hand über aktuelle Ereignisse und langfristige Entwicklungen in ihrem Einsatzland berichten. In den "Länderberichten" bieten sie den Nutzern der Webseite der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung exklusiv Analysen, Hintergrundinformationen und Einschätzungen.


Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, ihre Bildungsforen und Auslandsbüros bieten jährlich mehrere tausend Veranstaltungen zu wechselnden Themen an. Über ausgewählte Konferenzen, Events, Symposien etc. berichten wir aktuell und exklusiv für Sie unter Hier finden Sie neben einer inhaltlichen Zusammenfassung auch Zusatzmaterialien wie Bilder, Redemanuskripte, Videos oder Audiomitschnitte.

UN Agora Blog

Die Vereinten Nationen bezeichnen bestimmte Tage, Wochen, Jahre und Jahrzehnte als Anlässe, um Ereignisse oder Themen zu markieren, die durch Bewusstsein und Handeln die Ziele der Organisation fördern. Es sind ein oder mehrere Mitgliedsstaaten, die diese Gedenktage vorschlagen, und die Generalversammlung legt sie mit einer Resolution fest.

Die KAS New York möchte ein regelmäßiges virtuelles Gespräch über diese Themen anregen, indem sie eine Gruppe von Experten einlädt, über die zugeordneten internationalen Tage der Vereinten Nationen zu schreiben und zu reflektieren.

Als Teil unserer Rechtsstaatlichkeitsprojekte zielt dieser Blog auch darauf ab, das Bewusstsein für die internationalen Gerechtigkeitstage und die Arbeit, die die Vereinten Nationen bei der Verwirklichung von Frieden und Gerechtigkeit auf der ganzen Welt geleistet haben, zu schärfen, sowie eine weltweite Diskussion über den Beitrag der Vereinten Nationen zur Stärkung der Unabhängigkeit der Justiz zu führen.

