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Tag der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung 2021

„Politik und Vertrauen“

Die Arbeit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung im Kontext von Partizipation, Repräsentation, Sicherheit und Innovation


Unter Druck: Multilateralismus, Partnerschaften und strategische Allianzen

Online-Gespräch mit anschließender Diskussionsrunde

Europa und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika sehen sich mit globalen Herausforderungen konfrontiert, die weder geographische Grenzen respektieren noch mit nationalen Antworten zu lösen sind. Die COVID-19 Pandemie hat nochmals erneut akzentuiert, was sich bereits zuvor abzeichnete: Fragen der globalen Gesundheit, des Klimawandels, und der Rüstungskontrolle, ein zunehmend aggressiver agierendes Russland sowie eine selbstbewusste und den Einfluss ausdehnende Volksrepublik China sind Herausforderungen, die einer gemeinsamen Antwort bedürfen. Daher ist es dringender denn je, eine weitere Fragmentierung des multilateralen Systems zu verhindern.


Surveilance and Information Disorder in Africa

Register here:


Wirkungsmöglichkeiten der gewählten Mitglieder des Sicherheitsrates der Vereinten Nationen

Deutschlands Mitgliedschaft 2019-2020


The nexus of health and security

Early warning, crisis management, and increased resilience in a multilateral framework

COVID-19 hit the international community unprepared irrespective of the fact that a variety of global risk analysis as well as national security strategies cited pandemics as a likely risk scenario for forthcoming decades. To the contrary, countries had reduced for years their stockpiles of PPE and relied on global production chains for strategic equipment. The velocity of the virus’ spread around the globe dwarfed any attempts for mere national responses. Its impact on societies, health systems and economies underlined the need for comprehensive responses cross-cutting across health, economic, and security sectors.



Das Schweigen des UN-Sicherheitsrats in der Covid-19 Pandemie

Während die Generalsversammlung der Vereinten Nationen bereits zwei Resolutionen zur Corona-Pandemie verabschiedete, war vom UN-Sicherheitsrat bisher kaum etwas zu hören. Ob ein Ende dieser Paralyse des mächtigen UN-Gremiums in Sicht ist, wollen wir am 4.Mai mit unseren Experten diskutieren.


Book launch "FeMALE Diplomacy - Women in Foreign Policy"

Only a few women sit at the negotiating table when it comes to war and peace. Foreign and security policy remains a largely male dominated domain in politics. As of June 2019, 11 women are serving as Head of State and 12 are serving as Head of Government. As of January 2019, only 20.7 per cent of government ministers worldwide were women. The five most commonly held portfolios by women ministers are: Social Affairs; followed by Family/Children/Youth/Elderly/Disabled; Environment/Natural Resources/Energy; Employment/Labour/Vocational Training; and Trade/Industry.



Women in Politics fostering Digital Inclusion

Women are 12% less likely to use the internet globally than men. In low and middle-income countries, the gap between women’s use and that of men even widens to 26%. Most pronounced becomes this digital divide in LDCs, where women are 33% less likely than men to use the internet. These digital inequalities matter particularly as digital technologies, including the internet, are having increasingly profound impacts also on other aspects of economy, society and culture. Any action to enhance digital equality therefore has not only important positive impacts on gender equality in general but also contributes to the development of societies. In order to enhance women’s equality and empowerment through digital inclusion all stakeholders need to work together in order to foster skills and education, to provide connectivity, and to create adequate policy frameworks.



Luncheon Debate "The female face of migration"

Although the share of women in the total number of international migrants fell from 49.3% (2000) to 47.9% in 2019, the situation varies across regions. In North America, Europe and Oceania the percentage of migrating women has surpassed 50%. Also Latin America and the Caribbean are hosting already 49.9% of migrant women. These women often migrate alone in search for better jobs, education opportunities and greater freedoms. On their journey or in their countries of destination they often become victims of fraud, abuse, rape or discrimination. According to UNODC data the majority of victims of human trafficking are women and young girls (71%). This data clearly highlights the need to strengthen the instruments for protection, but also for information campaigns amongst migrant women. We cordially invite you to discuss with our panelists how current challenges can best be addressed.



Land rights for women as a factor for development

In half of the world, women are still unable to assert their land and property rights. Although inroads have been made over the years on the legal side, the gap between law and practice remains. According to FAO data, agricultural productivity could be enhanced by 20% to 30% if more women would have secure tenure of the land they are working on. In many societies, be it in Latin America, Sub-Sahara Africa or even in the Balkans, discriminatory social practices still prevent to harvest the benefits for socio-economic development that secure land rights for women could bring. Therefore, we invite you to discuss with our panelists how a lack of understanding of laws within communities and families can be addressed, how women can gain better access to legal services and how also other relevant factors such as financial instruments need to be adjusted.


The Afghan Peace Process

What Challenges Lie Ahead for an Afghan-owned, Afghan-led Solution?

The week before the UNAMA resolution was renewed, Dr. Ellinore Zeino, Head of KAS’ Office in Kabul, Afghanistan was in New York for a dialogue program with different UN agencies and permanent missions.

Data as Political Capital

What kind of Rules & Regulations do we need for a digitized Democracy

Digitization has completely altered the way our societies communicate and how political opinion-making is shaped. Foreign interference, online hate-speech, data leaks on social media platforms, fake-news have made it more important than ever to define a global rules-based system and code of conduct that sets a common standard and protects democracy.

Evangelicals and Political Power in Latin America

José Luis Pérez Guadalupe, Professor at the Universidad del Pacifico in Peru, together with co-authors introduced the newest publication called Evangelicals and Political Power in Latin America at a book launch event at KAS New York. The meeting was co-organized by the KAS country office in Lima and featured contributing authors from Brazil, Costa Rica and Colombia presenting national case studies from their respective countries. The researchers also met with representatives of various United Nations agencies and faith-based institutions based in the New York City area.

Cyber-Security: an issue for national and international security

From May 13 – 17, the KAS New York office hosted a dialogue program with security experts from Brazil on the topic of Cyber-Security. In the discussions, delegates brought in their broad range of expertise from their diplomatic, academic and private sector background.

Crafting an Alliance for Multilateralism

The KAS New York Office, jointly with the EU funded Jean Monnet Research Network on EU-UN Relations (EUN-NET) and the German Marshall Fund of the United States hosted a first discussion on the proposed “Alliance for Multilateralism” on May 14th. Opening remarks by the German Permanent Representatives to the United Nations, Dr. Christoph Heusgen started off a vibrant discussion with panelists Edith Drieskens (Leuven University), Maria Gianniou (Athens University of Economics and Business), Robert Kissack (Barcelona Institute of International Studies) and Jake Sherman (International Peace Institute) moderated by Jan Techau (GMF).

Democracy Works

Together with its South African partner, The Brenthurst Foundation, the KAS office New York launched the study Democracy Works.

Group Foto Democracy Works

Media as a Guardian of Democratic Values and Multilateral Institutions

KAS NY welcomes bloggers and independent journalists hailing from Ivory Coast, Cameroon, the DRC & South Africa who create content for the KAS supported media platform africablogging to examine how media can be a guardian of democratic values and multilateral institutions


"Freiheit, Demokratie und Menschenrechte sind weder selbstverständlich noch unabänderlich"

Friedensnobelpreisträger Dr. Denis Mukwege kämpft gegen sexuelle Gewalt als Instrument der Kriegsführung

Dr. Denis Mukwege, Friedensnobelpreisträger 2018, traf sich am 24. April im KAS-Büro New York mit Vertretern von UN-Agenturen und Menschenrechtsorganisationen zu einem Frühstücksgespräch. Im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion stand die Frage, wie sich zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen noch stärker als bisher im Kampf gegen sexuelle Gewalt als Instrument der Kriegsführung engagieren können.

Europe Goes to the Polls: What to Expect from the European Parliamentary Election

Mr. Klaus Welle, Secretary-General of the European Parliament, briefed the audience on the upcoming European elections, a watershed moment for the European Union. The event was cohosted by the American Council on Germany (ACG).

Discussion on Earmarking in the Multilateral Development System

Dr. Max-Otto Baumann, Senior Researcher at the German Development Institute, introduced a pre-liminary version of the report titled Shades of Grey: Earmarking in the Multilateral Development System at KAS New York Office soliciting feedback from a group of experts from UN agencies and Member States’ missions.