



Derzeit sind keine Veranstaltungen geplant.



Ein Netzwerk fürs Leben - Stipendiatentreffen im New Yorker KAS-Büro

Um die aktuellen und ehemaligen KAS Stipendiaten im Raum New York untereinander besser zu vernetzen, richtet das Büro in New York ein Stipendiatentreffen aus. Dabei wird Axel Wennmann, selber Altstipendat, über die Rolle der UN im Irak sprechen.


Zusammenarbeit für mehr Sicherheit in Westafrika - UN, EU und G5

Runder Tisch mit westafrikanischen Terrorismus-Experten

Im Rahmen eines Dialogprogramms zum Terrorismus in Westafrika lädt Sie das KAS-Büro New York herzlich zum Austausch mit Experten aus der Region ein, um die aktuellen Herausforderungen und möglichen Lösungsansätze zu erörtern.


Transnationale Antworten auf ein globales Problem – Der Kampf der UN gegen den Terrorismus

Die Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik im KAS-Büro New York

Der Kernkurs der Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik wird im KAS-Büro New York mit dem anerkannten Experten Dr. David Scharia zusammen kommen, um über die Rolle der Vereinten Nationen bei der Bekämpfung des globalen Terrorismus zu sprechen.


Eine neue Regierung in Zeiten globaler Unsicherheit – Außenpolitische Prioritäten der Großen Koalition

Der Arbeitskreis New York des Verbands deutscher Bediensteter in internationalen Organisationen (VDBIO) und die KAS New York freuen Sich, Sie zum Vortrag von Peter Beyer, MdB einzuladen.


Friedensbildung im ländlichen Afrika: eine Aufgabe für Frauen aus der Zivilgesellschaft

Gemeinsam mit Cordaid und Isis Women's International Cross Cultural Exchange lädt die KAS New York zur Diskussion mit Frauen aus Basisbewegungen in Südsudan, Burundi und der Demokratischen Republik Kongo über die Rolle von Frauen im Friedensprozess.


China’s Emergence as a Global Security Actor and Implications for Europe

Die Konrad Adenauer Stiftung New York freut sich, Sie zum Vortrag von Herrn Mikko Huotari zum Thema „Chinas Aufstieg als globaler Sicherheitsakteur“ einzuladen.


UNOCI in the Bigger Picture of Peacekeeping – Making Transitions Work

Die Ständigen Vertretungen der Elfenbeinküste sowie Deutschlands bei den Vereinten Nationen laden gemeinsam mit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung New York zur Diskussion über die im Juni 2017 beendete Friedensmission UNOCI in der Elfenbeinküste.


"Fake News", Falschinformation und automatisch generierte Propaganda: Demokratische Meinungsbildung in Gefahr?

Da der Platz für die Veranstaltung limitiert ist, bitten wir, sich bis zum 12.12. mittags (12 Uhr) anzumelden ( Veranstaltung der KAS Washington.


New Priorities? Germany's UN Policy after the Elections

Das American Council on Germany und die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung New York freuen sich, Sie zum Vortrag von Dr. Andreas Nick zur künftigen deutschen UN-Politik einzuladen.


Main take-aways of the COP23 for Africa

Ways ahead and possible areas of cooperation with the international community at the UN and beyond

African climate change politicians and experts coming directly from COP23 in Bonn are participating in a KAS organized dialogue program at the United Nations.

Zeige 41 - 50 von 62 Ergebnissen.


Transitional Justice in the 21st Century:

Rethinking Justice through Colombia’s Special Jurisdiction for Peace

The Special Jurisdiction for Peace (Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz; JEP, by its Spanish acronym) emerged from the Final Peace Agreement signed between Colombia’s Government and the foreign guerrilla FARC-EP on November 24, 2016. JEP is the judicial component of the Comprehensive System for Peace responsible for administering restorative transi¬tional justice, fostering transformation towards peace and repairing social structures, and ensuring the victim’s rights and legal security of those appearing before this tribunal. Its operation focuses on territorial, differential, and gender perspectives.

iStock/Panorama Images

Regulating the Role and Involvement of Offensive Proxy Actors in Cyberconflict

In a rapidly evolving and expanding cyber threat landscape, the proliferation of offensive cyber proxies is raising the stakes and carries significant security implications for nation states, businesses, and individuals. Regulating their role and involvement in cyberconflict presents a set of pressing and unprecedented challenges for the international community.

The Road to Koblenz:

Pathways for international justice through the exercise of universal jurisdiction in Germany

In February 2021, for example, the Koblenz Higher Regional Court sentenced Eyad A to four and a half years in prison, followed by Anwar R’s conviction two years later in January 2022. These rulings represented an unprecedented state action against impunity for brutalities committed under the Bashar al-Assad regime. What accounts for such prosecutorial and judicial assertiveness in Germany? Under what conditions is this litigation and prosecution possible before German courts?

Summit of the Future: Advancing African Perspectives for a Networked and Inclusive Multilateralism

On February 1, 2024 the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) Office in New York and International Peace Institute (IPI) convened a conference in Addis Ababa on the "Summit of the Future: Advancing African Perspectives for a Networked and Inclusive Multilateralism," providing a platform for the diplomatic community, representatives of international and regional organizations, and members of civil society in Africa to reflect on the continent's priorities for the Pact of the Future and opportunities for collective action.

Expert Discussion on the Deteriorating Security Situation in West Africa

Assessing the Region’s Escalating Terrorism Threat

Representatives of the UN system, UN Member States, and think tanks gathered to exchange views on the rapidly degrading security situation in West Africa and escalating threat posed by al-Qaeda and Islamic State (IS) affiliates in the region.

KAS-IOE Launch of the “Playbook 2.0: Creating Synergies Between United Nations Resident Coordinators and Employers for Sustainable Impact”

Private sector and United Nations Resident Coordinators Collaboration

On Monday, 29th January 2024, KAS and the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) jointly launched the Playbook 2.0 “Creating Synergies between UN Resident Coordinators and Employers for Sustainable Impact” on the sidelines of the 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum.

Safeguarding Humanitarian Action in UN Sanctions and Counterterrorism Regimes

The Impact and Implementation of Resolution 2664

On November 14, 2023, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) Office in New York and International Peace Institute (IPI) convened a closed-door roundtable to assess the implementation and impact of the landmark UN Security Council Resolution 2664—establishing a humanitarian carveout across UN sanctions regimes—and consider how it can be applied to counterterrorism measures.

Digital Cooperation and Digital Governance in Africa

Key messages from the IOE-KAS-ACET expert dialogue series

KAS, the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), and The African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) have collaborated on three dialogues with experts and policymakers, culminating in an event at the UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on July 12, 2023. These dialogues have been designed to facilitate knowledge sharing among policymakers, development partners, and other stakeholders in multilateral institutions to identify concrete policy actions to accelerate the development of digital skills in Africa. The three topics have been “Re-imagining Technical and Vocational Education and Training for the Fourth Industrial Revolution" with ACET as the lead organizer; “Disinformation, Data Management, and Citizen Skills” with KAS as the lead organizer; and “Technical and Soft Skills in the Digital Era” with IOE as the lead organizer. Key messages from the expert dialogues and HLPF event are below.


Die COSP16 – Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderung weltweit

Andrea E. Ostheimer, Vertreterin der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung bei den Vereinten Nationen, New York

Vom 13.-15. Juni 2023 fand in New York die 16. Conference of State Parties on the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities statt. Dieses jährliche Forum bietet Unterzeichnerstaaten seit der Verabschiedung der UN Behindertenrechtskonvention im Jahre 2006 die Möglichkeit, einen Fortschrittsbericht zu den Rechten von Menschen mit Behinderungen vorzulegen.

The private sector as a crucial partner in achieving the 2030 Agenda

Side-Event at the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

The International Organisation of the Employers (IOE), the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the Permanent Mission of Qatar to the United Nations (UN) in New York held a digital conference as a side event to the UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on 12 July 2021 to highlight best practices in multi-stakeholder engagement towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals while recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic.