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"Best Practices for Juvenile Jusitce: The Case of Palestine"
Birzeit Legal Encounter
The Institute of Law at Birzeit University / Gaza Office cordially invites you to attend a lecture entitled: "Best Practices for Juvenile Jusitce: The Case of Palestine"
Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Ramallah und die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) laden Sie herzlich ein zu einer Konferenz mit dem Titel "INVESTITIONEN IN ERNEUERBARE ENERGIEN".
الحالة التشريعية في الأراضي الفلسطينية/ 2007-2012
لقاءات بيرزيت القانونية
يتشرف معهد الحقوق- جامعة بيرزيت بدعوتكم لحضور اللقاء القانوني بعنوان:الحالة التشريعية في الأراضي الفلسطينية/ 2007-2012 "الآثار والحلول القانونية
“The Legislative Process after the Split in Gaza”
Birzeit Legal Encounter
The Institute of Law at Birzeit University/ Gaza Office cordially invites you to attend a lecture entitled:“The Legislative Process after the Split in Gaza”
“Palestinian Basic Law: Public Rights and Liberties”
Birzeit Legal Encounter
The Institute of Law at Birzeit University/ Gaza Office cordially invites you to attend a lecture entitled:“Palestinian Basic Law: Public Rights and Liberties”•The encounter is presented in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
“Minority Rights and the Characteristics of the Jewish State”
Birzeit Legal Encounter
The Institute of Law at Birzeit University cordially invites you to attend a lecture entitled:“Minority Rights and the Characteristics of the Jewish State”
Panel Discussion
Al-Haq and Konrad Adenauer Stiftungcordially invite you to a panel discussion
“Fundamental Rights and Freedoms in Palestine”
Legal Encounter
The Institute of Law at Birzeit University/ Gaza Office cordially invites you to attend a lecture entitled:“Fundamental Rights and Freedoms in Palestine”•The encounter is presented in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.