Derzeit sind keine Veranstaltungen geplant.
Al Kasaba Short Film Week
Al-Kasaba Theatre and Cinematheque in partnership with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and Goethe Institut is organizing a short film week from the 5th - 9th of December 2011 in Ramllah , Aida and Dhaisha Camps (Bethlehem) as well as in Gaza Gaza.
“Human Rights Situation in Gaza”
Birzeit Legal Encounter
On the Occasion of the 63rd anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Institute of Law at Birzeit University/ Gaza Office cordially invites you to attend a lecture entitled:“Human Rights Situation in Gaza”
Möglichkeiten eines friedlichen Zusammenlebens von Israelis und Palästinensern
Die KAS Ramallah, IPCRI und die Free Muslims against Terrorism laden ein, an der Konferenz „Best Plans for a Peaceful Israel/Palestine“ teilzunehmen. Die Veranstaltung findet am Montag, den 28. November 2011 im Ambassador Hotel in Jerusalem statt.
The European Parliament: a rising star?
The Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute cordially invites you to attend a lecture for an International Studies course entitled “The European Union: History, Law and institutions. The title of the lecture is: "The European Parliament: a rising star?"
The Amended Income Tax Law: Overburden or Urgent Necessity
Birzeit Legal Encounter
The Institute of Law at Birzeit University cordially invites you to attend a lecture entitled:The Amended Income Tax Law: Overburden or Urgent Necessity
The Labour Law between Text and Application: Comparison to Labour Laws in Arab and Foreign Countries
Birzeit Legal Encounter
The Institute of Law at Birzeit University/ Gaza Office cordially invites you to attend a lecture entitled:The Labour Law between Text and Application: Comparison to Labour Laws in Arab and Foreign Countries
The rise and fall of Euro-Mediterranean policy
The Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute cordially invites you to attend a lecture for an International Studies course entitled “The European Union: History, Law and institutions. The title of the lecture is: “The rise and fall of Euro-Mediterranean policy”.
Palestinian Prisoners between International Law and Occupier’s Law: Last Swap Deal
Birzeit Legal Encounter
The Institute of Law at Birzeit University cordially invite you to attend a lecture entitled Palestinian Prisoners between International Law and Occupier’s Law: Last Swap Deal
“European population crisis?”
Invitation to attend a Lecture
The Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute cordially invites you to attend a lecture for an International Studies course entitled “The European Union: History, Law and institutions.” The title of the lecture is: “European population crisis?”
Der Arabische Frühling – Regionale Entwicklungen
Auswirkungen auf Palästina und Israel
Das Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) und die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Ramallah laden Sie herzlich zu der Konferenz „Der Arabische Frühling – Regionale Entwicklungen. Auswirkungen auf Palästina und Israel“ ein.