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Birzeit Legal Encounter
"Palestinian Labor Law: The Conceptual Linking Prototype, Potential Use and Enhancement"
The Institute of Law at Birzeit University cordially invites you to attend a lecture entitled:"Palestinian Labor Law: The Conceptual Linking Prototype, Potential Use and Enhancement"
Umbruch in Nahost Begleiten
Gesprächskreis Europapolitik und Fachgespräch zur Politischen Zusammenarbeit mit dem Nahen Osten und Nordafrika
Der Nahe Osten ist im Umbruch. Was mit der Jasmin-Revolution in Tunesien begann und sich mit den massiven Protesten in Ägypten gegen die Regierung fortsetzte, kann mittlerweile bereits als historische Wende bezeichnet werden.
High-Level Dialogue on “The need of Europe in the Middle East peace process”
Panel discussion with MEPs and Middle East Experts in order to discuss the lessons learned from previous rounds of peace negotiations and challenges for the on-going process and the role the EU could/ should play in the Middle East Peace Process.
Invitation to Birzeit Legal Encounter
The Legal Framework Regulating Governmental-Owned Land
The Institute of Law at Birzeit University/ Gaza Office cordially invites you to attend a lecture entitled:The Legal Framework Regulating Governmental-Owned Land•The encounter is presented in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
Invitation to Birzeit Legal Encounter
The Legal Framework Regulating Governmental-Owned Land
The Institute of Law at Birzeit University/ Gaza Office cordially invites you to attend a lecture entitled:The Legal Framework Regulating Governmental-Owned Land•The encounter is presented in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
Sharing a Land of Peace
Israelis and Palestinians both living in the West Bank meet for a two-day workshop to discuss cooperation and new approaches to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
"The Need of the Palestinian Society for a Constitution"
The Institute of Law at Birzeit University/ Gaza Office cordially invites you to attend a lecture entitled: "The Need of the Palestinian Society to a Constitution" • The encounter is presented in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
The Role of National Trauma in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Palestinian and Israeli graduate students and young professionals will examine the role of national trauma in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during a two-day workshop.
Conference: Peace begins with Jerusalem
The volatile situation in East-Jerusalem
The conference aims at taking a closer look at the current volatile situation in East-Jerusalem. Speakers will include Israeli and Palestinian politicians from across the politcal spectrum and representatives of the civil society.