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Online Seminar of the European Fall Academy
The European Union and the Maghreb
From 4 to 6 October 2021, the KAS PolDiMed organized, in cooperation with the Otzenhausen European Academy, a three-day online training with fifteen young students and activists from the Maghreb.
Mediterranean Women Digital Summit 2021
Accelerating Digital Transformation of Women-led SMEs 22-23 September 2021
The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) is organising, in partnership with Digital2Value, TheNextWomen, UNWomen, and Global Project Partners, the Mediterranean Women Digital Summit 2021, which will take place from 22-23 September 2021 at Movenpick Gammarth Tunis Hotel, hybrid form. The summit is a yearly platform for selected women activists and entrepreneurs leading the digital transformation in their respective countries’ economies and societies from the two shores of the Mediterranean. Simultaneous translation English/French will be available.
Maritime Security in the Mediterranean Sea: Deciphering the Security Puzzle
On-invitation seminar
The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) organizes an invitation-only online seminar, on 17 September, 2021 at 1:30 PM CEST, to present the study "Maritime Security in the Mediterranean Sea: Deciphering the Security Puzzle" which was conducted in collaboration with the Middle East Institute for Research and Strategic Studies (MEIRSS) and written by Romy Yahchouchi.
The transformative shift of the Gulf engagement in North Africa
On-invitation seminar
The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) organizes an invitation-only online meeting, on July 13, 2021 at 12 AM CEST, to present the study "A new “Pivot to the Maghreb” or “more of the same”? The transformative shift of the Gulf engagement in North Africa” authored by Sebastian Sons.
When the Margins Rise: The Case of Ouargla and Tataouine
On-invitation seminar
The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) will hold an on-invitation seminar on 8 July at 11 AM CEST (10 AM Tunis Time) to present the policy paper on the border question in Algeria and Tunisia.
Tag der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung 2021
„Politik und Vertrauen“
Die Arbeit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung im Kontext von Partizipation, Repräsentation, Sicherheit und Innovation
The Mediterranean Digital Women Summit Workshops 2021
Mediterranean Digital Women Summit Workshops 2021 Call for Application
Digital transformation is an urgency for the MENA region and specifically for SMEs. However, this transformation is facing various challenges and the pandemic has deepened the digital divide with women and women-led businesses are suffering the most. In order to consolidate the positioning of the Mediterranean Digital Women Summit Workshops as a platform for leaders in the digital space, the Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed), in collaboration with Digital2Value, are pleased to launch the Mediterranean Digital Women Summit Workshops 2021.
The New EU Agenda for the Mediterranean: Renewing Partnership and Creating Opportunities
On-invitation seminar
The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) will hold an on-invitation seminar on 22 April at 11 AM CEST (10 AM Tunis Time) to present the new EU agenda for the Mediterranean and to voice the expectations of the region through a discussion among experts.
ausgebuchtLibya Proxy War Initiative: Russische Perspektive auf die Libyen-Krise
Libya Proxy War Network
Das Büro des European Council on Foreign Relations in Rom und das Regionalprogramm Politischer Dialog Südliches Mittelmeer der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) veranstalten das nächste Treffen des Libya Proxy War Network zu russischen Perspektiven auf die Situation in Libyen.
ausgebuchtLibyens Weg zu den Wahlen: Lokale Erwartungen für die kommenden Monate
Das New Yorker Büro bei den Vereinten Nationen und das Regionalprogramm Politischer Dialog Südliches Mittelmeer der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung veranstalten einen neuen, nur auf Einladung stattfindenden Libyen-Experten-Dialog.