




ASEAN Climate Change Response

Digital Launch and Special Discussion

KAS RECAP and the Asian Vision Institute (AVI) are launching a book named "ASEAN Climate Change Response" on ZOOM.


Aligning Policies and Raising Ambition for Reaching Carbon Neutrality in the Asia-Pacific

IEA-ICAP-KAS Carbon Pricing Dialogue

KAS RECAP, in collaboration with the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP), is hosting a public webinar to discuss carbon pricing development and climate action in Asia-Pacific on 24 November 2021.


The Value of Biodiversity for Asia’s Megacities

Webinar Series on Biodiversity in Asia-Pacific

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and the Eco-Business are organising a series of webinars to discuss the current state of biodiversity loss in Asia and the Pacific. The second webinar will discuss the opportunities and roadblocks in protecting biodiversity amidst the seemingly unstoppable expansion of megacities.


Carbon Neutrality Dialogue

The EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and international trade law

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and KAS RECAP are organising a series of webinars discussing the legal dimension of the carbon neutrality pledges in Asia.


Emerging Role of Blue Finance in the Asia Pacific Region

Webinar Series

KAS RECAP and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) are organising the second webinar on Blue Economy, discussing the development of ocean finance for Asia Pacific.


Potential Harmonisation of Emission Trading Systems: China and Southeast Asia

Online Workshop

This workshop follows KAS RECAP's publication with International Institute of Green Finance (IIGF) on the potential of future ETS harmonisation in Southeast Asia and China.


Youth Energy Academy

Capacity Building for Local Communities in South and Southeast Asia

KAS RECAP, the Sustainable Youth Energy Network and the Regional Resource Centre for Asia and Pacific at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand will organize a Youth Energy Academy in October 2021. It aims to raise awareness, engage and train young people in Asia to develop sustainable energy projects.


Circular Campus Programme

Circular Innovation in Cities

KAS RECAP and Renergii will launch a Circular Campus Programme to promote sustainable practices in universities in South and Southeast Asia.


Politics of Decarbonization in Asia-Pacific

Webinar Series

Regional Project Energy Security and Climate Change (RECAP) will host a series of workshops discussing decarbonization policies in Asia-Pacific. Experts will do a in-depth research on certain topics. A publication regarding the research will be released.


Accounting for Nature

Webinar Series on Biodiversity in Asia-Pacific

Ahead of the 2020 United Nations Biodiversity Conference in China in October 2021, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and the Eco-Business will host a series of webinars to discuss the current state of biodiversity loss in Asia and the Pacific. The first webinar will address challenges in closing the finance gaps and ways to encourage investment from the public and private sector in biodiversity protection, management and restoration.


Katastrophenrisikomanagement in Süd-Asien

Experten Workshop in Islamabad, Pakistan

KAS RECAP und das Center for Strategic and Contemporary Research (CSCR) organisierten am 17. Januar eine Diskussionsrunde zum Thema Katastrophenrisikomanagement mit Experten aus Süd-Asien. Die Spezialisten gaben in Islamabad, Pakistan, einen Überblick über die Katastrophenrisikomanagementsysteme in den Ländern der Region, besprachen bestehende Herausforderungen u.a. im Bereich Regierungsführung und diskutierten Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten. Die Veranstaltung diente auch der offiziellen Vorstellung der neuen Publikation „Pakistan Floods – Underlining the Need for Regional Cooperation for Disaster Risk Management in South Asia“ von CSCR und KAS RECAP.

Sustainable Water Management: Improving Water Policy and Governance in Emerging Asia

Regional Conference in Singapore

On Dec 7-8, KAS RECAP and KAS Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia hosted a two-day expert workshop to discuss the interplay between water, economy, governance, energy, and decarbonisation.

Internationale Summer School zu Klimawandelanpassung

Einwöchiger Kurs in Nepal für junge Teilnehmer aus Südasien

KAS RECAP, das Consortium of South Asian Think Tanks (COSATT) und die Universität Kathmandu organisierten gemeinsam die Internationale Summer School zum Klimawandel. Die einwöchige Veranstaltung in Nepal bot jungen Teilnehmern aus Südasien die Möglichkeit, vor Ort ihr Wissen über Auswirkungen des Klimawandels sowie Anpassungsmaßnahmen zu vertiefen.

Energiesicherheit, Ressourcen und Dekarbonisierung: Energiewenden in Asien erfolgreich navigieren

KAS Energie Dialog Asien

KAS RECAP und das Regionalprogramm Politischer Dialog Asien (KAS PDA) organisierten einen Workshop, um die Zusammenhänge zwischen Energiesicherheit, Dekarbonisierung und Klimawandel in Asien und Europa zu beleuchten.

ICAP-IEA-KAS Carbon Pricing Dialogue

As a side event of the Asia Climate Summit 2023, an expert workshop was held to facilitate dialogue and exchange on the latest development of the carbon pricing policy in the Asia-Pacific region.

Erneuerbare Energien und Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Süd-Asien

Vorstellung der Publikation

Gemeinsam mit unserem Partner Consortium of South Asian Think-Tanks (COSATT) veröffentlichte KAS RECAP seine neueste Publikation zum Thema Erneuerbare Energien und Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Süd-Asien. Die Veranstaltung fand am 10. und 11. Oktober 2023 am Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok statt.


Urbane Innovationen für Nachhaltigkeit

Expertenworkshop Asien-Pazifik

Gemeinsam mit dem lokalen Partner Business Environment Council (BEC) Hongkong organisierte KAS RECAP am 17. und 18. April 2023 einen Expertenworkshop zum Thema Urban Innovations for Sustainability. Der Workshop fand in Hongkong statt und brachte Urbanisierungs- und Nachhaltigkeitsexperten aus der Asien-Pazifik Region und Deutschland zusammen.

The Latest Development of Environmental Law in the Asia-Pacific

Alumni Meeting of CUHK’s KAS RECAP Scholarship Holders

The first KAS RECAP scholarship holders' meeting took place in Hong Kong.

ESG and Law

Webinar with CUHK

On 30 March, KAS RECAP and CUHK’s law faculty have jointly hosted a webinar to have a discussion on the latest development of ESG in the legal context in the Asia-Pacific. This was the fourth event of the carbon neutrality dialogue series.

Youth Energy Academy 2022

Capacity Building Programme in South and Southeast Asia

With the support of KAS RECAP, the Regional Resource Centre for Asia and Pacific at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and the Sustainable Youth Energy Network (SYEN) organised the fourth Youth Energy Academy that took place in Thailand between 10 and 16 October 2022.

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