




International NGOs in Global Governance. The Case of Climate Negotiations and Climate Finance

Nowadays, Global Governance is not only the purview of state actors interacting through international treaties but also a space where many diverse non-state actors participate in decision making. It is particularly prominent in climate change diplomacy given the variety of scientific, policy, technical and financial expertise it requires and which non-state actors can provide. As demonstrated by the last conference of parties (COP24) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), INGOs participated in the negotiations as observers, representing the interests of local governments, indigenous people, women, youth, business and industry, and the scientific community.


Digitalisierung im Energiesektor

Erfahrungen aus Europa und Asien

Digitalisierung gehört zu den wichtigen Entwicklungen der Energiebranche. Sie bringt technologische Verbesserungen, beinflusst aber auch Energiesicherheit. KAS RECAP und KAS MNED veranstalten einen Workshop zur Frage, wie Digitalisierung Energiesysteme gestaltet.


Investition in Energieeffizienz: Verbesserung des politischen Rahmens von Hongkong

Erfahrungen aus Metropolen in China, Japan und Europa

Buildings account for a considerable amount of overall energy consumption in cities. Therefore, improving energy efficiency is one of the key policies for cities to mitigate climate change. The launch event will present the main findings of the research project by the Business and Environment Council (BEC), supported by KAS RECAP on energy conservation. It compares buildings’ energy efficiency policies and measures of different metropolitan cities with the situation in Hong Kong and offers policy recommendations for the local Government.


Powering up Sustainable Development for Asia

The Future of Global and Regional Investment in Asia’s Energy Sector

Renewable energy technologies not only help to mitigate climate change by substituting for carbon-emitting fossil fuels, but also can expand energy security by avoiding exposure to the volatility of fossil fuel markets. Renewables, can also help provide cheap and reliable energy to areas where grid-based provision is unreliable or otherwise prohibited by geography or high costs. The increased efficiency and renewable nature of such energy can improve energy availability, energy security and economic resilience.


UN Civil Society Organizations' Forum

Third Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific

With the support of KAS RECAP, Singapore’s Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources and the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) Asia and the Pacific Office host a Major Group and Stakeholders’ Forum on 23rd January 2019. This workshop provides representatives from the civil society in Asia a platform to discuss their positions and strategic inputs, and ensure that voices of marginalized sectors and grassroots are included in the Third Forum of Ministers.


Envisioning Asia - SDG and Local Development

International Workshop

The workshop will gather all Webinar participants from five Asian countries to finalize their multimedia essays and to prepare their presentations in the United Nations' Major Group and Stakeholders’ Forum in Singapore.


CarbonCare® Conference 2018 Accelerating Green Finance in Asia: Investing in a +1.5 Degrees World

4 December 2018 (Tuesday) 9:00 am to 5:00 pm The Hong Kong Jockey Club Happy Valley Racecourse

“Limiting global warming to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels would be a herculean task, involving rapid, dramatic changes in how governments, industries and societies function, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The world is on track for around 3 degrees of warming by the end of the century if it doesn’t make major reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. It could breach 1.5 °C as early as 2030 if global warming continues at its current rate. At this very juncture, one of the best approaches to tackle this global challenge is to identify the gaps and opportunities for green investments, and to deliver tangible benefits by channeling funds to high-impact projects through green finance. Policy and finance experts from around the region will share their insight on how to accelerate green finance in Asia. This is a pertinent question not only for practitioners in the finance sector, but also for all business and civil society leaders who are committed to avoiding the worst outcome for our future generations.”


Nachhaltigkeit in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten

Internationaler Workshop

Durch offene Märkte sind Unternehmen und die Wirtschaft immer stärker in globale Wertschöpfungsketten eingebunden. Diese Verbindungen gehen mit einer stärkeren Verantwortung für soziale und Umweltbedingungen sowie Eindämmung des Klimawandels einher.


Unsere Antworten auf den Klimawandel

Internationale Konferenz

Der Klimawandel ist eine der größten heutigen Herausforderungen für die Menschheit. Er hat unter Anderem massive Einflüsse auf die weltweite Wirtschaft. Insbesondere globale Produktions- und Wertschöpfungsketten sowie Arbeitsmärkte sind betroffen.


Energiesicherheit und Energiemarktintegration in Südasien

Wege zu einer verbesserten Energieversorgung und regionaler Stabilität

In Südasien wächst die Nachfrage nach Energie rasant. Die Vorzüge eines verknüpften Energiesystems werden jedoch noch nicht ausgeschöpft. KAS RECAP und COSATT veranstalten einen Workshop über das Potenzial energiepolitischer Kooperation in Südasien.


Katastrophenrisikomanagement in Süd-Asien

Experten Workshop in Islamabad, Pakistan

KAS RECAP und das Center for Strategic and Contemporary Research (CSCR) organisierten am 17. Januar eine Diskussionsrunde zum Thema Katastrophenrisikomanagement mit Experten aus Süd-Asien. Die Spezialisten gaben in Islamabad, Pakistan, einen Überblick über die Katastrophenrisikomanagementsysteme in den Ländern der Region, besprachen bestehende Herausforderungen u.a. im Bereich Regierungsführung und diskutierten Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten. Die Veranstaltung diente auch der offiziellen Vorstellung der neuen Publikation „Pakistan Floods – Underlining the Need for Regional Cooperation for Disaster Risk Management in South Asia“ von CSCR und KAS RECAP.

Sustainable Water Management: Improving Water Policy and Governance in Emerging Asia

Regional Conference in Singapore

On Dec 7-8, KAS RECAP and KAS Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia hosted a two-day expert workshop to discuss the interplay between water, economy, governance, energy, and decarbonisation.

Internationale Summer School zu Klimawandelanpassung

Einwöchiger Kurs in Nepal für junge Teilnehmer aus Südasien

KAS RECAP, das Consortium of South Asian Think Tanks (COSATT) und die Universität Kathmandu organisierten gemeinsam die Internationale Summer School zum Klimawandel. Die einwöchige Veranstaltung in Nepal bot jungen Teilnehmern aus Südasien die Möglichkeit, vor Ort ihr Wissen über Auswirkungen des Klimawandels sowie Anpassungsmaßnahmen zu vertiefen.

Energiesicherheit, Ressourcen und Dekarbonisierung: Energiewenden in Asien erfolgreich navigieren

KAS Energie Dialog Asien

KAS RECAP und das Regionalprogramm Politischer Dialog Asien (KAS PDA) organisierten einen Workshop, um die Zusammenhänge zwischen Energiesicherheit, Dekarbonisierung und Klimawandel in Asien und Europa zu beleuchten.

ICAP-IEA-KAS Carbon Pricing Dialogue

As a side event of the Asia Climate Summit 2023, an expert workshop was held to facilitate dialogue and exchange on the latest development of the carbon pricing policy in the Asia-Pacific region.

Erneuerbare Energien und Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Süd-Asien

Vorstellung der Publikation

Gemeinsam mit unserem Partner Consortium of South Asian Think-Tanks (COSATT) veröffentlichte KAS RECAP seine neueste Publikation zum Thema Erneuerbare Energien und Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Süd-Asien. Die Veranstaltung fand am 10. und 11. Oktober 2023 am Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok statt.


Urbane Innovationen für Nachhaltigkeit

Expertenworkshop Asien-Pazifik

Gemeinsam mit dem lokalen Partner Business Environment Council (BEC) Hongkong organisierte KAS RECAP am 17. und 18. April 2023 einen Expertenworkshop zum Thema Urban Innovations for Sustainability. Der Workshop fand in Hongkong statt und brachte Urbanisierungs- und Nachhaltigkeitsexperten aus der Asien-Pazifik Region und Deutschland zusammen.

The Latest Development of Environmental Law in the Asia-Pacific

Alumni Meeting of CUHK’s KAS RECAP Scholarship Holders

The first KAS RECAP scholarship holders' meeting took place in Hong Kong.

ESG and Law

Webinar with CUHK

On 30 March, KAS RECAP and CUHK’s law faculty have jointly hosted a webinar to have a discussion on the latest development of ESG in the legal context in the Asia-Pacific. This was the fourth event of the carbon neutrality dialogue series.

Youth Energy Academy 2022

Capacity Building Programme in South and Southeast Asia

With the support of KAS RECAP, the Regional Resource Centre for Asia and Pacific at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and the Sustainable Youth Energy Network (SYEN) organised the fourth Youth Energy Academy that took place in Thailand between 10 and 16 October 2022.

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