


The Gulf States and the Israeli Annexation Plan

Relations between Israel and the Gulf States rose to the centre stage when Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, declared his intention to annex the Jordan Valley and the settlements in the West Bank by early July this year. In this article, the authors outline the Gulf States reaction to Israel’s annexation plan. We argue that the Gulf States’ message is clear: the annexation plan will roll back, at least, the visible aspects of normalization with Israel. However, the extent of their reaction will depend on the scope of annexation. The authors also make it clear that the position of the Gulf States in regards to the normalization with Israel is not unified.

Kuwait During the Pandemic of Covid-19

Government Measures and the People Reaction

The researcher traces the government of Kuwait’s measures during the crisis of COVID-19 and the reaction of Kuwait’s citizens and residents to them. She argues that the government’s measures were transparent, and the Kuwaitis accepted them out of feeling of social responsibility and patriotism. She also explains the social changes in the behavior of social institutions and individuals that the crisis has brought about. She maintains that social gatherings that characterize the Kuwaiti society have been stopped and the Kuwaitis are spending less because of the closure of restaurants, entertainment facilities and shops.

The Public Opinion Orientations in Kuwait towards the Performance of the Government in Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis

A Field Study

In early March 2020, the Center of Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies (CGAPS) at the University of Kuwait conducted a field study that aimed to examine the orientations of the Kuwaiti people towards the performance of their government during the emergence of the coronavirus crisis. It found that more than 60% of people agreed that “the government of the State of Kuwait has dealt with the emerging coronavirus crisis in the required manner.” In this article, Dr. Faisal AlSulaib, the president of CGAPS presents and analyzes the results of the poll.

The Gulf States Relations with Israel and Trump’s Plan for Peace

The author of the article examines the evolution of the relations between Israel and the Gulf States in the context of Trump’s Peace for Prosperity Plan. He argues that the Gulf States will not accept a peace plan that is rejected by the Palestinians. Further, he reasons that some Gulf States do not need Israel because of its mighty army, technological advancement, or in order to counter Iran’s influence in the region, but because they believe it can influence the trajectory of US foreign policy in the region. If Israel continue to lose this leverage, as it did during Obama’s presidency, the author argues, it also loses its attraction to the Gulf States. Finally, the author claims that the Gulf States are aware that they lose more than they gain from stronger ties to Israel, which makes very careful and cautious with regard to a potential amplification of such relations.

Die COVID-19-Pandemie

Maßnahmen und Folgen in den Golf-Staaten, Iran und Jemen

Der Policy Report stellt die aktuelle Situation in den Ländern am arabischen Golf, Iran und Jemen dar. Dabei werden die ergriffenen Schutzmaßnahmen, Governance-Kapazitäten, Verhalten der Bevölkerung, wirtschaftliche Folgen sowie der internationale Bezug aufgezeigt.

Media and Information Literacy Among Millennials and Generation Z in the Arab World

Filling the Gap Through A Skill-Based Approach

Der Policy Report „Media and Information Literacy Among Millennials and Generation Z in the Arab World“ befasst sich mit der Bedeutung digitaler Medienkompetenz für die junge Generation in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten.

Iran and the American Presidential Elections

The outbreak of the coronavirus might have relegated the US-Iran confrontation from the top news stories but the next months before the US presidential elections remain significant for Iran’s plan to influence American voters against the re-election of president Trump.

EU-GCC Relations

The Path towards a New Relationship

Der von Dr. Adel Abdel Ghafar und Dr. Silvia Colombo verfasste Policy Report Nr. 2 gibt einen kurzen historischen Überblick über die Beziehungen zwischen der EU und dem Golf-Kooperationsrat und beleuchtet aktuelle Transformationsprozesse und neue geopolitische Realitäten. Schließlich werden Ideen für eine Vertiefung der EU-Golf-Beziehungen entwickelt.


Der Tod von General Soleimani und seine Folgen

Wahrnehmung und Reaktionen im Nahen und Mittleren Osten

In den frühen Morgenstunden des 3. Januar 2020 wurde Qassem Soleimani, Kommandeur der Auslandseinheit der Iranischen Revolutionsgarden, durch einen US-Drohnenangriff bei Bagdad getötet. Das Regime in Teheran schwor blutige Rache. Ob mit dem iranischen Beschuss von US-genutzten Militärbasen im Irak der Nacht zum 8. Januar – und Trumps Verzicht auf militärische Vergeltung – die Eskalationsspirale wirklich endet, bleibt offen.

EU-GCC Relations

The Path towards a New Relationship

On the 14th of October 2019, the Regional Programme Gulf States hosted a workshop in Brussels on the relations between the European Union (EU) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Attended by experts, scholars and officials from Gulf States, Europe and the US, this workshop took place under Chatham House Rules. In the following, we summarize the debate and main outcomes.