

Die Bedeutung und Auswirkungen der Verfassungsrechtsprechung im Libanon

von Dr. Issam Sleiman

As guardians of the constitution, constitutional courts and councils play a critical role in promoting and institutionalizing the rule of law. The creation and development of constitutional courts and councils and the expansion of constitutional jurisprudence have led to profound changes in the reality of constitutional law. Constitutional jurisprudence contributes, indeed, to the development of constitutional principles and norms, making them more intelligible and comprehensible. For this reason, constitutional jurisprudence has become indispensable for the understanding and development of constitutional law. Despite of the existence of constitutional courts and councils in most Arab countries, still too little importance is given to constitutional law and constitutional jurisprudence has not yet received the attention it deserves in the MENA region. In this context, Dr. Issam Sleiman, Former President of the Lebanese Constitutional Council and Former Professor of the Doctoral School of Law at the Lebanese University wrote a series of research papers on the importance and effects of constitutional jurisprudence in Lebanon. Dr. Sleiman’s first paper draws light upon constitutional law and constitutional jurisdiction, depicting the scope and hierarchy of constitutional norms, the development of constitutional law in general and more specifically in the Arab world.





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