



Justiz im Zentrum der guten Regierungsführung

Am 15. Juli 2020 organisierte das Rechtsstaatsprogramm Naher Osten / Nordafrika in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Observatoire de la Fonction Publique et de la Bonne Gouvernance der Universität Saint-Joseph (USJ) ein Online-Seminar über die libanesische Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit. Unter dem Thema "Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit - Justiz im Zentrum der guten Regierungsführung" hatten Studierende und die breite Öffentlichkeit die Möglichkeit, sich mit Rechtsexperten und Vertretern der Zivilgesellschaft über aktuelle Herausforderungen und Reformperspektiven der Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit im Libanon auszutauschen.

Judicial Training in the MENA Region

Fundamental Principles and Practical Training for Judges

In cooperation with the Kuwait Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies, the Rule of Law Programme Middle East / North Africa of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organized the second conference on “Judicial Training in the MENA Region - Fundamental Principles and Practical Training for Judges - Regional and International Perspectives”, on December 3 and 4, 2019. The workshop held in Kuwait City focused on the significant role that the judicial training institute play in the performance development of the judges and prosecutors in-service by providing continuous education and training programs.

Constitutional Dialogue 2019

Decision-Making Processes in Constitutional Courts and Councils

With the worldwide development and consolidation of constitutional review procedures, constitutional courts and councils are increasingly confronted with highly political and controversial questions. In this regard, the quality of judicial decision-making processes plays an important role in preventing political polarization and rendering decisions in accordance to the constitution that at the same time remain within the societal consensus and do not reflect any prior bias.

Administrative Court Judges from the MENA Region in Munich

From the 10th to the 14th of November 2019, the Rule of Law Programme Middle East/ North Africa has organised a peer-to-peer study program for administrative judges from the MENA region in Munich, Germany. In the course of the 5-day program the delegation, consisting of 8 administrative judges from Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon and Kuwait, gained a deeper insight into the role and functioning of the German administrative judiciary as well as into the practical significance, procedures and every-day implementation of their work. During the program the participants had the possibility to attend several round tables and oral court hearings at the administrative court of Munich, the High Administrative Court of Bavaria, the Bavarian State Chancellery as well as the Bavarian Constitutional Court. Special emphasis was set on press services and the internal and external accessibility of judicial decisions.

Constitutional Control and the Rule of Law in the Middle East and North Africa

Presentation and Discussion of Findings (2017-2019)

Political stability, sustainable economic development, and the creation of opportunities for younger generations in North Africa and the Middle East are crucial for the future of Europe. Eight years after the Arab Spring, many parts of the region are still struggling with the consequences of armed conflict, an imbalance of power in favor of the executive, and challenges to the rule of law. At the same time, several countries have undertaken significant reforms. Initiatives to improve institutional structures and procedures are abundant. What does German and European foreign policy and development cooperation need to be aware of, and what can be done in order to foster the rule of law, efficient administration and a level of freedom that allows for investments, innovations and social peace in the region?

The Introduction of Ex-Post Constitutional Review Procedures

Developments, Challenges and Application Perspectives in Morocco

In March 2018, the Moroccan Constitutional Court has declared unconstitutional the draft organic law 18-65 on the Specific Judicial Review of Statues. This organic law shall specify the the 2011 Constitution, which introduced for the first time in the constitutional history of Morocco, a mechanism that allows any litigant to invoke the unconstitutionality of a law during a trial. The Council of Minister has presented in April 2019 a revised version to the Moroccan parliament for review.

Mapping Constitutional Control in the MENA Region (Final Symposium)

Recent Developments, Challenges and Reform Trends

The Rule of Law Programme Middle East / North Africa of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organized an international symposium on recent developments, challenges and reform trends regarding constitutional control in the MENA region, that brought together the results of a series of expert meetings which the regional Rule of Law Programme, together with the Arab Association for Constitutional Law, has carried out over the course of the last two years. The symposium was held from 15th to 17th April 2019, in Beirut, Lebanon.

The New Competences of the Administrative Judge

Local Authorities and the Powers of Administrative Courts

At the occasion of the first anniversary of the regional first instance administrative chamber courts in Tunisia, the Rule of Law Programme Middle East / North Africa of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with the Administrative Tribunal of Tunisia organized a two-day workshop, on April 1 and 2, 2019. The workshop held in Hammamet, Tunisia focused on the newly regulated “Local authorities and the powers of the administrative court”.

Impartiality of Judges and Social Media

Approaches, Regulations and Results

The impartiality of judges is among the fundamental principles of the rule of law and serves as a cornerstone for the public’s trust in the judiciary. While the emergence of social media may not have fundamentally changed the relation of judges, media and its impact on judicial impartiality, it certainly reached a new dimension.

Consitutional Dialogue 2018

High Courts and Councils, Data-base Development and Accessibility to Court Decisions

The Rule of Law Programme Middle East/North Africa organized the yearly Constitutional Dialogue held on December 17th in Beirut. The expert meeting focused on “High Courts and Councils, Data-base Development and Accessibility to Court Decisions” and gathered justices of high judicial courts and councils and representatives of related institutions from the MENA region to discuss the status quo, challenges and possibilities of reform related to the internal and external accessibility of court decisions.


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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.