


Bericht über den Workshop betreffend Regierungsführung und Demokratie in den Staaten der SADC Region

In Folge der jüngsten Wahlen in der SADC Region führte das Rechtsstaatsprogramm Afrika Südlich der Sahara zusammen mit der Rechtsanwaltsvereinigung der südafrikanischen Staaten (SADC Lawyers Association) einen zweitägigen Workshop in Johannesburg durch. Hauptthema war die Analyse und Bewertung der durchgeführten Wahlen sowie diesen zugrunde liegende Infrastruktur. Gute Beispiele sollten herausgearbeitet und als Vorbild für die weitere demokratische Entwicklung der Region herangezogen werden.


Herausforderung und Chancen des Klimawandels für Justiz, Politik und Entwicklung

Die Konferenz wurde durchgeführt vom KAS Rechtsstaatsprogramm Afrika Südlich der Sahara in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Entwicklungs- und Rechtsstaatsprogramm (Develoment and Rule of Law Programme / DROP) der Universität Stellenbosch, Südafrika.

Annual Jurists' Conference

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in collaboration with the Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurists convened the 2014 Annual Jurists’ conference on the theme “Implementing Africa’s New Constitutions: Opportunities, Prospects and Challenges,” in Cape Town, South Africa between November 18th and 22nd 2014.

African Experts Study Group on International Criminal Justice

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s African Experts Study Group on International Criminal Justice held its 2014 annual meeting in Arusha, Tanzania between November 11th and 14th 2014.

Pan African Conference

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung under the auspices of its Rule of Law Program for Sub Saharan Africa in conjunction with the Pan African Lawyers Union convened a key stakeholders’ conference to discuss the progress, successes, challenges and prospects of the current and future African Court following the adoption of the International Crimes Protocol in Malabo; as well as the current and future strategies to support the African Human Rights system and ensure protection and promotion of human rights and end to impunity in Africa

Haki na Sheria Forum

KAS held its first meeting under the Haki na Sheria Forum targeting media practitioners to discuss various issues affecting the media in Kenya today, and in particular the place and role of social media. Mr. Christian Elche, the Director of KAS Media Program for Sub Saharan Africa based in Johannesburg, South Africa made a presentation on the topic entitled "Future of the Internet in Africa: Laws, Regulations and Trends".

Annual Rule of Law Symposium

KAS partnered with the ULS to commemorate this year's annual Rule of Law week with a series of activities culminating into an Annual Rule of Law Symposium. The Symposium on the theme “Labour Rights in Uganda: Making Decent Work a Reality” brought together lawyers, judges, members from the academia, labour specialists, CSOs and workers unions representatives. The keynote address was by Mr. Francis Atwoli, the President of the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU.


The University of Nairobi’s School of Law in conjunction with the Centre of Human Rights of the University of Pretoria, in collaboration with other partners including Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s Rule of Law Program for Sub Saharan Africa, hosted the 23rd edition of the African Human Rights Moot Competition, in Nairobi, Kenya between September 1st and 6th 2014. This year’s competition featured 94 students and 47 law professors drawn from 47 universities across Africa.


The Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, in collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s Rule of Law Program for Sub Saharan Africa held a two-day Round Table to discuss the restoration of the Southern African Development Cooperation (SADC) Tribunal in Pretoria, South Africa.

Negotiating International Treaties: Training Program for African Diplomats

The workshop jointly organized by the African Institute of International Law and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s Rule of Law Program for Sub Saharan Africa was to train African Diplomats on how to effectively negotiate international treaties specifically those touching on environment with particular emphasis on climate change.


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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.