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Religious Leaders for Peace

Taskforce meeting of the Interreligious Council for Peace Tanzania

Various religious leaders and members of the IRCPT taskforce will discuss during a meeting in Dar es Salaam on 6th of March.


Katiba Moja kwa Watanzania Wote - Pamoja Tutafika!

Die Stimme von Lehrer/innen, Schüler/innen und Student/innen

Am 13. und 14. Februar kommen auf Einladung von CETA und KAS Lehrer/innen und Schüler/innen von Sekundarschulen sowie Student/innen aus der Region Dar es Salaam mit Experten zu einem Symposium zum Thema Verfassungsreform zusammen.


Effiziente Online-Kommunikation - Strategien und Beispiele

Workshop mit CHADEMA

Am 07. Februar 2014 kommen ausgewählte Repräsentanten der tansanischen KAS-Partnerpartei CHADEMA in einem Trainings-Workshop zur effektiven Nutzung des Mediums Internet zusammen.


Katiba moja kwa Watanzania wote – pamoja tutafika! Building a National Consensus for the New Constitution


On the 7th of February TADIP in collaboration with KAS will host the 12th Maendeleo-Dialogue in Dar es Salaam.


Maendeleo-Dialog zur Verfassungsreform

Katiba moja kwa Watanzania wote – pamoja tutafika!

Am 6. Februar 2014 veranstaltet TADIP in Zusammenarbeit mit der KAS den 12ten Maendeleo-Dialog zum aktuell laufenden Verfassungsreformprozess.




KAS Tanzania together with FES and the Tanzanian Constitutional Forum Jukwaa la Katiba invites selected experts of the civil society organizations to a roundtable discussion on the second draft of the new Tanzanian constitution.


Zweiter Entwurf der tansanischen Verfassung


Anlässlich der Vorlage des zweiten Verfassungsentwurfs durch die Verfassungsrevisionskommission lädt die KAS Tansania zusammen mit der FES und Jukwaa la Katiba Vertreter zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen zu einem Expertengespräch ein.


Workshop mit JUWAQUTA

Treffen der Koranschullehrer

Am 07. Dezember 2013 kommen auf Einladung der KAS und JUWAQUTA, dem Verband der Koranschullehrer Tansanias, Mitglieder der Organisation in Same zu einem Erfahrungsaustausch zusammen.


Klimawandel und Erneuerbare Energien in der Ostafrikanischen Gemeinschaft

Perspektiven zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen nach der COP 19

Die Ostafrikanische Gemeinschaft & die KAS Tansania laden am 5.12.2013 zu einer gemeinsamen Konferenz zum Thema “The Challenges of Climate Change Adaptation and the Potential of Sustainable Energies in the East African Community" ein.


Glaube ist die Quelle von Frieden, Liebe und Verständnis

Inter-Religiöser Dialog

Am 14.11.2013 kommen auf Einladung des Inter-Religious Council for Peace Tansania (IRCPT) und der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) erneut religiöse Führer in Dar es Salaam zu einem Dialog zusammen.


Political Framework Conditions and Investment Opportunities in the Mining Sector of Tanzania

Strategic Mineral Resource Mapping

In summary, Tanzania's mining sector, rich in both resources and potential, offers an attractive landscape for investors. The opportunity to contribute to an emerging and sustainable model of mineral processing and value addition presents a compelling case for investment, promising not only financial returns but also the chance to be part of a transformative impact on the Tanzanian economy and its communities.

KCDE’s Commitment Amid a Warming Climate

Rediscovering Forests

Forests are essential to life on Earth, supporting ecosystems, regulating the climate, and providing resources for both humans and wildlife. At a recent conference in Arusha, KCDE with the support of KAS Tanzania brought together faith-based organizations, eco-stakeholders, and environmental advocates to address the urgent need for forest preservation as a proactive step toward COP29. This gathering emphasized the role of forests in climate resilience, biodiversity, and sustainable development.

Youth-Led Climate Action and Business Innovation Training Program

Empowering Tanzania’s Young Entrepreneurs

This initiative was designed to harness the creativity and potential of young Tanzanians to address the effects of climate change in rural communities through business. Major goals included: * Providing practical skills in entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and digital marketing tailored for climate action. * Encouraging creativity and innovative thinking to develop solutions that build resilience in agriculture and related sectors. * Promoting Sustainable Development Goals with a focus on Climate Action (SDG 13) and Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8). * Establishing a network of young leaders equipped to drive change and contribute meaningfully to Tanzania’s development goals.

Roundtable Discussion

Urban Resilience and Local Governance in Tanzania

ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability Africa (ICLEI Africa) is collaborating with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Tanzania to publish a series of thought pieces on Urban Resilience and Local Governance in Tanzania. This short-term project draws upon ICLEI-Africa’s vast experience working in Tanzania’s urban sector and seeks to explore urban resilience in the country’s main urban centres from various perspectives. It is also in line with KAS Tanzania’s interest in urbanisation and resilience issues from a political lens.

Social market Economy Model for Tanzania (SMET)

Engaging Key Stakeholders in Economic Issues for Shaping a better Tomorrow

A brief report on SMET discussion with postgraduate students at the Institute of Accountancy Arusha followed with a round table discussion meeting with business community, professional’s and key policy makers aimed at creating awareness about social market economic model in Tanzania. The discussion also aimed at encouraging students to undertake further research on SMET model in Tanzania to catalyse more discussions at various levels of policy implememtation.

Capacity building to Women on Peace Building and Prevention of Youth Radicalization

Inter-Religious Council for Peace Tanzania

The Inter-Religious Council for Peace Tanzania (IRCPT) partnered with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) to conduct Zonal Trainings on Peace and Reconciliation Skills for Religious Leaders. These trainings were held at Kyusa Hotel Kigoma from April 25th to 27th, 2023, and at Dolphin Hotel Tanga from May 16th to 18th, 2023. The primary goal was to equip religious leaders with the tools to prevent radicalization, violent extremism, and offensive religious ideologies from taking its roots in society. The training focused on promoting dialogue, early conflict prevention mechanisms, and media engagement to address social and political challenges.

Tanzania’s regional role Governance, mediation and economic diplomacy

Roundtable Meeting

The roundtable marked the second event in a project partnership series between KAS and Chatham House on Tanzania’s Foreign Policy Agenda: Economic Diplomacy and International Agency. The series aims to encourage informed dialogue and debate at an important moment for Tanzania’s external engagements: the country’s main foreign relations strategy document, the ‘New Foreign Policy’, was adopted in 2001, but an official review has been commissioned by President Samia Suluhu Hassan and is to take place in 2023.

Social market Economy Model for Tanzania (SMET)

Discussions and Critical Review of the Social Market Economy Model for Tanzania (SMET) as an alternative economic model for Tanzania.

A two-day experts’ roundtable discussion aimed at bringing social market economy model for Tanzania into the lens of economists and think tanks for critical analysis and proposing strategies for rolling it out and adoption in Tanzania. The event gathered economists and other key stakeholders from universities, civil society organizations and the private sector.

Tanzania's Global Economic Diplomacy

Evaluating International Partnerships for Prosperity

On 27 July 2023, the Chatham House Africa Programme and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Tanzania office convened a private roundtable meeting in Dar es Salaam. The discussion focused on the priorities for Tanzania’s engagement on the international stage, including the effectiveness of global partnerships for trade, investment and infrastructure development, and the country’s agency in responding to shared challenges such as climate change.

Workshop on promotion of Social Market Economy – Tanzania Model (SMET)

Conducted by KAS in collaboration with its partner Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC)

Workshop on promotion of Social Market Economy – Tanzania Model (SMET)