


Challenges of Social Protection Policy Implementation

Findings and Policy Recommendations on Social Protection for the Vulnerable Population in Northeastern Thailand

Socio-economic growth in the inclusive and sustainable manner has been one of the focal points in the framework objectives of Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS). According to Germany’s Social Market Economy Principle, the development of society and economics of one country needs to encompass with equality, fair competition, and opportunity for everyone to prosper. Especially for the vulnerable population, the government must not leave them behind and should regularly improve the related policies, measures, and services to protect, empower, and include them in the country’s development.

Digital Local Governance

Empowering Local Government Officials on Digital Literacy and Cybersecurity

Since the outbreak of covid-19, online applications and computer software have played a more important role in maintaining people’s everyday life. Though the effect of the pandemic has been less severe than before, it is undeniable that digitalization has become more necessary and will be a crucial factor for the development of one country. For the part of public services, the government agencies are required to improve their operations continuously to meet the needs of the citizens.

Beyond PM2.5

Environmental Justice and Insight Urban Solution for the Next Generation

Every year, air pollution known as PM2.5 occurs in Thailand, particularly in the north. It has caused hardship affecting both socio-economics and public health. Meanwhile, climate change is one of the factors contributing to the deterioration of the situation, such as longer periods of smog season caused by drought. Environmental justice as a component of the solution, viewed through the lens of climate change challenges along with insight into the urban solution and the voice of the citizens, may provide some light on the right to breathe.

Isra News Articles of November 2023

Read Thai investigative reporting by Isra News Agency published in November 2023

With the support of KAS Thailand, Isra News Agency brought to you the latest development in Thailand's good governance, rule of law, public policies, and social and environmental issues in the month of November 2023. All articles are in Thai with an English version of one article available.

Isra News Articles of October 2023

Read Thai investigative reporting by Isra News Agency published in October 2023

With the support of KAS Thailand, Isra News Agency brought to you the latest development in Thailand's good governance, rule of law, public policies, and social and environmental issues in the month of October 2023. All articles are in Thai.

“Europe in Review” October-2023 Edition

News about Current Developments on Democracy, the Rule of Law, Social Market Economy, and the Cooperation between Europe and Southeast Asia

This monthly e-newsletter is provided by the German-Southeast Asian Centre of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG) and supported by KAS Thailand. In this issue, readers will get updated about an India-Middle East-Europe Economic corridor announced at G20 Summit, cracks open between Paris and Berlin as EU starts Chinese EV probe, nationwide protests in Germany demand education reform, and other news.

ISRA News Articles of September 2023

What's happened in Thailand on the spheres of good governance and rule of law, public policies, and social and environmental issues.

Let's keep updated with what's been going on in Thailand, particularly on the news about the progress in the country's good governance and rule of law, public policies, and social and environmental issues. The articles are in Thai.

“Europe in Review” September-2023 Edition

News about Current Developments on Democracy, the Rule of Law, Social Market Economy, and the Cooperation between Europe and Southeast Asia

This monthly e-newsletter is provided by the German-Southeast Asian Centre of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG) and supported by KAS Thailand. In this issue, readers will get updated about a breach in Russia’s southern defence line, BRICS’ three-day Summit, Germany’s developments in legal provisions, and other news.

Seksan Rochanametakul

Thailands neue Regierung – Koalition der Erzfeinde gegen politischen Wandel

Die Prioritäten des neuen Regierungschefs, Srettha Thavisin, liegen im Wirtschaftsbereich, auch für Thailands Außenpolitik

Die Parlamentswahlen am 14. Mai 2023 in Thailand sendeten ein klares Signal an die Politik. Das Wahlergebnis bedeutete einen eindeutigen Triumph der bisherigen Oppositionsparteien. Die junge, reformorientierte Move-Forward-Partei gewann überraschenderweise die meisten Sitze. Sie ist aber nicht Teil der neuen Regierung, die sich Anfang September bilden konnte, und das Verfassungsgericht hat inzwischen das Abgeordnetenmandat derer Parteivorsitzender ausgesetzt. Wie konnte es dazu kommen? Wer ist jetzt an der Macht? Und was sagen die Bürger dazu?

ISRA News Articles of August 2023

Read News Articles of August 2023 from ISRA News Agency

Read news articles of August 2023 from ISRA News Agency with the support of KAS Thailand