


Okere Summit for Sustainable Development

Reimagining Rural Futures

The inaugural Okere Summit for Sustainable Development was organized from 26th-29th May 2022, in Okere City, Otuke district. This flagship summit centered on the theme: “Reimagining Rural Futures in Africa”.

Youth4Policy (Y4P) Migration Fellowship Programme.

A report on the first seminar session for the Youth4Policy, migration fellowship that convened under the theme; Introduction to Migration and Forced Displacement.

A woman's place at the table!

Women's rights are human rights too. What more can you and I do to foster gender parity?

Radio Programmes in Northern Uganda – SPACE Project

Why we need to prioritise mental health

Audience feedback from radio talk shows in Northern Uganda calls for the need for community capacity-building on mental health and improved health services.

Training of Service User Committees in Northern Uganda

Capacity building of local services committees in the North - EU SPACE Project

Capacity building of Service User Committees is critical to solving community challenges, empowering citizens to assess and monitor local service delivery. The training therefore aimed at enhancing the capacity of Service User Committees in northern Uganda, on their oversight roles and responsibilities within Local Government accountability and service-delivery.

EU Project in Moroto

Performance and efficiency of the public sector is a prominent part of the National Development Plan III (NDPIII) towards agenda 2040. In our dialogues, we discussed public resource management approaches implemented by the districts in terms of public money, store property, assets, loans and government investments in the various districts.

Accountability gaps in the North increase pressure to act

Community Engagements in Northern Uganda have ignited discussions with the district leaderships in Northern Uganda. As shortcomings are being discussed, particularly issues of gender-responsiveness surface in the discussions and are met by promises for action.

Looking back on three successful citizen webinars:

During COVID-19, joining hands with governmental efforts is paramount

After the conclusion of three successful webinars, KAS looks back on a series of events that have contributed to raising greater awareness about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Launch of the KAS EU Project: SPACE

Strengthening Performance and Accountability through Community Engagement

Welcomed all participants to our launch of SPACE-an EU funded project in partnership with the government of Uganda through the Development initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU)

“Ihr müsst euch als junge Führungskräfte vermarkten“ – Prof. Yasin Olum

Vom 4. bis 6. März 2020 haben wir zusammen mit dem ‚National Youth Council‘ (NYC) ein Training mit jungen Nachwuchsführungskräften in der Ankole Sub-Region Mbarara organisiert.


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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.