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A Window of Opportunity for Syria
The fall of the Assad regime brings historic opportunities and risks for Syria. Which actors are shaping the transition and what lies ahead?
learn morePolitical Attitudes towards Climate Protection, Migration and the Welfare State
Representative results on political attitudes show how social positions on immigration, climate protection and the welfare state have changed.
learn moreGeorgia on the barricades
Georgia is on the brink of political upheaval following a surprising government decision.
learn more‘The ME in democracy always needs a WE as well’
Under the title ‘Strengthening what unites us: Mandatory time for our society’, representatives from politics and society held a discussion on 3 December.
learn moreGhana has a "new old" president
John Mahama and the NDC emerge as the clear winners of the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections.
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Current publications
The U.S. Elections and the End of Comfort for the Canadian Government
Just a few weeks before taking over the G7 presidency, the election campaign in Canada is already well underway
Dr. Bernd Althusmann
December 12, 2024
Country reports
Ghana has a "new old" president
John Mahama and the NDC emerge as the clear winners of the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections
Anna Wasserfall
December 12, 2024
Country reports
Presidential elections annulled after hybrid attack
Romania is fighting for democracy on two fronts
Katja Christina Plate
December 11, 2024
Country reports
A Window of Opportunity for Syria
After more than 50 years, the rule of the Assad family is coming to an end. This is cause for celebration. But Syria faces huge challenges.
Michael Bauer
December 10, 2024
Country reports
Political breakthrough on EU-Mercosur trade agreement
Founding of one of the world's largest economic areas after 25 years of negotiations
Sebastian Grundberger, Jonathan Neu, Dr Patricia Enssle
December 10, 2024
Country reports
Wind power as a key to Vietnam's sustainable future?
Climate change, energy security, and economic growth
Johannes Wawrzinek
December 10, 2024
Country reports
Greater capacity for action for public administration with artificial intelligence
Strengthening the future viability of the administration through practical AI expertise, simplified regulatory compliance and European AI in critical areas
Dr. Christian Hübner
December 10, 2024
Facts and Findings
Georgia on the barricades
Since the government announced that Georgia would suspend its EU rapprochement, tens of thousands have been protesting across the country every evening.
Stephan Malerius, Florian Binder
December 9, 2024
Country reports
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Media library
Epochal change in the Middle East? On the fall of the Assad regime in Syria
For decades, the Assad regime determined Syria's fate - and in the end it collapsed within days. How great is the risk that things will not change for the better?
Faltering democracy? South Korea's crisis and its consequences
The South Korean president declares martial law and the military invades the parliament building. But what is behind the political turmoil in South Korea?
#102 Veronika Grimm: Wie geht's wieder bergauf mit der Wirtschaft?
Wir sprechen mit Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm darüber, wie die Industrie in Deutschland wieder in Schwung kommt und wie sich Wirtschaftswachstum und Klimaschutz vereinen lassen.
read nowPutin's most loyal partner? North Korea and the ‘axis of turmoil’
North Korea is supporting the Russian campaign of conquest in Ukraine with its own soldiers. But how close is the North Korean-Russian partnership really?
The end of Hezbollah? The Shia militia and the future of Lebanon
The Lebanese Hezbollah is under considerable military pressure. But how weakened is Hezbollah now? We discuss that in this podcast episode.
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Main topics of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
The leitmotif of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation "Shaping.Democracy.Together." is supported by a thematic focus. With the three main topics Sustainability needs Innovation, Freedom needs Security and Democracy needs Participation, it is made clear which topics the Konrad Adenauer Foundation will focus on in the coming years.
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Media News
On the radio
Nahost-Experte: HTS auch für Türkei Terrororganisation
Unser Nahost-Experte Michael Bauer ordnet im Österreichischen Rundfunk die aktuellen Entwicklungen in Syrien und der Region nach dem Sturz Assads ein. Alle Nachbarländer hätten ein großes Interesse daran, dass es nicht zu einem erneuten Bürgerkrieg oder einem islamistischen Regime komme.
In the press
"Der Georgische Traum steht mit dem Rücken zur Wand"
Die Georgier streben in die EU, aber ihre Regierung will weiter mit Moskau zusammenarbeiten. Dafür schlägt sie Aufstände blutig nieder. Wie es in dem Land weitergehen könnte, erklärt unser Büroleiter in Tiflis, Stephan Malerius, bei
In the press
Moskaus Kartenhaus in Afrika droht zusammenzubrechen
Der Fall des syrischen Diktators Baschar al-Assad könnte für Russlands Söldner-Operationen in Afrika das Ende bedeuten. Denn Syrien war als Standort für die Russen zentral. Unser Sahel-Experte Ulf Laessing erklärt bei t-online die Hintergründe.
On the radio
''Massive Einflussnahme von Außen''
Unsere Rumänien-Expertin Katja Plate erklärt im Deutschlandfunk, warum das dortige Verfassungsgericht die laufende Präsidentschaftswahl annulliert hat – und wie es nun weitergeht. Die rumänische Demokratie sei von Innen und Außen unter Druck.
"Georgien steuert auf veritable Verfassungskrise zu"
Trotz der Androhung harter Strafen protestieren Tausende Menschen in Georgien weiter gegen den Kurs der russlandfreundlichen Regierung. Unser Büroleiter in Tiflis, Stephan Malerius, ordnet bei n-tv die aktuellen Entwicklungen ein.