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Event Reports


The Summer School for young journalists 2021


On the occasion of the fifth anniversary, the Summer School for young journalists this year took place in Sofia, Bulgaria from September 13 to 17, 2021. It was organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Tirana in cooperation with the KAS Media Program South East Europe.

European Summer School 2021

Ongoing challenges of Albania's European Union Integration

Since the transition to a democratic system, Albania has aimed at undertaking the challenge of Integration in the European Union. The Konrad Adenauer Foundation Albania together with the European Center organized the European Summer School 2021 “My Europe-Challenges toward the EU Accession” in Pogradec, Albania.

Youth to EU: Career Consulting

The working world is constantly changing – and fast. There are now jobs that didn't exist five or ten years ago. For this reason, career guidance is essential to support and motivate young people in making decisions concerning their future career.

Perspectives for the European Future of Albania

Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Albania in cooperation with the “Political Academy” organized the forum “Perspectives for the European Future of Albania” with members of the Democratic Party of Albania and the European Parliament to discuss on matters concerning the current political situation of the country as well as it’s perspective toward the integration in the European Union, with a special emphasis on the challenges and goals that are embodied in this process.


6th Edition

The Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS) and the Institute for Democracy, Media & Culture (IDMC) organized the 6th edition of the MEMORY DAYS , 19 - 26 February 2021.

The role of the diaspora in the politics of the homeland

Advancing the democratization process

Konrad Adenauer Foundation - Albania in cooperation with the international movement “Diaspora për Shqipërinë e Lirë/ Diaspora for a Free Albania” organized on 17.02.2021 a round table between members of the European Parliament and the Bundestag as well as representatives of the Albanian diaspora from Kosovo, Rumania and Moldavia on the importance of diaspora in the homeland politics and the exercise of the right to vote from abroad.

The Academy of SMEs´ 2020

Sustainable growth of Albanian SMEs´ toward Europe- Challenges and perspectives in post Covid19 times

The small and medium-sized enterprises are the foundation of the Albanian economy. They represent 99% of the registered companies and generate more that 80% of all jobs and therefore they play a fundamental role in the future development of the Albanian economy, the creation of new jobs and the fight against unemployment.



In the last decade, influences from other countries had a significant impact on Albania as they had not for a long time.

Sommerschule für junge Journalisten 2020

Der Beruf des Journalisten in der Zeit des Coronavirus

Vom 19. bis zum 23. September 2020 fand zum vierten Mal in Folge die Sommerschule für Journalisten, organisiert von der KAS Albanien zusammen mit dem Departement für Journalismus und Kommunikation der Universität Tirana, mit dem aktuellen Fokus auf die COVID-19 Pandemie und die sich daraus ergebenen Herausforderungen für Journalisten, statt.

KAS/Marco Urban

Die Zukunft der Erweiterungspolitik und die transatlantische Partnerschaft

Westbalkan Botschafterkonferenz in Berlin

Unter strengen Hygienevorschriften fand am 7. September in Berlin im Rahmen der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft die 5. Westbalkan-Botschafterkonferenz der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung statt.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.