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Political School of the DP Youth Forum (FRPD)
A series of events with 21 discussion rounds on politics, the past and current affairs

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E Drejta Europiane e Azilit

Fondacioni Konrad Adenauer në bashkëpunim me Qendren Europiane zhvillojnë më datë 12.04.2016 në Korçë tryezën e rrumbullakët me temë „ E Drejta Europiane e Azilit“.


Europäisches Asylrecht

Die Konrad Adenauer Stiftung organisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit dem EU Center am 12.04.2016 in Korçë den Workshop „Europäisches Asylrecht“.


Herausforderungen für die Kommunalpolitik nach der Gebietsreform

Die Konrad Adenauer Stiftung organisiert am 8. April, in Lezha für die Verwaltungsadministratoren das Seminar: Herausforderungen für die Kommunalpolitik nach der Gebietsreform


Sfidat dhe problematikat e qeverisjes vendore mbas reformes territoriale

Fondacioni Konrad Adenauer organizon më dt. 8 prill në Lezhë seminarin me titull: Sfidat dhe problematikat e qeverisjes vendore


Der politische Dialog über Parteigrenzen hinweg – Gemeinsame Ziele brauchen gemeinsame Lösungsvorschläge

Die Konrad Adenauer Stiftung und Friedrich Ebert Stiftung organisieren am Donnerstag, den 7. April in den Räumlichkeiten der Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland eine öffentliche Talk-Runde mit fünf Abgeordneten des Deutschen Bundestages statt.


Dialogu politik përtej kufijve partiak – qëllimet e përbashkëta kanë nevojë për zgjidhje të përbashkëta

Fondacioni Konrad Adenauer dhe Fondacioni Friedrich-Ebert organizojnë të enjten, më 7 prill, në orën 11:00 në ambientet e Ambasadës së Republikës Federale të Gjermanisë një diskutim publik me pesë anëtarë të Bundestagut Gjerman.


E Drejta Europiane e Azilit

Fondacioni Konrad Adenauer në bashkëpunim me Qendrën Europiane zhvilluan më datë 30.03.2016 në Shkodër tryezën e rrumbullakët me temë „ E Drejta Europiane e Azilit“.


Europäisches Asylrecht

Die Konrad Adenauer Stiftung organisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit dem European Center am 30.03.2016 in Shkodra den Workshop „Europäisches Asylrecht“.

Study and Information Program

Studienreise in das Gefangenenlager Spac

Studienreise in das Gefängnislager Spac bei Rreshen - ein besseres Verständnis des kommunistischen Regimes in Albanien

Study and Information Program

Vizitë studimore në burgun e Spaçit në Rrëshen

Vizitë studimore në burgun e Spacit - Bazat për të kuptuar më mirë regjimin komunist në Shqipëri

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Meeting in the Constitutional Court

Meeting with Holta Zaçaj, Head of the Albanian Constitutional Court

Meeting with KAS alumni

KAS scholars meeting with Dr. Thomas Kunze

Albania in the Security Council: Achievements, challenges and vision for the second year

Open conversation with the Permanent Representative of Albania to the UN, Ambassador Ferit Hoxha

June 1, 2021 was a historic date for Albania. Our country was accepted as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. For the first time, 66 years after joining the UN, Albania sits at the top table for peace, security and stability.

Learning Europe and acting Europe

Explaining and involving the process of integration

AOn the occasion of Europe Day on May 09, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation of Albania organized in cooperation with experts and professors from the Department of European Integration of the Universities of Durres and Tirana an event for young people in the Palace of Culture in Durres

Strong counties serving their citizens

The future of regional governance in Albania

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Albania in cooperation with the Assembly of European Regions organized a conference on "Strong counties serving their citizens - the future of regional governance in Albania" in Tirana from March 28-30.


7th Edition

MEMORY DAYS is an annual activity that aims to keep alive the social debate and the memory of the consequences of the communist regime in Albania. It has been conceived and organized by the Institute for Democracy, Media and Culture (IDMC) in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), since October 2016. Every year there is a certain motto. The focus of the 7th edition was on the myths about communism that prevail to this day.

The impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on Human Rights and Democracy in Albania

On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Albania organized in close cooperation with the Foundation for Freedom and Democracy and the Westminster Foundation for Democracy Albania the International Conference "Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on Human Rights and Democracy in Albania".

The Academy of SMEs´ 2021

ONLINE TRADE - Challenges for SMEs´

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation organized in cooperation with the Albanian institute “SME Albania” a training for young entrepreneurs on the topic: ONLINE TRADE – Challenges for SMEs´.

Promoting renewable energy policies for sustainable tourism

Energy policy

In cooperation with the "Friends from Korça" and AREA, the Association for Renewable Energy in Albania, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation organized on September 21, 2021 at the Rogner Hotel the round table on “Promoting renewable energy policies for sustainable tourism”

The Summer School for young journalists 2021


On the occasion of the fifth anniversary, the Summer School for young journalists this year took place in Sofia, Bulgaria from September 13 to 17, 2021. It was organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Tirana in cooperation with the KAS Media Program South East Europe.