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New Energy Partnerships and a Boost for Decarbonisation?

The War in Ukraine and Its Repercussions for Energy Policy in Asia

The Russian attack on Ukraine has led to turbulence on the Asian energy markets. The consequences are manifold: on the one hand, the rise in the price of fossil fuels may well provide decarbonisation with new momentum in many Asian countries. On the other hand, states such as India and especially China might try to cheaply purchase Russian energy resources, which are being increasingly shunned in the West. Thus Moscow, subject as it is to sanctions, has new opportunities for energy cooperation – but risks becoming increasingly dependent.

Ahmed Jadallah, Reuters

Out of Siberia, into the Desert?

The Middle East and North Africa as Building Blocks of Europe’s Energy Transition

Russia’s war on Ukraine is increasing the pressure on Europe to wind down its dependence on Russian energy supplies. For this reason, politicians are turning their attention to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), a region that has historically been home to large quantities of fossil fuels. This seems to be a reasonable step in light of the region’s energy reserves, but it requires closer scrutiny. The MENA region, particularly the Arab Gulf states, is at the dawn of a new era of renewable energies. Instead of creating new dependencies, Europe should pursue a strategy of broad diversification of its energy sources, along with the establishment and expansion of energy innovation partnerships.

Zohra Bensemra, Reuters

Powerless against Digital Hate

African Societies and Social Networks

Social media open up unprecedented communication oppor­tunities in Africa. At the same time, they exacerbate conflicts, such as the one in Ethiopia. Facebook, just ahead of TikTok as the most important social network on the continent, is inadequately performing its moderating and supervising duties. In the same way, most states do not protect their citizens from digital attacks or surveillance. The negligence of these governments, which have a greater interest in surveillance than in protecting their own people, is turning the continent into a huge test lab for companies in Palo Alto and Shanghai. Technologically, Europe has little to oppose these trends with.

Monicah Mwangi, Reuters

Kenya’s Supreme Court Writes a Further Chapter in the History of the Rule of Law in Africa

The Failure of President Kenyatta’s Building Bridges Initiative

Kenya’s Supreme Court has halted a project through which the head of state had sought to amend key elements of the country’s Constitution. The fact that the Supreme Court judges did not go as far as the lower courts in certain aspects of their ruling has disappointed some. Nonetheless, the glass is not half empty but at least half full when it comes to judicial independence in the East African country.

Amir Cohen, Reuters

Neue Normalität im Nahen Osten?

Israel im Spannungsfeld zwischen regionalen Allianzen und globalen Machtverschiebungen

Über Jahre waren die zwischenstaatlichen Beziehungen in der Region Nahost geprägt von ideologischen Interessen, die oft zur Konfrontation führten. Doch in jüngerer Zeit ist Bewegung in dieses Szenario gekommen. Alte Frontstellungen scheinen sich langsam aufzulösen und wirtschaftspolitischer Pragmatismus die Oberhand zu gewinnen. Einer der zentralen Akteure auf dem Weg zu einer möglichen neuen Normalität im Nahen Osten ist Israel.

Jorge Silva, Reuters

Russlands sharp power in Lateinamerika

Die Region im Visier der autokratischen Internationale

Die weltweit mächtigsten autokratischen Staaten beeinflussen aktiv das politische und wirtschaftliche Umfeld in Lateinamerika. Die Unterstützung und Einflussnahme von Mächten wie Russland trifft dabei auf Regierungen und Gesellschaften, die durch politische Polarisierung, illiberalen Nationalismus und die Einschränkung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit fruchtbaren Boden für eine Stärkung autoritärer Ideen bieten. Entsprechend hat Moskau die Anerkennung und gegenseitige Stärkung illiberaler Regime unterstützt und die Werte seiner politischen Weltanschauung verbreitet. Was aber bedeutet der russische Angriff auf die Ukraine für diese illiberalen Allianzen?

Benoit Tessier, Reuters

Starke Kandidaten, schwache Parteien?

Frankreich vor den Wahlen

In Frankreich steht die Präsidentschaftswahl an, kurz danach entscheiden die Bürger über die Zusammensetzung der National­versammlung. Im Gespräch mit den Auslandsinformationen erläutern Caroline Kanter und Nele Wissmann, wie der Krieg in der Ukraine den Wahlkampf beeinflusst, vor welchen Herausforderungen das bürgerlich-konservative Lager steht und warum Präsident Emmanuel Macron die gesellschaftlichen Gräben in Frankreich nicht hat überwinden können.

Stoyan Nenov, Reuters

Investigative Journalists in Bulgaria

An Endangered Species?

Although investigative journalism still exists in Bulgaria, it is on the decline. Over the last few years, this EU country has been steadily sliding down the press freedom rankings. Investigative journalism is often misused for image purposes, and alternative investigations conducted outside traditional newsrooms and in civil society groups raise questions about adherence to professional standards. Restoring trust in the media and solidarity among journalists is no easy task. The motivation to conduct investigative research is also dwindling because the Bulgarian judiciary often simply ignores journalistic revelations.

Fabrizio Bensch, Reuters

“I Miss Political Leadership”

Afghanistan and the Security Challenges of the Future

In an interview with International Reports, political scientist Carlo Masala speaks about lessons learnt from Afghanistan, China’s desire for hegemony, and a new understanding of defence – while also explaining why German politics should be less guided by popular sentiment.

Benoit Tessier, Reuters

“It Is a Geopolitical Urgency that the Sahel Be Made a Paradise”

Lessons from Afghanistan for German Policy-making in the Sahel

Will Mali become the new Afghanistan? If it were up to Iyad Ag Ghaly, the leader of the al-Qaeda group in the Sahel, that is precisely what we could expect. Even before Kabul had fallen completely to the Taliban, he congratulated his Afghani brothers-in-arms with the words “We are winning. Our hour has come.” But even in political Berlin, many wonder what the West’s hasty withdrawal from Kabul means for its involvement in the Sahel. The context of this question: Now the Afghanistan mission has ended, the mission to Mali is by far the largest for the German Bundes­wehr. But to what extent can we even compare the two missions? And, despite their pronounced differences, are there lessons from Afghanistan that can be applied to Mali and the Sahel – for the Bundeswehr mission and for the direction of German (development) policy-making? A central difference between Afghanistan and the Sahel is clear to see: Western failure in the Sahel would have a far more direct impact on Germany and Europe than its failure in Afghanistan.

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About this series

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication +49 30 26996 3584

Dr. Sören Soika


Editor-in-Chief International Reports (Ai) +49 30 26996 3388

Rana Taskoparan

Rana Taskoparan

Referentin Kommunikation und Vermarktung +49 30 26 996 3623

Fabian Wagener

Fabian Wagener

Desk Officer for Multimedia +49 30-26996-3943