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Thomas Peter, Reuters

Reale Menschenrechtspolitik

Gegenüber Russland und China muss Europa seine Werte offensiver vertreten

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 17.02.2021, Nr. 40, S. 1

Vincent Kessler, Reuters.

The Public Opinion of Judges

Between Freedom of Expression and the ­Judicial Duty of Independence

In recent years, judicial independence has increasingly been the subject of court decisions. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) recently sought to draw a line regarding the freedom of expression of judges. In Southeast Europe, ­numerous disciplinary actions have been initiated against judges as a result of expressions of opinion on social media. Have the dignitaries in these cases really failed to fulfil their judicial duty of independence, or is this increasingly becoming an instrumentalised political issue?

Francis Mascarenhas, Reuters

Under Pressure

Freedom of Speech and Press in India

In its latest annual report, Reporters Without Borders describes the situation for freedom of press in India as “difficult”. The country is ranked 142 out of 180 countries in the 2021 World Press Freedom Index. India is one of the world’s most dangerous countries for journalists; in recent years many press representatives have lost their lives in the course of their work. Indian officials claim this ranking to be a reflection of Western bias. Yet freedom of press continues to be curtailed, journalists are arrested for expressing an opinion, and attempts are made to control narratives on social media.

Charles Platiau, Reuters

Zwischen Konfrontation und Annäherung

Die EU aus der Sicht Russlands und der Länder der östlichen Nachbarschaft

Das Bild jenseits der östlichen Grenze der Europäischen Union ist heterogen. Während sich das Verhältnis zu Russland seit Jahren verschlechtert und auch Länder wie Aserbaidschan und Belarus den Weg der Annäherung an die EU vorläufig verlassen haben, richten insbesondere die Ukraine, Georgien und Moldau heute ihren Blick nach Westen.

Jim Bourg, Reuters

On Public Discourse in the Digital Sphere

Supporting Freedom of Expression through a Graduated Approach to Regulating Disinformation

Disinformation – we have all been in contact with it at one time or another, even if we weren’t aware of it. A forsa survey for Safer Internet Day 2021 reveals that 83 per cent of young internet users aged 14 to 24 have encountered fake news on social media. But what do we mean when we talk about disinformation and fake news? How much can be tolerated by a democracy before it is described as unstable? And at what point does regulation become necessary to protect this democracy and its vital process of opinion formation?

Marcelo del Pozo, Reuters

Editorial of the issue "Media and Freedom of Expression"

“The press must have the freedom to say anything so that certain people do not have the freedom to do anything.” This was expressed by the French statesman, diplomat, and man of letters Alain Peyrefitte. “Watchdogs”, “gatekeepers”, or the “Fourth Estate”, whatever we choose to call it, a free media is the indispensable guardian of liberal democracy.

Darrin Zammit Lupi, Reuters

The Waning of the Light

Freedom of the Press in 2021

Freedom of the press is an essential pillar of functioning democracies. When this pillar crumbles, it is usually due to an erosion of the whole democratic edifice, while also contributing to this ongoing decay. For many years, press freedom has been under pressure around the globe – yet, there are still grounds for optimism. The ­COVID-19 pandemic has helped to raise people’s awareness of the importance of independent, quality-oriented media.

Issei Kato, Reuters

Parlamente in der ­Pandemie

Adäquat beteiligt oder von der Exekutive verdrängt? Beobachtungen aus dem asiatisch-pazifischen Raum

Anhand einer Auswahl von neun Ländern aus dem asiatisch-pazifischen Raum geht dieser Beitrag der Frage nach, ob es im Zusammenhang mit Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Corona­pandemie zu Machtverschiebungen im System der staatlichen Gewaltenteilung zu Lasten der Parlamente gekommen ist oder ob die Volksvertretungen ihrer konstitutionellen Rolle entsprechend an den politischen Entscheidungen beteiligt wurden.

Ben Blanchard, Reuters

A Dynamic Player in East Asia

How Taiwan Takes Responsibility in the Shadow of the International Community

Although diplomatically recognised by scarcely more than a dozen countries, Taiwan still pursues an active, values-based foreign and development policy. Taipei deliberately counters Beijing’s hard power with its “warm power”. Whether it is health, the economy or disaster management, creativity and innovation are the common threads that run through Taiwan’s approach to development cooperation.

Bobby Yip, Reuters

A Holistic View of Health

The One Health Concept in ­International Development Cooperation

The ­COVID-19 pandemic has turned the spotlight on how global health risks can arise from interactions between humans, animals, and the environment. Consolidating the One Health approach is vital if we are to adequately counter this threat. The approach focuses on these interdependencies to reduce the resulting health risks. Governments and multi­lateral organisations also increasingly incorporate this approach into their development strategies.

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About this series

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication +49 30 26996 3584

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