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Adnan Abidi, Reuters

Religious Nationalism in South Asia

Building Nations, Breaking Communities?

A recent series of violent acts raises the question of a relation between the rise of religious nationalism and communal violence in South Asia. Here, we will shed some light on the roots and development of religious nationalism in South Asia and its impact on social cohesion.

Francois Lenoir, Reuters

Simple Explanations

Why Nationalists in Europe Grow Stronger

Yielding resentments against the European Union as well as alleged threats: Nationalist parties gained increased electoral success throughout the last years in many member states of the European Union, while challenging their democratic underpinnings and developments. The underlying causes are manifold and vary regionally. How could a promising political response be shaped?

The Situation in the Sahel

Consequences for International Engagement in the Region

For many years, the Sahel region has been a focus of foreign, security, and development policy in Germany and the EU. Despite significant engagement on the part of the international community in the wake of Operation Serval, France’s successful military intervention against terrorist groups in Mali in January 2013, the security situation has continued to deteriorate year-on-year. Not only is this instability caused by jihadist organisations such as ­GSIM and ­EIGS, but also fuelled by local, often ethnic conflicts, armed militias, and organised crime. What is the background of the worsening situation and what are the consequences for Europe and Germany’s support for the Sahel states?

Die Relevanz der Vereinten Nationen in einer neuen Ära globaler Spannungen

Die graduelle Erosion des Fundamentes liberal-demokratischer Werte sowie die zunehmende Konfrontation wichtiger, mit Vetomacht ausgestatteter Staaten fordern die Handlungsfähigkeit der Vereinten Nationen heraus. Der Konflikt USA-China führt in vielen Fällen zu einer Paralyse der VN-Diplomatie. Obgleich die Relevanz der Vereinten Nationen durch die COVID-19-Pandemie erneut unterstrichen wurde, wird es 75 Jahre nach ihrer Gründung unabdingbar, die Frage zu stellen, wie globale Führung aussehen sollte, und den politischen Willen der Mitglieder zur Zusammenarbeit einzufordern.

Tanz mit dem Drachen

Die wechselhaften Beziehungen zwischen Myanmar und China

Die starke Abhängigkeit Myanmars von China war einer der Hauptgründe für den demokratischen Wandel nach 2008. Dennoch ist China heute wieder größter Handelspartner und Investor in Myanmar. Das Land hat eine herausragende geostrategische Bedeutung für China und ist zentraler Baustein der Belt and Road Initiative (­BRI). Die Beziehungen zu China bleiben auch in Zukunft ein schwieriger Balanceakt zwischen eigenen und fremden Interessen.

Coronavirus in Lateinamerika (Online First Version)

Chance oder Bedrohung für den Rechtsstaat?

In Lateinamerika werden die rechtspolitischen Folgen, die aus der Coronakrise hervorgehen, in großem Umfang davon abhängen, wie die Regierungen der Region ihre Macht in Zeiten des Notstands ausüben. Missbrauchen Lateinamerikas Regenten ihre Befugnisse zur Zementierung ihrer Macht, sieht es für den Rechtsstaat in Lateinamerika in Zukunft finster aus. Wissen sie ihre Macht mit Maß auszuüben und ihre Länder mit gutem Führungsstil aus der Krise zu leiten, könnten sie verloren geglaubtes Vertrauen zurück erwerben. Eines ist sicher: Die Coronakrise wird die politischen Spielregeln verändern.

Image fragment Solon: Sailko via Wikimedia.

Editorial of the issue "Digital Democracy"

Rapid technological developments witnessed over recent decades offer many opportunities, but also present us with new challenges – political, social, and sometimes private. Strategic questions regarding the political design of our digital future need to be considered at the international level in particular. This is because strict technological separation of a wide variety of state and non-state actors is now virtually impossible. Globalised goods, services, communications, and data streams are shaping the world.

Carlos Barria, Reuters

Between Yurts and Skyscrapers

Mongolia’s Youth are Grappling with a Corrupt Elite

Young people in Mongolia are fighting for a say in politics. Internet activists are protesting against corruption in politics and business. In Ulaanbaatar, young women are fighting against sexual violence, and for more political participation. Meanwhile, traditional ways of life are in retreat. Are profound social changes, coupled with an ossified political elite, splitting Mongolian society?

Democratising Deepfakes

How Technological Development Can Influence Our Social Consensus

The dissemination of fake news as a political instrument has long been an issue in contemporary political discourse. It is important to react to technological innovations that continue to expand the potential for disinformation campaigns, threatening our domestic security. Nauel Semaan talked to Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler, Senior Director of the Counter Extremism Project, about the “new superweapon of fake news” – so-called deepfakes.

Kai Pfaffenbach, Reuters

Digital Cooperation – An Opportunity to Advance Sustainable Development

In today’s complex digital world, we see enormous advantages of digital technologies, which will play an increasingly important role in sustainable development in the coming years. Of course, we are also experiencing risks and challenges in the rapid development of these technologies. These challenges can no longer be met by individual organisations or countries. Instead, the answer to these challenges depends on cooperation between different groups, sectors, stakeholders, and countries.

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About this series

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication +49 30 26996 3584

Dr. Sören Soika


Editor-in-Chief International Reports (Ai) +49 30 26996 3388

Rana Taskoparan

Rana Taskoparan

Referentin Kommunikation und Vermarktung +49 30 26 996 3623

Fabian Wagener

Fabian Wagener

Desk Officer for Multimedia +49 30-26996-3943