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Out of Sight – Out of Mind? Is The Bush Era History Already?

Even with the new US government still happy to use symbolic gestures to highlight the changeover in the White House, and the Republicans looking fornew leadership figures and policies, it would be premature to consider the Bush era dead and buried already.

Squandered Hope? The Palestinian Perspective on the Middle East Policy of Barack Obama

During the first ten months following his inauguration as the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama started to reshape the Middle East policy of the U.S. administration. In contrast to his predecessor George W. Bush, who had shown commitment in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict only in 2003 with the introduction of the Road Map, Obama introduced a paradigm shift inthe Middle East policy after only a few months.

What is a ”Win” in Afghanistan?

Following on the strategic review commissioned by Obama, when he declared himself in favor of a troop-intensive counter insurgency (COIN), the President has begun to have doubts in the last few months about the merits of this approach.

“Africa, arise!” - Second Africa Synod in the Vatican.

Propositions for the Continent and Its Partners

From 4 to 25 October about 400 bishops, consecrated persons and laypersons discussed “the Church in Africa in service to reconciliation, justice and peace” in the Vatican. 244 Synod fathers, most of whom bishops, participatedin the assembly; 200 of them were from Africa, 78 were listeners and experts of both genders.

2009 - The Super Election Year in Indonesia

This year, general parliamentary elections were held for the third time in the history of the recent democracy of Indonesia (after 1999 and 2004), which began in 1998 with the fall of the Suharto regime; the second direct presidential elections since 2004 were also held. However, the democratic reorganization of the largest country in Southeast Asia, both in terms of area and population, is only one aspect of the so-called “Reformasi.”


Ausgabe 11/2009 der Auslandsinformationen der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Media in Croatia: Between a National Past and European Future

Croatia’s media landscape is in a state of transition, from state-controlled media, through authoritarian administration, towards a democratic pluralistic media landscape. The development of journalism has for the most part followed the political path. In Croatia, media is subject to the constitution, freedom of information laws, anti-trust laws, criminal law and laws for the protection of confidentiality.

Shared Interests or Competing Actions: What Drives Energy Security Cooperation Between Asia and Europe?

Was führt zur Kooperation im Bereich Energiesicherheit zwischen Asien und Europa?

The European Union’s external policies are based on the firm belief that multilateralism is the only way to solve the future challenges and that it needs to speak with one voice in order to level its strength. This attitude is also increasingly reflected in the EU’s external energy policy as will become obvious from the following paragraphs.

What Has Become of the Fight Against Poverty and of Participation in Germany’s Development Cooperation?

Concept of the participatory fight against poverty

Back to Europe? – Czechia and its European Integration After 1989

Together with another seven central and east European countries as well as Malta and Cyprus, the Czech Republic joined the EU on May 1, 2004. Five years later, there should be reason enough to celebrate: two decades ago, the communist regime in what was then Czechoslovakia was ousted, giving the country a chance to turn to Europe and the West once again.

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About this series

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication +49 30 26996 3584

Dr. Sören Soika


Editor-in-Chief International Reports (Ai) +49 30 26996 3388

Rana Taskoparan

Rana Taskoparan

Referentin Kommunikation und Vermarktung +49 30 26 996 3623

Fabian Wagener

Fabian Wagener

Desk Officer for Multimedia +49 30-26996-3943