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© Johannes Höhn

A Renaissance of the Village is Possible!

On the Potential of Rural Areas in Germany and France

In both France and Germany, people are attracted to the big cities – but at the same time, the yearning for a rural life is increasing. The potential of rural regions to create identity, preserve traditions, and constitute a sense of home should not be underestimated. The economical and societal developments in the 21ˢᵗ century depend, among other things, on how the multifaceted reserves of energy in rural areas are used.

Harald Ardeias


According to United Nations estimates, two thirds of humanity will live in cities in 2050. In 1950, it was only one third. During the same period, the number of metropolises could rise from 28 to more than 40 (and by “metropolis”, we mean a settlement area of more than ten million inhabitants). While the number of people who live in urban areas is continuously rising, the rural population is noticeably shrinking. So it is not surprising that a “rural exodus” is being observed all over Europe.

Fifty States, Two Worlds

The Political Dimension of the Urban-Rural Divide in the United States

There is a chasm between urban and rural populations in the US. Donald Trump’s success in the last presidential election showed the enormity of the political implications of the urban-rural divide. It appears that it will be difficult to close this gap even in the medium term. The differences between city and countryside will therefore continue to play a decisive role in future elections.

© Johnny Miller.

Mastering Africa’s Urban Future

Safety and Security in South African Cities

Africa’s future is urban and young: by 2050, the urban population in Africa will have tripled, the number of African megacities will have quintupled, and the majority of urban residents will be young people. For some, these are the most important challenges surrounding development in Africa. Challenges such as safety and security will become an important focal point. How can crime prevention and policing keep apace with such challenges? Will Africa’s urbanisation translate into a better and economically prosperous life for all, or is it set to increase violence, inequality and mal-administration?

Chinas Tor zur Welt

Handelskonflikt hin oder her – am Rande der Taklamakan-Wüste stellt China die Weichen für den Welthandel der Zukunft. Ein riesiger Güterbahnhof wird zum Zentrum der „Neuen Seidenstraße“.

Chinas Weg zur Weltherrschaft

Viele im Westen träumen von einer Öffnung Chinas. Doch das ist eine Illusion. Mit totaler Kontrolle beanspruchen die Digital-kommunisten in Peking die Macht über die Privatwirtschaft.

Die automatisierte Politik

Warum finden so viele Chinesen das Sozialkreditsystem gut, das ihr gesamtes Verhalten bewertet? Was Peking gerade entwickelt, könnte für die westlichen Demokratien zu einer ernsten Herausforderung werden.


Vor genau 40 Jahren begann die Reform- und Öffnungspolitik der Volksrepublik China. Sie bereitete nicht nur den Weg für die Befreiung hunderter Millionen Menschen aus der Armut, sondern leitete auch Chinas Entwicklung zur zweitgrößten Volkswirtschaft der Welt ein. Während Deng Xiaoping, der Urheber der Reformpolitik, jedoch noch Zurückhaltung in der Weltpolitik propagierte, präsentiert sich das heutige China unter der Führung von Staatspräsident Xi Jinping selbstbewusster denn je.

Ehrgeiz vernetzt Berge

Mit Technologie will China die Armut besiegen und Amerika überholen. Kann das noch misslingen?

Eine goldene Gelegenheit

Staatspräsident Xi tourt durch Afrika. Der Kontinent braucht Geld – und China ein Experimentierfeld für den globalen Führungsanspruch.

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About this series

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication +49 30 26996 3584

Dr. Sören Soika


Editor-in-Chief International Reports (Ai) +49 30 26996 3388

Rana Taskoparan

Rana Taskoparan

Referentin Kommunikation und Vermarktung +49 30 26 996 3623

Fabian Wagener

Fabian Wagener

Desk Officer for Multimedia +49 30-26996-3943