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Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad


IMAGO / ZUMA Press Wire

European elections in Spain and Portugal

Spanische PP gewinnt mit größtem Vorsprung zur PSOE seit 1999 – In Portugal stagnieren Sozialisten und Liberalkonservative, Rechtspopulisten und Liberale gewinnen erstmals Mandate

In Spain, the PP won against the PSOE by the clearest margin since 1999, by 4% and a lead of around 700,000 votes. Alberto Núñez Feijóo (PP) thus doubled his relative lead over Pedro Sánchez (PSOE) compared to the national elections on 23 July 2023, when he was only ahead by around 350,000 votes. The PP won the European elections in direct comparison in all Spanish provinces against the PSOE, except in the Basque Country, Navarre, Catalonia and the Canary Islands. Thanks to its shift to the left, the PSOE absorbed some of the voters of the regionalists and the far-left parties Podemos and Sumar. In Portugal, on the other hand, Aliança Democrática (PSD and CDS-PP), which has formed a minority government led by Prime Minister Luís Montenegro at national level since April, lost very narrowly to Pedro Nuno Santos' Socialists. Although he was able to make slight gains, Montenegro was therefore unable to make significant gains in just a few weeks since taking office. Despite 300,000 additional votes, the PSD and CDS-PP stagnated at seven seats. However, the Socialists also lost one mandate and ended up with eight seats. As a result, they also lost favour with voters. The transfer of votes goes to the new parties. Only the right-wing populist Chega and the Liberal Initiative grew, both entering the European Parliament for the first time and gaining two seats each.

European Union (photo by Dominique Catton)

Geneva Telegram with key insights from UNHCR’s new global trends report

The "Geneva Telegram" explores events in Geneva-based multilateral organizations on a current topic. This time, the focus is on the new global trends report of the UNHCR.

On June 13, 2024, the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) presented its new report on global refugee trends. It focuses primarily on developments in the calendar year 2023, in which 117.3 million people were displaced, 8% more than in the previous year which represents the 12th consecutive annual increase in number of people forcibly displaced.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

Ringen um den Fortschritt in Spanien

Inklusion weltweit – Aktueller Stand aus Spanien

Spanien scheint, dem ersten Eindruck nach, auf einem guten Weg hin zu Inklusion und Gleichberechtigung von Menschen mit Behinderung. Diese rund 4,3 Millionen Menschen, also 9 Prozent der spanischen Bevölkerung, werden von über 8000 Verbänden politisch und gesellschaftlich vertreten. Nur 20 Prozent der beeinträchtigten Spanierinnen und Spanier fühlen sich aufgrund ihrer Behinderung diskriminiert, Inklusion steht schon seit über vier Jahrzehnten auf der politischen Agenda. Doch wie gut sind Menschen mit Behinderung wirklich gesellschaftlich integriert? Und welche Chancen haben sie auf dem spanischen Arbeitsmarkt? Ein Blick auf Statistiken zeigt: Spanien hat immer noch einen weiten Weg vor sich.

The European Elections from the Inside

Election coverage issued by the European Office of the Konrad- Adenauer-Stiftung on the 2024 European elections

The election report "European Elections from the Inside" presents the results of the 2024 elections to the European Parliament from a European and national perspective. Together with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung offices across Europe, a concise overview was compiled for each of the 27 member states of the European Union (EU), which analyses the results in the respective countries against the backdrop of current developments. The series of reports is intended to contribute to a deeper understanding of the overall outcome of the 2024 European elections.


Schweizer Wählerinnen und Wähler lehnen Krankenkassenreform-Vorschläge ab

Am vergangenen Sonntag wurde in der Schweiz über zwei Initiativen zur Senkung der Gesundheitskosten abgestimmt. Trotz großer Sorgen über die steigenden Kosten im Gesundheitssystem scheiterten die Vorlagen der Sozialdemokratischen Partei (SP) - die Prämien- Entlastungs-Initiative - und der Partei Die Mitte - die Kostenbremse-Initiative - mit jeweils 44,5% und 37,2% Zustimmung. Die Vorlage der Schweizer Impfgegner „Für Freiheit und körperliche Unversehrtheit“ erfuhr mit lediglich 26,3% der Stimmen eine klare Absage. Als einzig erfolgreiche Vorlage des Wahlabends wurde das „Bundesgesetz über eine sichere Stromversorgung mit erneuerbaren Energien“ mit 68,7% der Stimmen angenommen. Die Wahlbeteiligung lag bei 45,4% und somit knapp unter dem Durchschnitt der letzten Volksabstimmungen.

IMAGO / ZUMA Press Wire

The dawn of the gods in India?

An analysis of the Indian parliamentary elections

India has voted and the Prime Minister is called Narendra Damodardas Modi once again. Contrary to the latest election forecasts, however, Prime Minister Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) suffered significant seat losses. While the BJP had won a landslide victory in 2019 with 303 seats, this time it won 240 seats. This means that the BJP can no longer rule alone in the 543-seat lower house, the Lok Sabha. For the first time, Modi will now have to rely on his coalition partners from the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) to form a government. The party alliance received a total of 292 votes. India is now returning to a coalition government after a decade-long hiatus - a phenomenon that Modi did not experience during his three terms as chief minister of the state of Gujarat or during his two terms as prime minister.

IMAGO / Photo News

Surprising Election Results in Belgium

Victory of the "lesser evil" confirms Belgium's Shift to the Right

The Resultate of the Belgian elections surprised everyone - including the winners themselves. The N-VA, which became the strongest force at federal and Flemish level, is celebrating its victory - with its leader Bart de Wever at its centre. Despite this surprise, the election in Belgium confirmed the country's shift to the right - led by the nationalist N-VA and followed by the right-wing populist Vlaams Belang. The polarisation between the regions - albeit slightly weakened – remains lasting and will make it difficult to form a government at national level.

IMAGO / Xinhua

Romania has voted

Cementing the status quo

2024 is also a super election year in Romania. The European and local elections kicked off on June 9, 2024. These showed: the status quo got cemented with the elections. Despite a very high level of political frustration in the country, the major parties in the Romanian ruling coalition managed to secure a clear majority of almost 50% for their joint electoral list in the European elections. The coalition parties also clearly win the local elections. However, it is also clear that the decisive position of power in the country will not be at stake until the presidential elections in September.


Eternal friendship and a billion-dollar visit

Vladimir Putin in Uzbekistan

Russian President Vladimir Putin paid an official visit to Uzbekistan from May 26 to 28, 2024. Numerous documents were signed to further develop bilateral relations.


The Pope at the G7 summit

How to tame artificial intelligence?

It is a strong message: Pope Francis will be the first pontiff in history to attend a G7 summit on June 14, 2024. His visit will be about nothing less than the future of humanity. How will artificial intelligence change our world? Where are the opportunities, where are the risks? Are we even equipped for this quantum leap in civilization? The heads of state and government will address these questions in depth. In their talks with the Pope, everything will revolve around the ethical and moral aspects. Basically, everyone agrees in advance that binding international rules are needed. The Holy See has made considerable preparations for this in recent years. What does Francis have to say to the G7? An analysis.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.