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Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad



How important is Iowa?

On the Outcome of the First Primaries for the U.S. Presidential Election.

Donald Trump wins the Republican primaries in Iowa by a large margin. This consolidates his role as the favorite for the presidential nomination. However, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley remain in the race.

IMAGO / Bestimage

Smaller, bourgeois-conservative, constant

France has a new government.

President Emmanuel Macron and the new Prime Minister Gabriel Attal presented a streamlined and largely conservative government on 11 January, which is characterized by the retention of several political heavyweights and the unexpected arrival of former Sarkozy minister Rachida Dati in the culture portfolio.


Indonesia in Super Election Year 2024

Indonesia faces the biggest elections in its history in 2024.

Indonesia faces the biggest elections in its history in 2024. In the third largest democracy in the world, more than 204 million voters will not only elect a new president and the composition of the national parliament, but will also elect governors and regional parliaments in all 38 provinces, as well as all county councils and mayors in the country. The incumbent president, Joko Widodo, is no longer allowed to run after two terms in office. But even if the election campaign for his successor is fiercely waged, all signs point to continuity. For Germany and the EU, this means that Indonesia will continue to be an important, albeit not always easy, partner.


President Emmanuel Macron prepares for the European elections with new prime minister

Gabriel Attal succeeds Élisabeth Borne.

There had been rumors in Paris for several weeks that there could be a government reshuffle and on 8 January the time had come. Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne submitted the resignation of her government to President Emmanuel Macron. In a message published on X, he thanked the outgoing prime minister and spoke of her "exemplary" work, which had been carried out with "courage". In her letter of resignation, Borne explained that she was not resigning on her own initiative, but had been asked to do so by the President of the Republic. Emmanuel Macron then appointed Gabriel Attal, the former education minister and Macronist from the very beginning, on January 9. At the age of 34, he is the youngest prime minister of the Fifth Republic, having recently been named the most popular politician in French opinion polls and having previously been Macron's government spokesman and education minister in the Borne cabinet.

Government reshuffles are not unusual in France. In his first term of office (2017 - 2022), two prime ministers served under President Emmanuel Macron. After the tense end to 2023 surrounding the reform of the immigration law, Macron wants to calm the political waters within his own majority by appointing Prime Minister Gabriel Attal in the 2024 European election year, which will once again be characterized by a duel between the liberals and the right-wing populist camp in France.

adobeStock / jivimages

Political panorama in Panama four months before the general elections

On 5 May 2024, general elections will be held in Panama every five years.

It is already clear that the population is anxiously and impatiently awaiting these elections, which will be very different from those held in previous years. Their uniqueness lies in the participation of two former presidents of Panama, who are competing for the presidency with six other candidates, regardless of the parties they belonged to during their previous terms in office.

IMAGO / Xinhua

Kuwait Before a Generational Change

A new era might dawn after the death of Emir Nawaf

Following the death of the Emir of Kuwait, a new ruler of almost the same age takes power in the Gulf emirate. The late Sheikh Nawaf ruled only briefly and will go down in history for his reconciliatory efforts with the opposition. The term of his successor Mishal is slated to mark a transition. After it, Kuwait will see a shift that could overcome years of political standstill: the passing of power to a new, younger generation of rulers, which has already taken place elsewhere in the Gulf. Thus, all eyes are already on the selection of the next crown prince. With the sons of the former and new emirs, two promising candidates are in the starting blocks - or will a third one win the race in the end?

Nathan Cima / Unsplash

The German Supply Chains Act and the EU's CSDDD: Catalyst or Brake?

An analysis of the implementation and impact of the LkSG and the CSDDD on the Vietnamese economy

Since the beginning of the “China+1” policy, Vietnam has played a key role in the ASEAN region. Vietnam, which has enjoyed unparalleled economic growth of an average of 6-8% for three decades, is particularly interesting for foreign direct investment. German companies want to invest in the with the objective of diversification. Since January 2023 at the latest, with the introduction of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and now the most recent EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), it is no longer just the economic attractiveness of a country that matters. Rather, binding commitments to compliance with human rights, social standards and environmental protection play a central role for companies. Can the Vietnamese economy meet these requirements?

IMAGO / Pond5 Images

Presidential election 2023 in Liberia

Peaceful change of power and hope for progress.

Opposition candidate Joseph Boakai replaces incumbent President George Weah in office and becomes the new head of state of the Republic of Liberia. Hopes for the new government are high.

The White House

India and the USA

From "alienated democracies" to global shapers?

The partnership between the world's two largest democracies, India and the USA, is one of the most strategically important of the 21st century. Until recently, it was at an all-time high. However, this was not always the case. It was only at the beginning of the 1990s that both countries gradually emerged from the constraints of the bipolar world order. From a relationship of convenience, a promising working relationship has emerged that extends to many strategic areas - from trade and defense to joint space missions. How did this change come about and what potential do Indo-US relations hold for each other and for the preservation of a free and rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific and beyond?

Chileans reject a new constitution for the second time

55% of voters again vote against the draft constitution in the plebiscite

More than four years have passed since President Sebastián Piñera's message at the end of 2019, in which he announced the start of the process to draft a new constitution. Since then, Chile has gone through two of these processes, with a total of four elections and two draft constitutions rejected by the citizens - a unique situation by global standards.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.