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Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad


UN-Gericht zur Rolle Serbiens bei Kriegsverbrechen in Bosnien und Herzegowina

Abschluss der rechtlichen Aufarbeitung und mögliche Konsequenzen

Der Internationale Residualmechanismus für die Ad-hoc-Strafgerichtshöfe (IRMCT1) in Den Haag hat am 31. Mai 2023 die letzte Entscheidung im Zusammenhang mit jugoslawischen Kriegsverbrechen gefällt. Das Urteil ist aus zwei Gründen von Bedeutung: Erstens stellt das Gericht in diesem Urteil fest, dass Serbien entgegen der jahrelangen Leugnung durch offizielle Stellen in die Verbrechen während des Jugoslawienkriegs in Bosnien unmittelbar involviert war. Zweitens markiert dieses Urteil das Ende der Gerichtsverfahren vor internationalen Strafgerichten, die sich mit Kriegsverbrechen und der Frage der Verantwortung für Kriegsverbrechen auf dem Boden des ehemaligen Jugoslawiens befassen. Damit eröffnet es den Opfern potenzielle Klagemöglichkeiten wegen Wiedergutmachung.

Indien and the „Russian arms question“

Other countries see arms exports as a strategic instrument. Germany should do the same.

Armaments cooperation with the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation has formed the basis of India's security policy since the country's independence. The friendship of both states is first of all a deep dependence of New Delhi on Moscow. A dependency from which the Indian government wants and needs to break free, since the decline of the second largest arms exporter is shifting the strategic tectonics in large parts of the global South.

Framestock / Adobe Stock

The Sky is No Limit!?

The space and satellite program of Vietnam

10 years ago, Vietnam's first earth observation satellite VNREDSAT-1 was launched into orbit with French-European support - a milestone for the emerging Southeast Asian country

IMAGO / agefotostock

Election campaign in Guatemala

Between entrenched elites and unchannelled protest

On 25 June, Guatemala will hold regular elections for the period 2024-2028. The focus will be on the presidential elections and the election of the Congress. At the same time, however, the new leaders in the 340 municipalities and the members of the Central American Parliament (Parlacen) will be elected.

Adobe Stock / GrebnerFotografie

Local elections in Albania

The Socialist Party wins most municipalities in Albania's local elections. The opposition accuses the party of electoral fraud.

On 14 May, new mayors and municipal councils were elected throughout Albania. The majority of mayoral posts were won by the Socialist Party of Prime Minister Edi Rama. The coalition "Bashkë Fitojmë" of Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta could only win a few smaller municipalities, the Democrats under Enkelejd Alibeaj none.


Turkey after the first round of elections

On 14 May 2023, the Turkish elections took place

Turkey held election on May 14, 2023. Neither President Erdoğan nor opposition candidate Kılıçdaroğlu received more than 50% of the vote. Thus, a runoff election will take place on May 28. For now, the two alliances have to mobilize everything again so that their candidate can ultimately prevail. Many observers assume that the People's Alliance around incumbent president Erdoğan is better prepared. Especially, since the AK Party won the majority in the parliamentary elections. The results are itself cause for enormous disappointment on the side of the opposition which came together as the National Alliance. It remains to be seen how deep this disappointment runs and the extent to which the opposition alliance is weakened. Given the circumstances, the AK Party and its partners are very confident. The election on May 14th can certainly be described as a victory for secular nationalism. Not least because after the runoff election, nationalist leaning parties can cooperate and find solutions yet to be seen, though not anticipates at the moment.


G7 in Hiroshima

A critical Juncture

In light of Russia’s war in Ukraine and an increasingly tense international environment, Japan and its fellow G7 nations hope to characterize this year’s summit in the name of peace. Hiroshima, Prime Minister Kishida’s constituency, being the target of the first offensive nuclear weapon on August 6, 1945, in history, serves to remind all G7 nations of their commitment to peace and unity in times of international uncertainties. This year’s meeting is characterized by a more inclusive approach by inviting seven non-member countries as observers in addition to shifting the G7’s gaze toward the Global South to formulate a more comprehensive political and economic approach that includes developing and middle-income nations in future policy drafts. Despite the united stance of G7 member states, each nation brings forward a specific focus of interest to the discussion. For Japan, topics of nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation as well as energy security and strengthening the Indo-Pacific are of primary importance, whereas Germany’s emphasis lies on the global impact of the Russo-Ukrainian war and the continuous support of the global community for Ukraine.


Ecuador: Muerte Cruzada Keeps President Guillermo Lasso in Office

By using the controversial but constitutional tool of muerte cruzada, President Lasso avoids imminent impeachment and provokes dissolution of Ecuador's National Assembly.

In the early morning of 17 May 2023, shortly before the end of his second year in office and in the context of impeachment proceedings against him for alleged involvement in an embezzlement scandal, President Guillermo Lasso dissolved the Ecuadorian National Assembly by Executive Decree No. 741 due to "a serious political crisis and internal unrest". In the background is a power struggle between the executive and the legislature that has been raging since he took office and which severely limits the governability of the country. The National Electoral Council (CNE) must now set a date for new elections for the presidency and the National Assembly, which must be within a maximum period of six months.

Xlionheartx / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 3.0

Spiral of violence in Costa Rica

No end in sight?

2022 was the most violent year in Costa Rica's history. The number of homicides reached a record 656, which corresponds to a murder rate of 12.6 per 100,000 inhabitants, twelve percent higher than the previous year. In comparison, Germany recorded a homicide rate of 0.25 in 2022. It is to be feared that the increase in violent crimes is a longer-term trend that is far from having reached its peak. This year, the number of killings is already 43 per cent higher than last year. Experts fear that homicides will rise to 900 by the end of 2023. What is the reason for this surprising development in the Central American showcase country Costa Rica?

EneasMx / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0

Mexico Update 2023

Election campaign temperature rises, political debate comes to a head

One year before the 2024 presidential elections, campaign fever is rising dramatically in Mexico, while at the same time democratic institutions and the rule of law are coming under increasing pressure. At the centre of the political discussion in the country is the question of the succession to the incumbent Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), who continues to be very popular with the people, and the potential candidates from his party MORENA as well as from the opposition and the positioning associated with them. In the process, political polarisation continues to increase and the democratic rules and principles of democracy are increasingly being undermined or openly disregarded.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.