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Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

Inklusion im Bildungssektor: ein Blick nach Malaysia

Inklusion weltweit – aktueller Stand aus Malaysia

Nach Angaben der Weltgesundheitsorganisation und der Weltbank sind schätzungsweise eine Milliarde Menschen auf der Welt in irgendeiner Form behindert. Davon sind etwa 93 bis 150 Millionen Kinder. Im Laufe der Jahrzehnte haben zahlreiche Studien gezeigt, dass diese Kinder seltener zur Schule gehen als andere Kinder. Und wenn sie doch zur Schule gehen, dann oftmals in einer abgetrennten Umgebung. In Malaysia hat die Regierung Initiativen ergriffen, um die Bildungssituation für Kinder mit Behinderungen zu verbessern. Dennoch beklagen malaysische Unterstützer von Behindertenrechten nach wie vor eine Diskrepanz zwischen der bestehenden Politik und der Praxis einerseits, und den Bedürfnissen und Anforderungen von Lernenden mit Behinderungen andererseits.

IMAGO / Andia

Inflation Reduction Act: Only One of Several Incentives

The real competitive advantages of the US in the subsidy race

At a time when debates over protectionist industrial policies or even transatlantic trade conflicts are numerous, this Country Report shows that traditional economic metrics, such as a high-skilled employee-pool, a comparatively high return rate on sales and low per-unit labor costs respectively, are key factors that continue to motivate German companies to increase their investments and operations in the US. Much more so than the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the ensuing European furor over the law has led many to believe. When trying to preserve Germany as a premier global business location, lawmakers would be well advised to further prioritize Germany's innovation potential along established economic metrics, while speeding-up approval and procedural processes in particular.

IMAGO / Aton Chile

More dissonance than unity

Two summits reflect Latin America's democratic disunity

Despite all the calls for unity, Latin America presents a very mixed picture a few months before the next EU-Latin America summit. Although the continent is currently mostly governed by shades of the political left, it is hardly able to pursue a common regional and global foreign policy. Moreover, the political left often fails to demonstrate democratic credibility. Both the Ibero-American Summit in the Dominican Republic and a "Human Rights Forum" under the UNESCO logo in Buenos Aires expressed this clearly.

Unsplash / Rodrigo Santos

The Integrated Review Refresh 2023

The Integrated Review Refresh is intended to update the 2021 Integrated Review, a key document of British foreign policy, in light of a shifting world situation.

Germany is still working on a national security strategy and the governing coalition has not been able to agree on the establishment of a National Security Council. In contrast, the British government last month delivered: The Integrated Review Refresh 2023 (IRR23) builds on the Integrated Review (IR) of two years prior and is a key geostrategic document. In around 60 pages, it sets out the goals of British foreign policy and outlines strategies for achieving them. The added value of the IR is that it does not get bogged down in details, but strives to integrate the priorities of the United Kingdom (UK) in different policy areas and for different regions of the world into an overall picture that is as coherent as possible. The overall picture, which can be gleaned from the current IRR23 is similar to that of the 2021 IR but exhibits some differences that are particularly significant for Germany and Europe. The latter suggest that the post-Brexit UK has now overcome the bombast and hubris of the Johnson years and found a healthier balance between strategic ambition and pragmatism.


Parliamentary Elections in Thailand

Initial Situation and Possible Scenarios

The next general election in Thailand will be held on May 14, 2023. One day after the dissolution of the House of Representatives on March 20, the Election Commission officially announced the new date for the ballot.

Adobe Stock/Павел Мещеряков

Spain in the super election year 2023

Starting position

Spain is experiencing an extraordinary political year. On May 28, elections will be held in 12 of the 17 regions (Comunidades Autónomas) and in all municipalities. On July 1, 2023, Spain will take over the EU Council Presidency. In addition, national elections are due at the end of 2023. The exact date has not yet been set. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's Spain office is starting a series of reports with a description of the initial situation. In the coming weeks and months, in-depth analyses of the parties, their election programs and the election results will follow.

IMAGO / Zoonar

German Foreign Minister Baerbock travels to China

A Chance for European Diplomacy?

At the end of this week, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Alliance 90/The Greens) will travel to the People's Republic of China. In Beijing, she is to meet with her Chinese counterpart Qin Gang. In addition, talks are planned with the highest-ranking Chinese foreign policy official, Wang Yi, as well as Premier Li Qiang. Even if the program of talks is still fraught with uncertainties, it is already clear that the Foreign Minister's list of topics is long. Putin's war of aggression in Ukraine will play a role. This also applies to the German government's China strategy, which has been announced for some time, and the German-Chinese intergovernmental consultations scheduled for June.

Reuters / Kacper Pempel

For more years of “Law and Justice”?

Parliamentary election scenarios for the PiS, Poland’s governing party

Since the Russia invasion in Europe in violation of international law, Poland, Germany’s large neighbour, has become an important “front-line state” on the border of Belarus and Ukraine. In the autumn of 2023, it will elect a new parliament. The “Law and Justice” party, led by Chairman Jarosław Kaczyński, appears confident. The national conservative power expects to form a government for the third time in a row (the first was in 2015) and secure its system of power. What core issues dominate the political discourse, and what ideas guide the PiS? This analysis examines the party’s chances and sketches various election scenarios – including one that involves an entirely new coalition on the Vistula.

KAS / Marija Peran

Nigeria's 2023 Elections

The most influential kingmaker wins the presidency

On February 25, 2023 Nigeria elected a new president and national assembly. Gubernatorial and state parliamentary elections were held on March 18. The results let expect rather the continuation of established power and elite politics instead of the change many, especially young voters have been hoping for.

Reuters / Marko Djurica

Montenegro's New President

Second chance for Montenegro?

Its new President is facing major challenges both in domestic and foreign policies.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.