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Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad


KAS / Marija Peran

Nigeria's 2023 Elections

The most influential kingmaker wins the presidency

On February 25, 2023 Nigeria elected a new president and national assembly. Gubernatorial and state parliamentary elections were held on March 18. The results let expect rather the continuation of established power and elite politics instead of the change many, especially young voters have been hoping for.

Reuters / Marko Djurica

Montenegro's New President

Second chance for Montenegro?

Its new President is facing major challenges both in domestic and foreign policies.

Unsplash / Mantas Bytautas

Local elections in Lithuania

Success in the capital, loss in the countryside

Local elections were held in Lithuania on March 5, 2023. The final runoff elections were held on March 19, 2023. Sixteen political parties and 32 political committees participated in the voting. Their representatives competed for the 1,498 municipal council seats and 60 mayoral seats. Voter turnout was 48.97 percent, a slight increase. The Lithuanian Social Democratic Party emerged as the winner of the local elections. The capital Vilnius was won by the Christian Democrats. Party leader Landsbergis is no longer running for party chairman.

Inclusion in the Education Sector

A Look into Malaysia

According to the World Health Organisation and the World Bank, an estimate of one billion people around the world experience some form of disability. Of those, approximately 93 to 150 million of them are children. Over the decades, there have been numerous studies that indicate these children are less likely to go to school than other children and when they do attend school, it is likely to be in a segregated setting. In Malaysia, there have been government initiatives to improve the state of education for learners with disabilities. However, Malaysian advocates of disability rights continue to lament the mismatch between existing policies and practice, and the needs and requirements of the learners with disabilities.

Saher Elghorra/TheNews2/imago images

In the crossfire: Without perspective in the midst of nationalist-religious violence

The Situation of Christians in the Palestinian Territories

Christians in the Palestinian Territories live a life between all fronts: Fundamentalist Islamic forces on the one hand and Jewish extremists on the other make life difficult for them. In addition, there is a lack of economic prospects and a rigorous Israeli occupation policy. So, many Christian Palestinians are leaving their home. But with their institutions, they are an important socio-economic factor and a central part of the Palestinian community.

Elections in Bulgaria

GERB wins in fifth parliamentary election in two years

On April 2nd, parliamentary elections were held in Bulgaria for the fifth time in two years. A total of 21 formations - 14 parties and 7 coalitions - fought for the 240 seats in the National Assembly, the Bulgarian parliament, which are allocated on the basis of pure proportional representation.

REUTERS / Reuters Staff

Elections in Finland

Voted to remain happy? With the election victory of the Conservatives, Finland is facing a change of government

A high quality of life, gender equality, the closeness of people to nature, the absence of corruption and the importance of democratic values form the cornerstones of how Finnish society perceives itself. For the sixth year in a row, the United Nations World Happiness Report has named Finland the country with the happiest and most content people in the world based on these criteria.

UJAMAA: Past and Present

The concept of Ujamaa and its impact on postcolonial Tanzania

This article aims at promoting an understanding of the concept of Ujamaa in its key ideas and of its relevance as a policy that still has an impact on postcolonial Tanzania. Using Julius Nyerere’s essay „Ujamaa - the Basis for African Socialism“ (1962) as a starting point, this article seeks to explore Ujamaa’s multifaceted meanings and realities, addressing the Arusha Declaration (1967) and the beginnings of a villagization program. It furthermore aims at critically reflecting on the role and portrayal of Julius Nyerere concerning Ujamaa.

IMAGO / Zoonar

The Sino-Vietnamese Border Conflict

A Forgotten War?

A review of the ten-year border conflict (1979 to 1989) between China and Vietnam and the culture of remembrance as a reflection of bilateral relations

Pixabay / David Peterson

Lula III: Between Euphoria and Disillusionment

Almost 100 days of the Lula government

The euphoria following the election victory of President Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva (Partido dos Trabalhadores, PT) in Brazil is being followed by the expected disillusionment about a hundred days after his third inauguration (Lula III) and the West is having to realise that disappointments are quite possible even with this new government.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.