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Issue 4 | December 16, 2024
Under the Radar. The World’s Forgotten Crises
Even crises that have flown under the radar for years can suddenly and unexpectedly escalate or take new turns, as the recent example of Syria has clearly shown. In this issue, we look into other crises and conflicts smouldering around the world, and ask what Germany’s and Europe’s priorities should be.
Issue 4 | December 16, 2024
Under the Radar. The World’s Forgotten Crises
Even crises that have flown under the radar for years can suddenly and unexpectedly escalate or take new turns, as the recent example of Syria has clearly shown. In this issue, we look into other crises and conflicts smouldering around the world, and ask what Germany’s and Europe’s priorities should be.

Issue 3 | October 29, 2024
How Much Polarisation Can Democracy Bear?
The issue of the political centre is booming internationally – although mostly not because of good election results, but because of widespread concern about its alleged or actual erosion in many democracies worldwide. Is the centre in decline everywhere? What can its representatives do? And is polarisation inherently bad for a democracy?
Issue 3 | October 29, 2024
How Much Polarisation Can Democracy Bear?
The issue of the political centre is booming internationally – although mostly not because of good election results, but because of widespread concern about its alleged or actual erosion in many democracies worldwide. Is the centre in decline everywhere? What can its representatives do? And is polarisation inherently bad for a democracy?

Issue 2 | August 20, 2024
What Will Become of Globalisation?
International economic organisations are sounding the alarm bells over “geoeconomic fragmentation”, i.e. the realignment of trade and financial flows along geopolitical blocs. And while we should take the warnings about a potential loss of prosperity seriously, it is still right for German and European policymakers to pay more attention than before to the possibility of economic dependencies turning into a security risk.
Issue 2 | August 20, 2024
What Will Become of Globalisation?
International economic organisations are sounding the alarm bells over “geoeconomic fragmentation”, i.e. the realignment of trade and financial flows along geopolitical blocs. And while we should take the warnings about a potential loss of prosperity seriously, it is still right for German and European policymakers to pay more attention than before to the possibility of economic dependencies turning into a security risk.

Issue 1 | April 2, 2024
NATO. The Indispensable Alliance
NATO turns 75 and an increasing number of people in Germany once again recognise the organisation for what it is: the indispensable alliance for our security. What can we do to keep the United States engaged in NATO? What role can the alliance play in the Indo-Pacific and on its southern flank? And why is its partnership policy with countries from Asia to Latin America so important? Read this issue of International Reports to find out!
Issue 1 | April 2, 2024
NATO. The Indispensable Alliance
NATO turns 75 and an increasing number of people in Germany once again recognise the organisation for what it is: the indispensable alliance for our security. What can we do to keep the United States engaged in NATO? What role can the alliance play in the Indo-Pacific and on its southern flank? And why is its partnership policy with countries from Asia to Latin America so important? Read this issue of International Reports to find out!

Issue 4 | December 18, 2023
Shaping Europe Pragmatically
Europe must finally speak with one voice! We have heard that call again and again. In some cases it has been heeded, but more often, it has not – and things are not necessarily getting better. But if that is the case and the big European policy breakthrough is not to be expected in the near future, we should concentrate our energy on taking the many small, unspectacular but effective steps that will enable our continent to survive in an increasingly uncomfortable global environment. Read this issue of International Reports to learn about some of them.
Issue 4 | December 18, 2023
Shaping Europe Pragmatically
Europe must finally speak with one voice! We have heard that call again and again. In some cases it has been heeded, but more often, it has not – and things are not necessarily getting better. But if that is the case and the big European policy breakthrough is not to be expected in the near future, we should concentrate our energy on taking the many small, unspectacular but effective steps that will enable our continent to survive in an increasingly uncomfortable global environment. Read this issue of International Reports to learn about some of them.

Issue 3 | October 23, 2023
Aspiration and Reality. On German Development Cooperation
What can and should German development cooperation achieve? Fighting poverty, of course! Economic progress, obviously! But climate protection and preventing pandemics are also on the agenda today. And the wish list seems to be inexhaustible. In this issue of International Reports, we point out why good intentions do not necessarily produce good results and why German development cooperation would be well-advised to focus on the essentials.
Issue 3 | October 23, 2023
Aspiration and Reality. On German Development Cooperation
What can and should German development cooperation achieve? Fighting poverty, of course! Economic progress, obviously! But climate protection and preventing pandemics are also on the agenda today. And the wish list seems to be inexhaustible. In this issue of International Reports, we point out why good intentions do not necessarily produce good results and why German development cooperation would be well-advised to focus on the essentials.

Issue 2 | July 10, 2023
Systemic Conflict? No Thanks! Why Many States Are Not Taking Sides and What That Means for Us
The notion of a “systemic conflict” has increasingly found its way into our discussions on foreign policy in recent years. Russia’s war against Ukraine, mounting tensions between the US and China: all these phenomena are interpreted within the framework of a clash between liberal-democratic systems and authoritarian ones. And although this interpretation might not be entirely misled, we have to face this fact: the overwhelming majority of states worldwide does not show even the slightest inclination to fit into a bloc logic of any kind or to make abstract normative issues the guiding principle of their foreign policy. To know why pragmatism should be our answer to this finding, read the new issue of International Reports!
Issue 2 | July 10, 2023
Systemic Conflict? No Thanks! Why Many States Are Not Taking Sides and What That Means for Us
The notion of a “systemic conflict” has increasingly found its way into our discussions on foreign policy in recent years. Russia’s war against Ukraine, mounting tensions between the US and China: all these phenomena are interpreted within the framework of a clash between liberal-democratic systems and authoritarian ones. And although this interpretation might not be entirely misled, we have to face this fact: the overwhelming majority of states worldwide does not show even the slightest inclination to fit into a bloc logic of any kind or to make abstract normative issues the guiding principle of their foreign policy. To know why pragmatism should be our answer to this finding, read the new issue of International Reports!

Issue 1 | April 18, 2023
The Arctic – Between Conflict and Cooperation
Temperatures in the Arctic are rising fast, which has moved the prospect of an ice-free North Pole from the realm of fantasy to the realm of possibility. This has far-reaching implications for the entire region, which has now become part of the debate on security policy as a potential source of conflict. It is therefore worth taking a closer look at the facts and causal connections and at the interests of the stakeholders involved.
Issue 1 | April 18, 2023
The Arctic – Between Conflict and Cooperation
Temperatures in the Arctic are rising fast, which has moved the prospect of an ice-free North Pole from the realm of fantasy to the realm of possibility. This has far-reaching implications for the entire region, which has now become part of the debate on security policy as a potential source of conflict. It is therefore worth taking a closer look at the facts and causal connections and at the interests of the stakeholders involved.

Issue 4 | December 6, 2022
Conflict-ready? Western Foreign Policy in Times of Systemic Rivalry
It has now been more than nine months since the Russian invasion of Ukraine radically changed the perceived threat in many countries throughout Europe. In Germany, people have had to face up to questions of war and peace that seemed to be consigned to the past – many for the first time in their lives. How would we respond to an attack? Can we deal militarily with a now openly imperialist Russia? What if someone else were in the White House in this situation? And are we at risk of further adversity from China, too? Until recently, such problems were almost exclusively the domain of politicians and academics. Today, they are no longer abstract.
Issue 4 | December 6, 2022
Conflict-ready? Western Foreign Policy in Times of Systemic Rivalry
It has now been more than nine months since the Russian invasion of Ukraine radically changed the perceived threat in many countries throughout Europe. In Germany, people have had to face up to questions of war and peace that seemed to be consigned to the past – many for the first time in their lives. How would we respond to an attack? Can we deal militarily with a now openly imperialist Russia? What if someone else were in the White House in this situation? And are we at risk of further adversity from China, too? Until recently, such problems were almost exclusively the domain of politicians and academics. Today, they are no longer abstract.

Issue Sonderausgabe 2022 | November 18, 2022
Was kostet die Freiheit? Zur Zukunft der westlichen Sicherheitspolitik
Unsere liberalen Gesellschaften stehen unter Druck, nicht zuletzt von außen. Revisionistische Autokratien versuchen immer offensiver, der Welt ihren Stempel aufzudrücken - sei es durch Waffen, wie im Falle Russlands, sei es durch wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten, wie bislang im Falle Chinas. Was sind wir bereit, in unsere militärische Verteidigungsfähigkeit zu investieren? Welche wirtschaftlichen Kosten wollen wir tragen, um uns unabhängiger von autoritären Staaten zu machen? Was also ist uns die Freiheit wert? Das fragt diese Sonderausgabe der Auslandsinformationen, die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung entstanden ist.
Issue Sonderausgabe 2022 | November 18, 2022
Was kostet die Freiheit? Zur Zukunft der westlichen Sicherheitspolitik
Unsere liberalen Gesellschaften stehen unter Druck, nicht zuletzt von außen. Revisionistische Autokratien versuchen immer offensiver, der Welt ihren Stempel aufzudrücken - sei es durch Waffen, wie im Falle Russlands, sei es durch wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten, wie bislang im Falle Chinas. Was sind wir bereit, in unsere militärische Verteidigungsfähigkeit zu investieren? Welche wirtschaftlichen Kosten wollen wir tragen, um uns unabhängiger von autoritären Staaten zu machen? Was also ist uns die Freiheit wert? Das fragt diese Sonderausgabe der Auslandsinformationen, die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung entstanden ist.
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About this series
International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.
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Our periodical on international politics is published four times a year. We provide you with background information on what is happening in the world – free of charge. Use our registration form and with just a few clicks you can read the digital version of our political journal or order the print version in German or English.
Dr. Gerhard Wahlers
Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication