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Issue 9 | September 18, 2013
Tradition and Justice
Indigenous and State Justice in Latin America – Cooperation or Coexistence? | Politics, Chieftaincy and Customary Law in Ghana | Informal Justice in the Palestinian Legal System – Conflict or Coexistence between Legal Orders? | The Syrian Refugee Crisis as a Result of the Unresolved Conflict in Syria | The European External Action Service – A Difficult Start of an Innovative Institution
Issue 9 | September 18, 2013
Tradition and Justice
Indigenous and State Justice in Latin America – Cooperation or Coexistence? | Politics, Chieftaincy and Customary Law in Ghana | Informal Justice in the Palestinian Legal System – Conflict or Coexistence between Legal Orders? | The Syrian Refugee Crisis as a Result of the Unresolved Conflict in Syria | The European External Action Service – A Difficult Start of an Innovative Institution

Issue 8 | August 12, 2013
Elections and Transitions in the Islamic World
The Role of Saudi Arabia and Iran During and After the Upheaval in the Arab World | The Election of Hasan Rouhani as Seventh President of the Islamic Republic of Iran | The Territorial Conflict Between the Central Iraqi Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government | The Historical Context of the 2013 Parliamentary Elections in Pakistan | Progress and Setbacks for the Rule of Law in South East Europe | Democracy without Parties – The Philippines in the Patronage Trap
Issue 8 | August 12, 2013
Elections and Transitions in the Islamic World
The Role of Saudi Arabia and Iran During and After the Upheaval in the Arab World | The Election of Hasan Rouhani as Seventh President of the Islamic Republic of Iran | The Territorial Conflict Between the Central Iraqi Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government | The Historical Context of the 2013 Parliamentary Elections in Pakistan | Progress and Setbacks for the Rule of Law in South East Europe | Democracy without Parties – The Philippines in the Patronage Trap

Issue 7 | July 12, 2013
Muslims in Bulgaria: Degree of Integration, Political Representation and Social Status of the Turkish, Pomak and Roma Peoples | Alienated Neighbors: The Integration of the Russian-speaking Minority in Latvia | Fighting for Land and Identity: The Perpetual Struggle of the Indigenous Peoples in Southwest Mindanao | Political Awakening in Malaysia: Despite Victory, Government Coalition Emerges Weakened from the Parliamentary Elections | Insecurity in Nigeria: The „Boko Haram“ Dimension
Issue 7 | July 12, 2013
Muslims in Bulgaria: Degree of Integration, Political Representation and Social Status of the Turkish, Pomak and Roma Peoples | Alienated Neighbors: The Integration of the Russian-speaking Minority in Latvia | Fighting for Land and Identity: The Perpetual Struggle of the Indigenous Peoples in Southwest Mindanao | Political Awakening in Malaysia: Despite Victory, Government Coalition Emerges Weakened from the Parliamentary Elections | Insecurity in Nigeria: The „Boko Haram“ Dimension

Issue 6 | June 4, 2013
Reforms in Europe
Under Pressure – Greece in the Process of Economic, Political and Social Reform | France 2013: Turning Point or Failure? | Crisis in the Iberian Peninsula. Economic and institutional reforms and the call for a political shift in Spain and Portugal | M23 Rebellion – A Further Chapter in the Violence in Eastern Congo | South Africa as part of the BRICS group – The emerging countries’ gateway to the African continent | Migration Patterns in Latin America and the Case of Chile
Issue 6 | June 4, 2013
Reforms in Europe
Under Pressure – Greece in the Process of Economic, Political and Social Reform | France 2013: Turning Point or Failure? | Crisis in the Iberian Peninsula. Economic and institutional reforms and the call for a political shift in Spain and Portugal | M23 Rebellion – A Further Chapter in the Violence in Eastern Congo | South Africa as part of the BRICS group – The emerging countries’ gateway to the African continent | Migration Patterns in Latin America and the Case of Chile

Issue 5 | May 21, 2013
Young People and Their Political Involvement
The Youth Factor: Innovative Election Campaign Methods in the USA and their Transferability to Germany | Young People in Uganda: Opportunities and Challenges in the Second Youngest Country in the World | The President’s Young Guard: Kirchnerist youth organisation La Cámpora quietly and secretly turns Argentina upside down | Elections in Ecuador: President Correa’s election victory allows for unlimited continuation of the “people’s revolution” | Israel and Climate Change | Black Belt Politics: Lithuania’s President Dalia Grybauskaitė | Non-Governmental Organisations in Russia: On the Situation One Year after Putin's Re-Election
Issue 5 | May 21, 2013
Young People and Their Political Involvement
The Youth Factor: Innovative Election Campaign Methods in the USA and their Transferability to Germany | Young People in Uganda: Opportunities and Challenges in the Second Youngest Country in the World | The President’s Young Guard: Kirchnerist youth organisation La Cámpora quietly and secretly turns Argentina upside down | Elections in Ecuador: President Correa’s election victory allows for unlimited continuation of the “people’s revolution” | Israel and Climate Change | Black Belt Politics: Lithuania’s President Dalia Grybauskaitė | Non-Governmental Organisations in Russia: On the Situation One Year after Putin's Re-Election

Issue 4 | April 19, 2013
Processing the Past
International Crime Tribunal For The Former Yugoslawia And Coming To Terms With The Past In The Affected Countries | Silence Or Outrage – How South East Europe’s Media Deal With The Past | The Contribution of The Khmer Rouge Tribunal To Reconciliation, Remembrance And Memorialisation in Cambodia | Presence and Future Of The Past – China Between Remembering And Forgetting | Corporate Social Responsibility And Climate Protection in China – The Contribution Of Chinese Enterprises To Sustainable Development
Issue 4 | April 19, 2013
Processing the Past
International Crime Tribunal For The Former Yugoslawia And Coming To Terms With The Past In The Affected Countries | Silence Or Outrage – How South East Europe’s Media Deal With The Past | The Contribution of The Khmer Rouge Tribunal To Reconciliation, Remembrance And Memorialisation in Cambodia | Presence and Future Of The Past – China Between Remembering And Forgetting | Corporate Social Responsibility And Climate Protection in China – The Contribution Of Chinese Enterprises To Sustainable Development

Issue 3 | March 19, 2013
Women in Politics and Society
Continued Ascent Possible — West African Women in Politics and Society | Women in Senegal’s Politics and Society — Priestesses, Princesses and Presidents? | Turkish Women in Politics, the Economy and Society | The Rise of Women’s Political and Entrepreneurial Power in Asia’s growing Economies — Insights from the Philippines | Romania after the elections — A country searching for its path into the future, and encountering its past as it does so
Issue 3 | March 19, 2013
Women in Politics and Society
Continued Ascent Possible — West African Women in Politics and Society | Women in Senegal’s Politics and Society — Priestesses, Princesses and Presidents? | Turkish Women in Politics, the Economy and Society | The Rise of Women’s Political and Entrepreneurial Power in Asia’s growing Economies — Insights from the Philippines | Romania after the elections — A country searching for its path into the future, and encountering its past as it does so

Issue 1/2 | February 15, 2013
Africa and the Emerging Economies
China, India and Brazil in Africa: Effects on Development Policy | Brazil in Africa – Bridging the Atlantic? | From Liberation Movement to Government – Past Legacies and the Challenge of Transition in Africa | Without prospects? - Refugees and internally displaced persons in Eastern Africa| Korean Reunification – Possibility or Pipe Dream? | Ukraine after the Parliamentary Elections
Issue 1/2 | February 15, 2013
Africa and the Emerging Economies
China, India and Brazil in Africa: Effects on Development Policy | Brazil in Africa – Bridging the Atlantic? | From Liberation Movement to Government – Past Legacies and the Challenge of Transition in Africa | Without prospects? - Refugees and internally displaced persons in Eastern Africa| Korean Reunification – Possibility or Pipe Dream? | Ukraine after the Parliamentary Elections

Issue Jahresregister | December 31, 2012
Auslandsinformationen 2012 (Jahresregister)
Issue Jahresregister | December 31, 2012
Auslandsinformationen 2012 (Jahresregister)

Issue 12 | December 12, 2012
Interim assessments on Latin America
Colombia: Reform, Stagnation and New Hopes for Peace – A Mid-Term Asessment of the Unidad Nacional Government | Seven years of Evo Morales in Bolivia – Asessing a self-appointed beacon of hope for indigenous peoples | Economic and political relations between Europe and Latin America in advance of the 1st EU-CELAC summit in Santiago de Chile | People’s Parties in Crisis – Christian Democrats in Belgiumand the Netherlands | Kenya decides – Challenges of the new constitution and 2013 elections | The Crisis in Mali – Origins, Developments and the Impact on the Sub-Region
Issue 12 | December 12, 2012
Interim assessments on Latin America
Colombia: Reform, Stagnation and New Hopes for Peace – A Mid-Term Asessment of the Unidad Nacional Government | Seven years of Evo Morales in Bolivia – Asessing a self-appointed beacon of hope for indigenous peoples | Economic and political relations between Europe and Latin America in advance of the 1st EU-CELAC summit in Santiago de Chile | People’s Parties in Crisis – Christian Democrats in Belgiumand the Netherlands | Kenya decides – Challenges of the new constitution and 2013 elections | The Crisis in Mali – Origins, Developments and the Impact on the Sub-Region
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About this series
International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.
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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers
Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication