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Issue 9 | October 26, 2009
International Reports 9/2009
From the American to the Asian-Pacific Century? | The Geopolitical Shift of Power from the Transatlantic Region to Asia | Will America and China Shape a ’Pacific Century’? | Africa and the ’Post-American Century’ | The Lost of Centres and Peripheries. How ’the Others’ see ’the West’
Issue 9 | October 26, 2009
International Reports 9/2009
From the American to the Asian-Pacific Century? | The Geopolitical Shift of Power from the Transatlantic Region to Asia | Will America and China Shape a ’Pacific Century’? | Africa and the ’Post-American Century’ | The Lost of Centres and Peripheries. How ’the Others’ see ’the West’

Issue 7 | August 31, 2009
International Reports 7/2009
The New Social Encyclical, ”Caritas in Veritate”, and Value Orientation in Development Policy | Trailing behind? Japan's Development Policy under International Scrutiny | Russia’s National Security Strategy until 2020 | The media in Macedonia | Mexico has Voted: A clear Victory for the PRI - A Disaster for the PAN | Uribe forever or ’Soul Persuasion’? Colombia in the Year Before the Election | A Boost for the Cedar Revolution – Lebanon Votes for Stability
Issue 7 | August 31, 2009
International Reports 7/2009
The New Social Encyclical, ”Caritas in Veritate”, and Value Orientation in Development Policy | Trailing behind? Japan's Development Policy under International Scrutiny | Russia’s National Security Strategy until 2020 | The media in Macedonia | Mexico has Voted: A clear Victory for the PRI - A Disaster for the PAN | Uribe forever or ’Soul Persuasion’? Colombia in the Year Before the Election | A Boost for the Cedar Revolution – Lebanon Votes for Stability

Issue 5 | July 21, 2009
International Reports 5/2009
Iran´s Tenth Presidential Elections | Russia´s Iran Policy Against the Background of Tehran´s Nuclear Programme | Ecuador´s ´Civic Revolution´ Before Its Stress Test | Panama Has Voted: After Torrijos Comes Martinelli | Parliamentary Elections in India - Voters Favour Clarity in Politics and a Secular State | Report on the Presidential Elections in Mongolia on May 24, 2009 | The Importance of Improving African Competitiveness | The Lake Kivu Consensus - An Agenda for a Competitive Africa
Issue 5 | July 21, 2009
International Reports 5/2009
Iran´s Tenth Presidential Elections | Russia´s Iran Policy Against the Background of Tehran´s Nuclear Programme | Ecuador´s ´Civic Revolution´ Before Its Stress Test | Panama Has Voted: After Torrijos Comes Martinelli | Parliamentary Elections in India - Voters Favour Clarity in Politics and a Secular State | Report on the Presidential Elections in Mongolia on May 24, 2009 | The Importance of Improving African Competitiveness | The Lake Kivu Consensus - An Agenda for a Competitive Africa

Issue 4 | May 11, 2009
International Reports 4/2009
South Africa After the Elections | South Africa‘s Foreign Policy in the Post-Mbeki-Era | South Africa‘s Media – Between Free Reporting and Political Interference | Ten Years of Democratization – an Atmospheric Picture of Nigeria | Bolivia’s Constitutional Referendum of 2009 – an Analysis
Issue 4 | May 11, 2009
International Reports 4/2009
South Africa After the Elections | South Africa‘s Foreign Policy in the Post-Mbeki-Era | South Africa‘s Media – Between Free Reporting and Political Interference | Ten Years of Democratization – an Atmospheric Picture of Nigeria | Bolivia’s Constitutional Referendum of 2009 – an Analysis

Issue 3 | May 4, 2009
International Reports 3/2009
The International Financial Crisis – ’Maybe we can’t?’ | Think Tanks in the USA | Pakistan in Front of the Chaos? Washington’s Foreign and Security Policy vis-à-vis Islamabad after the Presidential Elections in the USA | Cracks in the Anchor. Sub-Saharan Africa Needs a Strong South Africa | Guinea Bissau: President Assassinated, Constitution Remains in Force
Issue 3 | May 4, 2009
International Reports 3/2009
The International Financial Crisis – ’Maybe we can’t?’ | Think Tanks in the USA | Pakistan in Front of the Chaos? Washington’s Foreign and Security Policy vis-à-vis Islamabad after the Presidential Elections in the USA | Cracks in the Anchor. Sub-Saharan Africa Needs a Strong South Africa | Guinea Bissau: President Assassinated, Constitution Remains in Force

Issue 2 | April 6, 2009
International Reports 2/2009
Israel's Elections to the 18th Knesset | The Difficult Peace in the Region of Africa's Great Lakes | Light at the End of the Tunnel? The Gas Conflict Between Ukraine and Russia | The Dispute over the Baltic Gas Pipeline. A Threat or a Necessary Supply Project? | The Situation of the Media in Serbia | Ten Years of 'Bolivarian Revolution' in Venezuela. Hugo Cháyez Between Charisma and Bureaucracy
Issue 2 | April 6, 2009
International Reports 2/2009
Israel's Elections to the 18th Knesset | The Difficult Peace in the Region of Africa's Great Lakes | Light at the End of the Tunnel? The Gas Conflict Between Ukraine and Russia | The Dispute over the Baltic Gas Pipeline. A Threat or a Necessary Supply Project? | The Situation of the Media in Serbia | Ten Years of 'Bolivarian Revolution' in Venezuela. Hugo Cháyez Between Charisma and Bureaucracy

Issue 1 | March 2, 2009
International Reports 1/2009
It Did not Pay off: Cuba 50 Years after the Revolution | Ten Propositions on the Transformation of the Conflict in Colombia | Political Reforms in Brazil - An Endless Discussion about Democracy and the Ability to Govern | Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in the Republic of Ghana in December 2008 | The Negotiations and the Agreement on Power Sharing in Zimbabwe
Issue 1 | March 2, 2009
International Reports 1/2009
It Did not Pay off: Cuba 50 Years after the Revolution | Ten Propositions on the Transformation of the Conflict in Colombia | Political Reforms in Brazil - An Endless Discussion about Democracy and the Ability to Govern | Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in the Republic of Ghana in December 2008 | The Negotiations and the Agreement on Power Sharing in Zimbabwe

Issue 12 | December 30, 2008
International Reports 12/2008
A Permanent Democratic Majority? | The International Financial Crisis and the United States of America | The Consequences of the International Financial Crisis in Various Regions | NATO's Future. Some Considerations on a New Era in the History of the Alliance | Barrack Obama and Latin America - Common Interests and Old Misunderstandings | Opting Out is Dangerous: Challenges Confronting the Incoming US President in Afghanistan
Issue 12 | December 30, 2008
International Reports 12/2008
A Permanent Democratic Majority? | The International Financial Crisis and the United States of America | The Consequences of the International Financial Crisis in Various Regions | NATO's Future. Some Considerations on a New Era in the History of the Alliance | Barrack Obama and Latin America - Common Interests and Old Misunderstandings | Opting Out is Dangerous: Challenges Confronting the Incoming US President in Afghanistan

Issue 11 | December 29, 2008
International Reports 11/2008
Russia´s Economy And Society Face New Challenges | Between Domestic-Policy Turbulences And the Lisbon Treaty. The Czech Republic Before its Presidency Of the EU Council In 2009 | The Journey To the Promised Land. Mexican Migration Movements | Democracies At Risk – The Carribean Under Venezuelan Influence | Conflict In the East Of the Democratic Republic Of Congo | International Hot Spots: From the Kosovo To Afghanistan. Books On International Politics
Issue 11 | December 29, 2008
International Reports 11/2008
Russia´s Economy And Society Face New Challenges | Between Domestic-Policy Turbulences And the Lisbon Treaty. The Czech Republic Before its Presidency Of the EU Council In 2009 | The Journey To the Promised Land. Mexican Migration Movements | Democracies At Risk – The Carribean Under Venezuelan Influence | Conflict In the East Of the Democratic Republic Of Congo | International Hot Spots: From the Kosovo To Afghanistan. Books On International Politics

Issue 10 | November 27, 2008
International Reports 10/2008
Angola´s Parliamentary Elections in 2008 | From the 2005 Paris Declaration to the 2008 High Level Forum | Results of the Accra Summit on the Efficiency of Development Cooperation | Abkhazia and South Ossetia – Russia’s Intervention in Georgia | The Parliamentary Elections in Canada on October 14
Issue 10 | November 27, 2008
International Reports 10/2008
Angola´s Parliamentary Elections in 2008 | From the 2005 Paris Declaration to the 2008 High Level Forum | Results of the Accra Summit on the Efficiency of Development Cooperation | Abkhazia and South Ossetia – Russia’s Intervention in Georgia | The Parliamentary Elections in Canada on October 14
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About this series
International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.
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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers
Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication